Chapter 21

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Waiting for Theo to come and tell me his plan has me on edge, I've drunken two of the mini fridge gins just to prepare myself. I've also contemplated whether it's finally time to do something about what is between us - but with two movies to go, my head is fucking me over.

Haz got drunk when I was back in the UK before this and told me he knew, from the moment he saw Z and I in the same room. I'm not sure why he waited until we were on a drunken night out - but he did, and he asked me why I hadn't done anything about it. His words have stuck in my mind ever since, "But mate, what's the worst that can happen?". Annoyingly, I can think of many worsts - that's part of this whole problem.

"Hey" Theo actually scares me, I didn't hear him open the door, "I have hatched a master plan with the help of an old uni mate of mine. You up for a little bit of Paris with a twist?"

I'm hoping my gleeful face answers the question.

"Right - so this is the plan"

I owe him one, now that it's underway and I'm in a secret car to meet up with another secret car to head to a secret location. Zendaya is in the other car and the secret location is the penthouse apartment of a friend of a friend. He's organised for food and drinks to be delivered and there is a balcony that overlooks the Eiffel tower (from afar). If anything was going to feel like a date, this is it.

So naturally, I'm shitting myself.

I get that I've got an amazing life, I get that I'm lining up even more amazing movies in my future - I'm living the fucking life. But ever since I met Daya, it's always felt secondary. She's the first thing that I think of almost every day - and it's been like that since that bloody waiting room back in New York.

I'm embarrassed for myself, embarrassed that I've let this hold that she has on me take over my whole life - but right now, I don't care. I'll have my day for the movies that win me awards, for the crazy directors that transform me into someone I don't know - those will come. But right now, I know where I am - I know what this next couple of years are going to look like. So I don't have to dream much bigger right now, I'm where I dreamt to be when it comes to my job - prison aside - I love being spiderman, I fucking love it.

I just know that I need someone on the journey with me, like Haz has, like Dad had with Mum - and the absence of that makes it the top of my mind.

"Monsier" the driver points to the car opposite, I have no idea where we are, but I know that I'm joining Daya in her getaway vehicle in case I have been followed. I've worn a nice outfit for the occasion, not as nice as the clothes I have to wear on the red carpet of course - but not what I've been wearing in my normal down time.

As soon as I open the door to her car, I realise she has done the same. She's wearing a figure hugging dress that tells me that she's made an effort and my heart swells. "Hello" I say as I get in and close the door behind me, "Mr Holland" is her response in a fake British accent, "this is quite the adventure". "Thank Theo, turns out two weeks of hotel prison has him feeling a bit sorry for me!". She laughs, "I'll thank him tomorrow for sure".

As we travel the rest of the way, I'm trying hard not to make it too date-like, because I don't know about her but suddenly all my senses are one hundred times more intense. So fucking intense you wouldn't believe it - as if I actually have spidey-senses and can almost hear her breath like it's right next to my ear. She seems relaxed enough so I must be doing a good enough job, I've dropped the fact that it's sad that Jacob couldn't join us in for good effect - you know, just incase she was worried that this was all some master plan to get her alone in a penthouse.

The conversation remains light until we're in, until we've found the space on the balcony where a table, chairs and candles have been set and the food and drinks simply left for us to take out there in the kitchen. Paris is romantic enough, but I mean, if I was trying to be romantic - this would really knock it out of the park.

"Theo should plan romantic dinners for a living" Zendaya says so casually that I actually have to control my reaction, she thinks it's romantic too. She's carrying the drinks outside, and I've got the food and plates just behind her. Suddenly I wish I had some type of ability to slow time down.

"He really should" I reply simply, "I mean, I never really saw myself as a big Paris fan - but this evening view - the stillness of the air - god, I really get it". I sit down opposite her and watch as she pours me a glass. "I mean I always got it, Paris is like - god such a beautiful city. And yet, honestly - I don't think I've ever actually just been here, you know?". I nod, "I came here as a kid, but I don't really remember it - now I get the sense that it will always be a location on a world press tour if I don't stop myself from letting that happen".

"It's weird thinking that this is both of our first press tours" she says, I'm momentarily distracted by the way her lips touch the glass, "I thought I'd like them more than I have. It's exhausting. Almost every movie I've signed up to after this has one as well - god I've just jumped into a new league".

I nod, "I agree, I hadn't really thought flying private jets or business class would mean that I'm still exhausted when I get to the other end. But god, yesterday was so tough wasn't it? What's the next movie again - the Showman?"

"Yes, the Greatest Showman" she laughs, "it's a big cast though, but I'm doing my stuff with Zac". Zac Efron. Seriously, how am I going to compete with Zac Efron? I'm jealous at the thought of her kissing him, which in my head I understand is going to happen on every single film either of us do. Not like I have any reason to be annoyed at her kissing anyone is there? But there is.

I need to play it cool. "He seems like a great guy" I say, I take a sip of wine.

The conversations turned into a discussion of the movies that made us, quite interestingly actually - as this is not a topic we've discussed before. I'm intrigued by the movie's she mentions, the actresses that inspired her - and I'm getting drunk. I think my intrigue in her fascinating mind combined with the buzz I'm feeling is dangerous.

We're now sitting side to side looking out at the view, on our forth - or fifth drink. Even with the interviews we've got to do in the morning, there is no where I'd rather be. Weirdly, I get the feeling she is feeling the same.

"Well I'm glad they inspired you" is my way of complimenting her, "because theres no one else I'd imagine sneaking out to actually see the Eiffel tower with". She'd nudged me in response, I think she's a bit drunk too. "Same. Don't tell Law I said that though" she replies, laughing, "having you both as my co-stars, I think I'm the luckiest woman in the marvel universe". The mention of Jacob stings a little, because I was talking just to her. But I'll take it.

"I'd like to think in any universe" I joke back, winking. She's actually just blushed, interesting. "I thought that you were so English you were never going to get an Ego" she retorts. Touche, to be fair I did say that. "Okay Okay Zendayyyyaaa" I almost sing her name, "I promise you I will never get an ego. I'll always be waiting for you to remind me of all my flaws".

She shakes her head at me, "You don't have many flaws" she laughs, "but I'm the one that's meant to be keeping your ego down, so let's forget I said that". I place my hand on her arm gently, "Our little secret". Suddenly her face looks serious, "I thought this whole night was?"

The electricity fills me again. Does she feel it too? Like literally sparks flying between us, almost visable I feel them so intensely. I've felt on edge the whole time I've known her, for the whole time I've felt this crazy thing between us - and never done anything about it, but right now more than anything else in the world I want to lean in and kiss her.

And so I do.


You finally found out what happened in Paris! Thanks for the stars and the comments, I'm glad that people are enjoying the story <3

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