"Are you...are you sure, Father? Last time you said..."

"Ah tut tut, forget about everything I said in the past. Go and enjoy your life, you only live once, after all!"

"Oh, I see, thank you, Father! Thank you very much!"

"Carpe diem, my dear."

Tom's jaw dropped as he stared at him, too stunned to stop the mayhem his future son was causing. Taking the advantage of his shocked silence, Hadrianus continued, quite gleefully.

Tom really did tell Hadrianus to do whatever he wished, didn't he? He really, really needs to watch out for whatever he allows him to do in future as well, Merlin forbade him repeating the same mistake and Hadrianus takes it as another blanket permission to burn down the rest of the World.

But Hadrianus's wand is with him, how did the boy apply such precise glamour to look like David? Is he that adept at Wandless magic?

Saving the information to investigate for later, Tom sat back. It's for future thinking. But for now, Tom only started to enjoy the chaos the little imp was causing, fighting with everything he can to stop himself from bursting out laughing as Hadrianus used his God-given silver tongue to 'permit' everyone to go and embrace their sin to their heart's content, as they all will be forgiven when they confess to their God instead of the priest.

This was the best and most hilarious day of his life!

Hadrianus continued to encourage people to have multiple affairs or cheat on spouses ("Because if you were really loyal to your spouse, you wouldn't have lustful thoughts about others now, would you? Why not go out with a bang, metaphorically and literally?"); embrace being homosexual, ("Grab your partner and elope, my dear, find some countryside with no nosy neighbours and enjoy the rest of your life with them."); sympathise with people stealing from their brother or hurting them for stealing from or annoying the confessor ("Don't you know, siblings are the only foe you can't live without? Those little buggers are like leeches that are not parasitic, but symbiotic to their host.")

The last ones had Tom wondered if Hadrianus was his only child, or if he had siblings as well. After giving it some thought, Tom decided Hadrianus must have at least one sibling, because why else would his eyes become distant and fond when he said that, as if he was missing his siblings? Were they his elder, or younger?

They must be younger, Tom decided, when his eyes fell on the Heirship ring on Hadrianus's hand. Hadrianus had to be the eldest of all his children to be his heir.

'Oh please, one copy of my perfection is enough!' Hadrianus had once said in regard to twins. Tom froze as he remembered it.

Did that mean Hadrianus may or may not have a twin brother? That would at least explain so much! Because Tom was sure to have no use for spares, so he wouldn't bother spawning another.

But still, he didnt have enough proof of it to be true.

Dear Merlin, he did sire and raise a Hellspawn in future. And if Hadrianus was his eldest, Tom didnt want to know how much of a troublemaker Hadrianus's younger siblings must have been, especially since their elder brother like him will have their back in case they are in trouble.

The biggest mystery was how Hogwarts had not fallen apart with all the imps being there, out of their father's control and causing mayhem everywhere!

Tom sincerely hoped his future self had some hand in stopping them from doing so. He loved Hogwarts, after all!


"So you're acting like a paragon of pureblood heirship when in the company of your parents and others, but when alone, you get up to all sorts of mischief?"

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