Chapter 2. A Greece Honeymoon

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We get off the plane and hot our luggage and headed to our car.

Me: "we are here just not where we suppose to stay, which should be a 20 minute drive"

Wife:"Can I take the blindfold off now?"


Wife:" Pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee"

Me: " Fine"


*takes off blindfold*

We pull off from the airport and start our drive. As we are deiving I turn on our special song and sing to her as I watch her get nervous and smile alot.

20 minutes later....

As we pull up to our destination I tell her to put the blindfold on cause I had something very special suprise for her when we get inside. First I get all our luggage in and then come outside to get her. I walk her in and take her blindfold off.

Wife: *Gasp*


Wife: "Omg awwwwwwwwwwwwe love this is too much...Thank you very much baby!"

Me" you're very welcome sweetheart"

*Hugs tightly and give kisses*

As I watch her be in shock and in awe I just get happy because she likes it and that's all I eanted was her to like it. As we walk around I take pictures of what I had set up which was flower trail everywhere, flowers on the bed designed as a heart with chocolates and gifts and teddy bears, candles everywhere, hot tub with candles around it, A few spicy things for later that night also.

As we unpacked, I told my wife I had more planned.

Me: "we have to leave at 6 and no I can't tell you cause it's a suprise baby"

Wife:"Can me know a hint?"

Me:" No my love you will just have to wait and see"

Wife:"Awwwwwwwe mtay"

Hour later......

We changed into some nice clothes and headed to the car. As I started the car I put the blindfold on my wife again to make sure she is suprised. It only took us 10 minutes to get there then we finally arrived which was at the lake on a boat.

Me:"Step up love"

Wife:"why do I here water??"

Me:" You will see love"

As we was heading on to the boat she almost fell but before tipped back I caught her which was a good save cause I didn't want to go to the hospital on our honeymoon.
We got safely on the boat and sailed away feom shore and I took the blind fold off. She was very happy and shocked and in awe which I was very happy to always see tgat bright smile and to light up her day woth suprises. We sat down at a table, I had planned a special dinner for us along with some music. The waiter came to our table and asked what would we like.

Waiter:"What can I get for you two love birds on this fine night"

Me:"love you wanna order first?"

Wife:"I will just get what you get darling"

Me:"Otay baby....Can I get two of the shrimp Alfredo with extra cheese"

Waiter:"okay and I will be back with everything when it's ready!"

Me:"okay thank you"

As the Waiter walks off another Waiter comes to our table and pour wine in both are cups which was very smooth and tasty. And my wife seem like she enjoyed and it was very entertaining to see her drink alcohol cause she doesn't really drink it. As we waited I just stared off into her eyes and was just mesmerized of her amazing beauty.

Wife:"Love you otay?"

Me:"Yes me just so mesmerized on how gorgeous and beautiful my woman is"

Wife:"awwwwwwwwe love I'm not all that but thank you darling"

Me:"You are. And you're welcome gorgeous"

Our food finally arrived and it smelled amazing and as he was putting the cheese on I wanted to devour it in seconds. I took my fork and fed my baby a first taste, then I started eating and got done in 10 minutes because I'm a fast eater, as I finish I see that my baby still had a half of plate and was getting full so I asked did she want to finish it and she said no so ofc I took the plate and devoured that too. She looked up at me when I was finished and smiled.

Wife:"The baby was hungry?"

Me:"Very much."

We got up and went on top of the boat to watch the sunset and to finish drinking our wine and enjoy the rest of the night. As we kept drinking and drinking things got touchy. I started realizing the wine was finally kicking in and maybe we should start heading back. As we started getting ready to she pushed me back down on the couch we was sitting on and climbed on top of me and started a aggressive kissing session. I tried to talk but before I could say anything she kept going. I grabbed her by her throat and stopped her and told her we had to get back to our room. We get up and head to our car and we start pulling off. As we in the car she gets more touchy, my hearts starts to race more. As I look down I can see her hands start to unzip my pants. As I try to keep focus on the road she shoves it aggressively down her throat and I gasped.

Me:"Oh Fuck"

As I we get closer to our destination she goes faster and faster and faster.

Me:"Mmmmmmm Fuuucckkkk"

As we pull up she stops right before I was going to finish. I sit there and try to get my thoughts tg as she kisses me and gets out the car and heads inside.

To be continued.....

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