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"Come on mama, solo dame dinero para ver la pelicula!" (just give me money to watch the movie!). Robins mom shakes her head, "No Robin, Tienes 15 años, deberías ganar tu propio dinero. (You're fifteen, you should be making your own money) Robin sighs as he walks towards the phone on the wall, and dials his best friend Y/N's number.

The phone in the hopper house rings. Y/N's brother Vance who was very close with Robin, answers. "What?" Vance questions into the phone. Robin laughs, "Hey Vance, is Y/N home?" Vance sighs. "Y/N!!" Vance screams. Robin moves the phone away from his ear but he could still hear Vance's loud voice. "Shut the hell up dipshit I'm coming!" He could hear Y/N yell toward Vance. Robin felt his face light up at the sound of his best friends voice. "Hey Robin what's up?" Y/N questions breathing heavily from previously hitting Vance. "Hey do you wanna make money with me?" Robin questions when's suddenly the phone was hung up. "Y/N? Y/N?" Robin questions into the phone. Suddenly his front door was slammed open and there stood a very hard breathing Y/N. "What the fuck!" Robin quickly turns as he sighs. "How the actual fuck did you-" Robin questions but what cut off by Y/N. "Did I hear money?"

"So you're saying, we go get a job at the grab and go and then make money from there?" Y/N asks clarifying the plan, Robin and Y/N decided it would be a good idea to go to the local arcade and see if they could get a job. "Yea, from what I heard the hiring!" Robin smiles.

"No." The cashier lazily replies at Y/N and Robins request to get a job and goes back to squeezing lemons for the popular home made lemonade. "What? But the sign says help wanted!" Robin replies in disbelief. "Yeah, you have to be 18 or older." The cashier states. "We are 18" Robin lies to the worker. Clearly they weren't. "Okay buddy, come back when your 32." The cashier snickers as Robin sighs in anger. "Just come on Robin." Y/N mumbles. She hates arguing and fighting, being the sister of Vance Hopper meant that she loves fights and loves to start them, but no. "Wait," An idea pops into Robins head.

"What do you do with all the left over lemons?"

"Lemonade, come get your lemonade!" Yes it was embarrassing but Y/N and Robin were selling lemonade. In front of one of the neighbors house. This neighbor never cared if kids were selling food or lemonade, she found it enjoyable! If you looked at Robin and Y/N  from far away, you would think they were a bunch of 10 year olds. "Hey I'll have 5 cups for me and my buds." A middle aged man walks up to the two teens. Y/N smiles as she starts gathering the cups. "That will be 5 dollars sir!" Robin replies happily. Y/N was surprised to see Robin this happy. The man smiles as he hands them the money, grabs the lemonade and walks off. "This is gonna be much easier than i thought.

"That'll be 10 dollars sir!" Robins chuckles. Business was booming, there were at least 2 lines waiting to be served. Suddenly a car pulls in front or the house, honking causing Y/N to drop the lemonade. Customers start to groan as they walk away, taking there money. The lady gets out of the car, she was the home owner of the house that they were doing the stand in front of. "Lady? What the hell?!" Robin yells. The lady turns around as she sighs. "Look, Kids you continue what we're doing but just trust me, if that lemonade or even a splash gets on my car there will be hell to pay." Y/N glares at her in hate as she bends down to grab more lemons.

So then the business started again, they haven't heard from the lady. "That's going to be 2 dollars!" Robin smiles towards the elderly woman as she smiles and pulls a dollar bill out of her pocket, "Oh! This is all I have, I really wanted some lemonade. Well here take it back boy." The elderly woman sighs sadly. If there was one thing that got to Robin, it was seeing his elders be sad. "You know what ma'am, it's on the house!" Robin smiles as he hands the woman her lemonade. The elder woman smiles as she begins to thank Robin. Suddenly a cop car pulls up, Y/N and Robin's smile fades. The customers gasp, leaving quickly. "Fake ass bitches." Y/N whispers under her breath as Robin nudges her. "What's going on kids?" The male officer asks walking towards the two. "Uh nothing, just selling lemonade!" Y/N smiles up at the officer. The officer smiles back. "Neighbor said there was a disturbance?" Y/N sighs in aggravation of course this bitch would call the cops on them. "Yeah, officer, I called. That was me." The lady speed walks out of her house and towards the officer. "What seem to be the problem?" The officer asks. "These lovebirds are up to no good they are making way to much noise okay, they are getting water on my car." The lady states as Y/N and Robin look at her in disbelief. Suddenly they look at each other in disgust. "Lovebirds?!" They both yell at the same time causing the lady to smirk. Sure Y/N and Robin loved each other but there would be no way that they could think of each other that way. "They don't belong here sir." The lady smiles standing next to the officer, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "We live like two streets over." Robin states. "Well, I mean, do you have a-a permit to operate a food stand in front of my house?" The lady asks knowing that they don't. "Ask them, sir do they and that little girl, yeah she's vance hoppers sister." The lady smirks at the girl as she continues fluttering her lashes at the officer. "Okay now you took it to far!" Y/N yells as she attempts to run at the lady but Robin is holding her back by her waist. "All right calm down." He calmly whispers in her ear as she stops and allows Robin to put her down. "You need a permit to sell lemonade?" Robin finally looks over at the officer. The officer sighs. "Move the lemonade stand down the street, and turn down the music." The officer turns around to go to his car but is stopped by the women. "Wait, sir that's it?" She asks as she looks at Y/N in disgust, Y/N was mocking her. The officer turns back around. "What do you want me to do lady?" "Shut them down! I just got my car washed." The lady looks at the man and Y/N and Robin plead him not to. He sighs as he walks towards the teens and looks in their bucket, filled to the brim with money,but still not enough for premier tickets. "You know what, looks like y'all made enough money. Why don't you close up shop for the day" "What why, I need those tickets?" Robin starts to get angry as Y/N rubs his back in comfort. "Just do it, it's not worth the aggravation" The Officer breathes out a laugh. "Here's 20 bucks, get yourself a permit" The man says pulling out his wallet and putting money in their bucket as he gets in the car and drives off. "Well you heard the man, shut the shit down lovebirds" The lady smiles walking back into her house. "We're not lovebirds!" "Vance would kill me!" Robin and Y/N yell at the same time which causes the lady to slam her door.

