Chapter 20

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I can see why I went through so much media training now. Fuck me - suddenly I know that my life is never going to be the same. Suddenly, all of the things they have been preparing me for are right in front of me and I am not prepared.

We're two weeks into a four week press tour, finally releasing the first Spiderman out into the world - and I am stuck in a hotel room staring out of the window at the beautiful Parisienne skyline that I so wish I could explore. The worst part of it all is that this is week one of two that Rosie is contractually obliged to join in on some interviews on and the whole situation with what she did and how it ended is making doing jovial press and games with her hard.

Whenever Rosie is involved in an interview, Daya isn't - which naturally means that I am even more annoyed.

The time apart didn't really do anything but make me want her more, if I'm honest - we spoke almost every other day on the phone or on facetime whilst we filmed other movies. She's let me stay with her and her Mum for a week, where we went shopping, did workout classes and just really enjoyed the real world together (with her Mum too).

With all of the conversations, with all of the looks that I feel like I give her where I give my soul away - there has been nothing more between us then sometimes a grab of the hand, or a stroke of the arm or leg. The bed sleeping settled down a bit, probably because I undressed hot in the night one too many times. Or maybe it was the fact we were staying with her Mum, and on this tour we've been kept on different floors with handlers. I'll go ahead and say it was the second for my own piece of mind - for my own semblance of hope.

There was an awful period of two weeks where I'd seen a few paparazzi photos of her with her new co-star and went on a bit of a self-sabotage of drinking and getting photographed out at clubs. But, whatever happened between them, and I think I've managed to convince myself that was nothing - was over quickly. I know of the guy and I've never heard good things. But even then, it didn't stop me from feeling the way I did. Even if it hurt me to know she could date co-stars if she wanted to, because somewhere I was thinking that maybe she is too professional to date me whilst we are still working together.

The answer is no, that maybe she just doesn't see me like that. But she is truly my best friend, and so whether I feel all the things for her or not - I can't lose her.

Z How was it?

She's referring to my last interview, one where me and Rosie had to play with puppies whilst asking questions. In theory, it should have been one of the most enjoyable of the day, but naturally it wasn't.

Tom About as fun as you could imagine. I'm not a good enough actor to cover it, I'm sure people will notice... but I know Amy is on our sides, I'm sure the only reasons she's in any of our press is so that they can meet their legal requirements. What you been up to?

Given that she was famous anyway, she's been dealing with it all much better than I. She doesn't find it quite as overwhelming as me to go outside and do normal things when we arrive in the new places. I've kind of been living through her stories of what she's up to with her stylist best friend Law.

Z We went to Chanel to pick up some of the outfits they have me wearing to a few events coming up... then popped to some of the fancy French food shops. I bought you a present if I'm ever allowed to see you...

Tom I'll have my handler talk to yours... give me a minute.

I immediately go out and grab Theo, it's the first time I've tried this and I don't know what the harm in trying is. "Hey Mate" I say, knocking on his door which I already know is open and push it slightly. He stands up, confused, this is the first time I've come to him and not the other way around.

"What's up?" he looks concerned. "Listen, I've been cooped up and avoiding all the craziness for the last week - and Daya has managed to actually get out there and enjoy herself. Is there anyway that you could find a way for she and I to go out and do something tonight? Please? Jacob's got a dinner already"

I added Jacob in there because I don't want him to think - that. I mean I wish it was that, but you know - no additional rumours required. He sighs, I think he feels sorry for me as he's stuck here just as much as I am.

"I can't promise anything, but I have an idea - okay?"

"Okay" I smile back, for some reason, I know that he's going to sort something out. I can see a look in his eye that makes me think he's rooting for me.


"Do you remember that night in Paris?" she's answering a question I've wanted to know the answer to for a long time, when did you wish we'd gone there - before? I nod, of course I fucking remember that night in Paris. It was the subject of all my dreams, and all of my frustrations - for months after.

"Naturally, it was one of the greatest of my life" she knows I'm not exaggerating, it truly was. "Then - that whole evening, god Tom - I spent the first year of our friendship, or however long it had been up until that point, you know - fighting with my conflict of wanting to date someone I was doing a series with, especially when all the other spidermen had done that. But that night, well I'm sure you remember - I let my wall down"

"I remember" I reply, "you know how much it took for me to pretend that it didn't happen afterwards?"

"You know how much I was hoping you wouldn't pretend it didn't happen afterwards?" she replies.

"I'm glad we're open about our feelings and wants now" I say earnestly, "seriously, I don't want to play anymore games now I'm happy". I take her hand in mine, the food's been eaten, the love has been declared and we're just sitting on the sofa with the rest of the wine and chatting. It's the best thing that we do.

"I never saw it as games Tom, just pretending" she speaks quietly and yet her words are strong, "we played the friendship act at the edge of it all for so long, letting the electricity burn between us because it felt just as good as it did bad. The nights sleeping next to each other, the touch of the hands, the long hugs - I mean let's face it we didn't really ever act like normal friends did we?"

I laugh, I remember thinking the same thing during the days where I spent time over analysing every moment we shared, wondering what lay beneath. "No" I smile, "I'd like to take you back to Paris when we get the chance, not because we're on a press tour - but to actually spend time there, visit our secret first kiss venue and explore the city together. You down?"

She nods, "I'm down, but we'll probably need our teams to work out filming schedules and overlaps of freedom - as soon as we find a slot, we take it". "Perfect" I lean over to kiss her, "and I have another request whilst we're at it". I can tell she's pleased at my forward thinking, pleased and intrigued. "I'm waiting" she's staring at me, our faces still close after the kiss. "Moving forward, when we are negotiating film contracts and dates - can we try and ensure that there's always a time where one person, even if it is just for a week, ideally a few - can be on set with the other, so that we can build some structure into the madness?"

Her bright eyes tell me the response I want, I was worried there for a moment. Worried that maybe it would be too much to ask when we still both have so much we want to achieve in our careers. But I don't want to achieve that career goal without this, because this has kept me through all of it if I'm honest.

"Sounds like a plan" she replies, "and if you finally want to play an English character for once so that we have to be here... I wont be complaining". "Neither would my family" I reply back, "I think my Mum would be very upset if you weren't back the next time I am".

Z's laugh brings light to her face and it actually swells in my heart. Love isn't so scary after all.

It's as simple as this.



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