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Once locking the doors they rode the elevator up to their floors and Katsuki went to his room to grab what he needed. After the blonde found a clean towel he grabbed his toiletries and a change of clothes then he headed back downstairs to the communal bathroom for male Alphas, prime Alphas, and Enigmas. He was alone thankfully since everyone else was in their rooms for the night. The shared bathroom had four shower stalls and one big soaking tub that was more like a small shallow pool. Everything besides the sink area was tiled with white linoleum. If you fell you'd probably crack your skull open. Katsuki walked towards a stall setting his clean clothes on the bench near the shower cubicles. He stepped into the stall pulling the curtain closed behind him then tossed his towel up on the wall that didn't meet the ceiling.

After setting his toiletry basket on the little shelf under the shower head Katsuki turned on the water. Once he made sure it was nice and warm he started washing up. Of course and as usual he scrubbed every part of him to make sure it was clean. The blonde hated smelling or feeling dirty. He stepped out of the shower running a hand through his wet droopy hair that was trying to keep standing as steam rolled off his water drop scattered body. Katsuki sighed and made his way towards the soaking tub to relax for a bit in the warm soothing water. It helped his aching forearms from over use of his quirk though it did sting his hands a little since they were a burned slightly making them pinker than usual. He definitely went a little too hard in training. He was just so pent up.

Katsuki sighed lifting his now soaked arms up on the edge of the in ground tub and tilted his head back to find his zen. The Enigma found it for a little while in the silence of the washroom that he was alone in until the heard the click of a door opening. Katsuki frowned lifting his head up when he heard the soft pitter patter of footsteps walking across the tiled floor. The blonde did not feel like dealing with one of his classmates so he was content to ignore them until his nose caught something sweet. Katsuki's eyes shot open and he looked over his shoulder to see Izuku with a towel around his waist. It made him panic and cover himself as he looked away. He is NOT ashamed of himself, not at all actually. Katsuki very much likes that he has two fat cocks, but lzuku was in the bathroom, an OMEGA! Katsuki can't just let everything hang out in front of him!

"Deku, what the fuck're you doin' in here?!" Katsuki asked as he glared down at the clear water

"I just wanted to make sure Kacchan didn't need help washing. Guess you didn't." Izuku giggled softly as he approached the side of the in ground tub

"Yeah, I'm fine. Ain't a baby."
Katsuki replied, wishing for once the other would actually go the hell away

Seriously, what the hell is Izuku doing in here? Omega wants to bathe with us! Katsuki's mind was at war. One side wanted Izuku to leave while the other wanted him to bathe with him. Maybe do more if he was lucky, but those thoughts needed to go away faster than Tenya's quirk before he gets harder than Eijirou's quirk.

"I know that! I was just worried. I kicked you pretty hard." Izuku squatted down and Katsuki could feel he was closer so he scooted away

"Well I'm good. So you can leave." The blonde told him

He knows he sounds rude but Izuku was NOT supposed to be in the bathroom with him. They could get in serious trouble. He could be accused of things by people that don't actually know what happened.

There was silence before Izuku spoke.
"Um I sort of thought maybe we would soak in the tub together." He said sounding hopeful

Katsuki looked up at him then immediately glanced away again. THAT was a close call. He almost saw underneath the towel.
"Deku, you know we can't do that. You shouldn't even be in here." The Enigma told him

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