Chapter 1. The Big day

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Fall October 20, 2032

Today is the day I get to finally marry the woman of my dreams. I stare off into the mirror thinking how could a man be so lucky. As I continue fixing my collar I hear a knock."who is it?", I said, "it's your wife darling",she replied. I walked to the door and said hi with such excitement as I put my hand on the door imagining that I feel hers.
"Are you nervous?" I said.
"A little but I'm most excited, what about you?" She said
"I'm very nervous but I'm very excited and happy" I said.

As we get done talking I finish fixing myself up and go outside to the altar. As I walk outside I see my grooms and family just arriving, I greet everyone that I see and just look at every detail of the flowers and the set up. It look so magic and just felt like Fall vibes. Before you know it, the music start playing and it is show time!.

*Music in the background*

I start telling preparing myself to stay together and that I'm bout to see the most amazing gorgeous woman of my dreams walk down this aisle to be my forever. The door opens and everyone stands. The minute she starts walking and I lay eyes on her I break down and just in shock and full of joy. I take a tissue out and wipe my tears of joy and I watch as she walks to me in her long dark red dress with diamonds on the bottom. As she finally gets to me I help her up and she stands infront of me with her beautiful smile.

Pastor: repeat after me.
I, Malikai Marbury, take you, Zaire Pope

Malikai: "I, Malikai Marbury, take you, Zaire Pope"

Pastor:to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward

Malikai: "to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward"

Pastor: for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer

Malikai: "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer"

Pastor: in sickness and in health

Malikai: "in sickness and in health"

Pastor: until parted by death

Malikai: "until parted by death"

Zaire: I, Zaire Pope, take you, Malikai Marbury, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death.

Pastor: Malikai will you take Zaire Pope to be your wife?

Malikai: I do!

Pastor: Do you take Malikai to be your husband?

Zaire: I do!

Pastor: I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride

As I kiss her it was like we kissed for the first time again. I was so happy to call her my legal wife and now she is officially a Marbury. As we walk down the isle everyone follows us to the tent. We get inside and everyone claps and scream in joy saying congratulations. Everyone gets settled in and me and my wife sit at the long table.

During the whole party everyone made, toast and speeches, some people just danced and had fun, and my most favorite part is when we danced and threw cake at eachother. It turned into night and we had to get going to our honeymoon I had planned.
We head outside to the car I had ready along with our luggage inside.

Wife: "where are we going?".
Me:" It's a suprise my love"
Wife"ouuuuuuuuu can I know?"

*puts blindfold on wife*

We head off to the airport and get on our plane, it took us atleast 10 hour's to get to our destination but we slept the whole flight.

A Forever LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora