The one in Witch Gerard and Lindsey dont particularly get along

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"@ Lynzway: Love just autocorrected to anime. You're too far away. . . I miss and anime you"
-Gerard Way

Gerard had sat smirking excitedly, trying his hardest to raise his hand so high that she noticed. There were a few other hands, but none as excited as Gerard clearly was. He looked like a kindergartner, excitedly wanting to be noticed by his teacher. Lindsey looked at him, unsure of exactly who he was. He was the only one in the front row, the only one who was completely ready for class with only the best school supplies, and the only one grinning like a maniac. Lindsey didn't know how to respond.

"Umm, you there" she pointed to Gerard.

"Gerard." he grinned.

"Yeah, okay. I'm not going to remember your names. I have a lot of people in my classes and I don't have time to do so." She slid her glasses off and set them on the desk before leaning on it with arms crossed. She was already done, already tire if classes, but then again what wasn't she tired of? This was her seventh year of teaching in this class, making her forty-two and still completely beautiful. She knew she was good looking for the age, but refused to accept it fully because of the crows feet gathering just beside her eyes and the rare grey hair found in her smooth hair. Other than that, her hair was jet black and always up in some kind if pony tail. She only let it down when she got home to her empty apartment. Well, not completely empty. She had a cat. Only one. If she got any more pets she would be convincing herself that she was a lonely hag, so she stuck with the black cat and moved on unhappy with her day.

"The meaning of art is to express yourself, to share feelings with one another and be free to who you are. The meaning of art is to cherish and celebrate very thing around you, even if it's negative. Art is everything and... Everything is art." he grinned.

Lindsey took notice in this. The way the light gleaned in his eye as he spoke about art. Many artist had that same gleam in their eyes, but his was brighter somehow. Maybe it was the childish look apon his face, the way his face was still round and his eyes innocent. It didn't go well at all with the black leather jacket hanging off his shoulders. Hanging was exactly the right word. It was duct taped together in several places and she was sure it hadn't been washed in years.

Innocence was not a thing she saw often at an art school. Usually people by now had grown up and knew enough about the world, but Gerard was vibrant and giggly as he spoke of art with a passion.

"Very well." lindsey nodded. "Any counter arguments?" She looked around the room.


"Good. Then let's get started."

Class went by quickly for Gerard. They mainly went over the curriculum and end of course exams. But it was so exciting for him. This was college and he was taking end of corse exams about art and he was going to learn about all the master of art. It was a dream for him, and a snooze-fest for others. That first day was completely magical.

After class all the other kids rushed out, talking amongst themselves and ready to go back to their dorm rooms (to study, or corse. What other things would college kids be doing?). Gerard stood behind. All class he had been wondering about the things in the wall, the pieces of paper art that decorated the walls beautifully and perfectly.

Lindsey was unexpressionally sorting through papers for the next class when she looked over at the boy who was leaning his face up close to the glass encased pieces of art. She stared, for a brief moment, almost as if she was watching a bird pick through the dirt. He was so intrigued, taking in very detail like if he didn't it would kill him. She realized that it could be that something was ruined, something had been tampered with. But that was impossible, they were trapped in a glass shell. She walked up, shoes clicking on the floor like a warning to Gerard that she was coming.

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