Kiss Me Deadly

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"But I know what I like, I know I like dancing with you"
Kiss me Deadly- Lita Ford

Fuck, I'm lost!

You've walked these woods a hundred times yet here you were, a section that doesn't look familiar to you at all and every direction you go in just seems to become more and more alien.
No matter which way you walked, all the trees looked the same, the leaves, the bushes, the rocks, even the sticks on the floor and you feel the bile in your stomach rise as you start to panic.

Calm down Y/N, just calm down. Freaking out won't help you right now.

You pause and take a deep breath.
You look up and notice the sky is starting to turn dark and a quick glance at your watch tells you it'll be fully nighttime soon and you'll lose any hope of getting out once you can't see where you're going.
You had to get out fast.
You work out the way you were walking and head in the opposite direction, surely just moving forward would get you to the side of a road soon?

As dark started to slowly fall around you, so does the rain. The weather had been dry and warm when you left for your walk, ironically to clear your head, and you were bitterly regretting not wearing anything warmer than a thin t shirt and jeans and when you look down at your converse you see they're now filthy and increasingly getting worse as the mud beneath you gets wetter.
You look around in a panic, trying desperately to find any kind of shelter and through a cluster of trees you can see an old, wooden cabin.
Every part of your mind that remembers every horror film you've ever seen tells you to stay put, hypothermia is a better option than any deranged killer or vengeful spirit you'll find in that creepy cabin but the logical side wins and you take off, running towards shelter as fast as your dirt sodden feet will carry you.

The door sticks but a couple of good kicks and it swings open and a creepy creaking of the wood sends a shiver down your spine.
You peek inside, cursing yourself for not bringing a torch. You'd only expected a quick stroll through the woods by your house, not to end up with the possibility of becoming one with nature for the rest of your life, however brief that may be.

The cabin was definitely abandoned. It was dark but you could see the wallpaper peeling from the walls in the moonlight, the floor was littered with beer cans and old newspapers but there's a circle of boxes stacked in front of an old, worn couch. You feel slight relief at the knowledge it must have been a hangout at some point for some teenagers looking to party, some life had existed here more recently than the 18oos.

You step inside and shake yourself off, your cold wet clothes sticking to your skin in the most disgusting way while you walk around the small cabin a little more and venturing into the tiny kitchen next to the living room. You shut a few cabinets to make some noise, one almost falling off its hinges completely and scaring the shit out of you as it came towards you, until you're satisfied there's no other movement in the property before you go and shut the door, kick your shoes off and look around your home for the night. You'd wait for morning and hope the rain stops, there was no point in trying to find a way out while it was dark. You'd just end up more lost and maybe with some broken bones.

You inspect the couch, hitting the cushions and coughing as dust kicks up in your face, and you sigh, you didn't have much choice. The couch was near the door so if anyone or anything was to sneak up on you it would be an easy escape, finding a bedroom would mean trapping yourself further in than you felt comfortable with.
You lie down and shut your eyes, all the walking and panicking you've done in the last few hours finally catching up with you.
You fall asleep to the sound of the rain hitting the old tin roof above you and silently pray the cabin doesn't choose tonight to disintegrate.

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