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The whole day was just weird. Jungwon always looking at me just like the times he used to stalk me. What's actually going on? I need to god damn know.

I was going home after classes and thats when I felt like I was being followed. Maybe it's just in my head. I took my earphones and turned on some music. I thought this would help but nope, I still had a weird feeling. Bitch there is definitely a person behind you! I fastened my steps and quickly got home. I got inside my house and that's when I finally felt safe. What was going on? Can it be that the person behind me was Jungwon? But he said that he will stop.

Time passes.

"Hey girl, did you but any snacks?" I nodded as a yes. Yunjin called me to make sure I was coming.

"Don't forget Niki is gonna be there!!" My cheeks immediately got read. Oh god I totally forgot about that. What should I do?

"Should I wear makeup?" Yunjin gave me an /are you serious/ face and I immediately knew that it was a no.

"No makeup I guess" We talked for a few minutes and then we ended the call. Before we stopped talking she said a few words.

"Hey, it's getting late. Be careful, I don't want anything for you to happen."

"What could happen to me? It's not like i'm gonna get kidnapped, i'm good girl. I promise I'll be by your house soon"

After the call I quickly took my snacks, phone, some more clothes and went out. Yunjin wasn't lying, it was really late, it was almost midnight. I wasn't that scared because I knew that no one was following me anymore. But I was wrong. I went through a dark alley(that was a shortcut to Yunjin's house and I always took it) and thats when things got wrong. I felt the sound of steps that were not mine. I heard someone breathing and whistling. I fastened my steps thinking that the person behind me would be gone but he started to go faster too. The only instinct I had was run, and that's what I did. But that person was too quick. I was being pushed to the ground, roughly. I was trying to fight back but he covered my eyes and mouth with some cloths. My arms were wrapped with ropes and the last thing I heard before everything went black was my phone ringing.

Obsessed/Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now