Y/N walks into her house, sighing as she sees Vance on the couch. "Hey Y/N what's up did you get your cut?" Vance yells, his eyes not leaving the cartoon playing on the tv. "Some lady called the cops on me." Y/N admits walking into the kitchen to put the unused lemons in the fridge. "What'd you do?" Vance laughs. "Nothing, just selling lemonade in front of her house, said I got water on her fancy car." Y/N sighs as she continues to put the lemons away. Vance looks at her confused. Everyone sold lemonade there. The lady didn't care, why did she suddenly care now. Vance grabs a glass cup from the cupboard, filling it with water and taking a sip. "What lady?" He asks. "Over on bundy." Y/N's eyes not leaving the lemons. "The one who bought Mrs. Janes House and redid it?" Vance asks as Y/N looks over and nods. "Who were you with?" Vance questions. "Robin just me and Robin." Y/N says not understanding. "Mexican kid?" Vance asks. Y/N Looks at him uncomfortable, he better not be racist. "Yeah, what's wrong?" She asks. Vance looks away, "Mother Fucker." He whispers under his breath as he walks towards the house phone and dials the Blake house number. Gwen answers. "Hello?" "Gwen it's Vance you know that new bitch on bundy" Gwen smirks, day before, Gwen was hanging out selling hotdogs with her friend Liam who happened to be African American. The lady called the cops and had them shut down just like she did to Y/N and Robin. "Yuh huh!" She smiles as Vance chuckles "Time for some payback.

Vance runs to every block in the neighborhood, telling everyone about the situation that had happened. Everyone agreed to throw a block party, right in front of her house just to piss her off. He made sure to grab beer. As everyone is walking towards the women's house, suddenly he sees Billy the paperboy. "Hey you know that new bitch over on bundy? Yeah she pulled some racist shit on my sister Y/N, so block part. Come on." Vance smirks as he continues his way. Making sure to stop at Gwen Blake's house.

Everyone is here, everyone that needed to be here. Suddenly Vance turns on the radio and plays the Beatles, loudly right in front of the women's house. This caused her to angrily open her door but stop. "Welcome to North Denver bitch!" Gwen yells as cheers were heard. Suddenly the lady runs back inside, quickly coming out, holding the phone receiver. "I have called the police!" She yelled. "You are disturbing my sleep!" She yells again. "Hey Lady, that was my sister with the lemonade stand." Vance says as Gwen is right behind him. The lady sighs. "Yeah that's right, he's got a sister who's friends with a Mexican, what's the problem?" Gwen asks inching closer towards the ladies fence. "What that's why you didn't want us near your house right? Cause I'm Mexican?" Suddenly Robin speaks up, Vance and Gwen didn't even know he was here. He inches closer towards the fence also. "Okay, you all need to go home." The lady chuckles. "You know I lived in this neighborhood my whole life." Robin beams as he smiles. "Kids have always sold lemonade right here. Black kids, White kids, Russian kids, Mexican kids." Vance goes on as Gwen gets closer. "Would you get away from my fence?" The lady yells at Gwen cause her to widen her eyes and chuckle. "No one ever had a problem with lemonade stands, until all of you bougie, yoga-loving, latte-sipping, ankle tattoo-wearing, racist fart-knockers moved into our neighborhood." Gwen finished. Vance couldn't help but pat her on the back, he was proud of her. "So your fence, fuck your fence." Gwen states as she jumps over the women's fence. Gwen quickly plants a hard hit on the lady's face causing her to fall. "Not so pretty now huh?! Get up asshole!" Gwen yells as cheers were heard, Vance and robins were the loudest. Suddenly Gwen whimpers because of the pain in her hand, she's never punched someone, what was she doing? "Ah shit, gwenny come here you did good." Gwen walks towards Robin as he picks her up and takes her over the fence. "Come on let's go to the pharmacy." Finney smiles, thanking Robin as he takes Gwen to the pharmacy.

"Well, that was something"

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