Need You Tonight

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"I need you tonight, 'cause I'm not sleeping"
Need you tonight- INXS
(Completely new chapter, not a re-write)

You have a secret.

No-one else in Hellfire knew but you did and that was the part you found most enticing.
Game nights were exciting, sure, but it was times like now, all of you sat in Eddies living room doing nothing more than watching movies, that you truly basked in the knowledge that no-one else here knew what's really been happening.

Eddie had been as smooth as ever in ensuring you were on the couch with him, a fake show of chivalry that the only girl in Hellfire Club should be allocated the couch had done the trick and now here you were, opposite ends of the couch he had fucked you on so many times but the only people who knew were both of you.
Stolen glances and soft brushes of fingertips against skin added to the tension only you and Eddie could feel and neither of you were paying any attention to the TV, the only reminder anyone else was here were sudden reactions to jump scares or audible horror at gore displayed across the screen.
No, you and Eddie could only concentrate on each other and the very different movies playing out in your heads, scenes you could be carrying out if only no-one else was here.

The night rolls on, movie after movie played and soon eyelids start to droop.
Gareth is the first to go, head leant against the back of the armchair across the room, mouth open and soft snores letting everyone know he was out for the count, then Jeff, the floor proving comfortable enough for him to rest his head on his arms for just a second before he was asleep and you already knew he'd wake up with a stiff neck and sore ribs from falling asleep on his stomach.

You glance at Eddie, his own sleepiness evident as he struggles to keep his eyes open but both of you awake enough to know you no longer have to keep the intimacy subtle and inconspicuous.
You slide along the couch as Eddie shifts onto his back, allowing you to lie back against him and the second his arms wrap around you, both of you give into the tiredness. His chest rising and falling slowly against your head paired with his soft breathing in your ear soothe you into a deep sleep and the warmth of your body against his and the relief at finally being able to show some proper affection pulls him under too...


A shifting beneath you wakes you up and it takes a few seconds to register where you are and remember how you fell asleep but Eddies light snores and fidgeting body remind you, and the sound of his heart beating next to your ear provides a fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
You open your eyes and see the room is silent and the TV has turned off, a sign Gareth and Jeff must still be asleep too.

You turn your neck, the awkward position leaving a dull ache behind but the small movement wakes Eddie, a quiet groan and a gentle squeeze of his arms still wrapped around you letting you know as such.
"Hey" he whispers groggily as he kisses you on the top of your head.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" you reply, moving to sit up but very quickly you're pulled back down again.
"Nope. You're mine for a while" he says, his hand reaching up to your hair to brush it away from your neck and you feel him begin to kiss along your skin.
"Eddie don't, you know what that does to me" you chastise but you just receive a quiet laugh in response.
"Why do you think I'm doing it?"
You sink in to the feeling, allowing his mouth full access to your neck as you lean your head back on his shoulder but he pushes his luck.
He grips the bottom of your top and pulls the material up over your stomach, higher and higher until your bare breasts are exposed, your soft skin and rapidly hardening nipples visible in his eye-line as the moonlight pours into the room and bathes you in a natural glow.
"Are you crazy? We're not alone!" You hiss.
"You'll just have to be quiet then won't you, sweetheart?" He grins.

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