Death of Piece of Mind

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"I miss the way you say my name. The way you bend, the way you break. Your makeup running down your face. The way you fuck, the way you taste"
Death of Piece of Mind - Bad Omens

Your peace and quiet is shattered as the front door opens and in walks your brother, Gareth, and his friends. The once silent house fills with their voices and their recount of the campaign they had just done and the noise slowly gets louder as they make their way into the living room where you had previously been sat reading in silence. You sigh and look up as they all pour into the room, invading the space completely, and you know you're done with your book for now.

"Sorry sis, didn't realise you were in" Gareth mumbles when he catches the glare you offer him as you set your book down on the table beside you but when Eddie walks in behind him you feel your expression soften and quickly curse yourself, the involuntary reaction to seeing him wasn't something you wanted Gareth to notice.
Eddies eyes widen and his lips curl up into a smile as he slumps down on the couch next to you. His sudden presence so close to you makes your insides lurch but you make sure it doesn't show this time, not that it would have mattered, Gareth and the rest of his friends were too busy finding something to play on the NES he'd just gotten to even notice you and Eddie locking eyes, neither of you able to look away.

"Gareth didn't say you were home" he says.
"Just for the summer, mom said she wanted someone to keep an eye on him while they're away" you reply, gesturing towards your brother.
"You enjoying being back?" He asks.
"No" You chuckle "I forgot how boring Hawkins is"
He shifts a little closer and puts his arm over the back of the couch behind you, allowing him to lean into your ear.
"I seem to remember you enjoying it before you left for college" he whispers, his voice low and full of memories. The same memories that had already been racing through your mind since he walked into the room...

The summer before you left had been amazing, risky but amazing, and the night Eddie had come over not realising Gareth wasn't home had changed everything.
You still aren't sure wether he really knew Gareth wasn't home, you didn't think returning a set of drumsticks he'd left at Eddies was all that urgent, but still you invited him in to wait.
Eddie was always your favourite of Gareth's friends. You weren't sure if it was because he was a little older and closer to your age than the rest or if it was his general demeanour but there was something about him you found magnetic, so being alone with him for the first time didn't feel all that strange to you.
You'd been sat on the couch, the same one you were on now, when the conversation slowly became loaded. Turning to boyfriends and girlfriends, conquests and the like, the air had become charged with suggestion and it had felt all too natural when his lips finally met yours and he turned your world upside down.

Any common sense was gone. You knew Gareth could come home at any minute but in that moment it was only you and Eddie that existed in the entire world and caution was thrown to the wind as your clothes were thrown to the floor, his lips and fingers making light work of controlling your body and it didn't take him long to make you melt, over and over and over again.
It was mere minutes after you'd recovered and gotten dressed before Gareth walked through the door, completely unaware he had been dangerously close to catching his best friend buried inside his sister.

But that hadn't stopped you both from pushing your luck.

It had been a long summer of stolen moments between you. Sneaking out to meet and excuses to go into other rooms when you were around each other but the time Gareth almost walked in, just as you had broken apart in the kitchen, had shaken you.
He would never have forgiven you if he'd caught you. As much as you and Eddie were old enough to make your own decisions you couldn't bare how much it would upset your brother so you'd ended it under the pretence of needing to concentrate on leaving for college.
Eddie seemed to accept it but you could see he was crushed. He'd told you time and time again how you had always been a fantasy of his and your secret romance had been a dream come true, but to you Gareth's feelings were far more important than Eddies or your own.

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