Chapter 24

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Brie woke up and found herself in Jeno's Arms. She stared at his face and smile at the memory of how they made love earlier.

Her fingers trace his brows, she grinned at the memory of his brows pinching together when he watch Renjun, Haechan and Jaemin fight over nonsense.

She touched his nose, she smiled at how she loves his nose the most.

She touched his cheek, she loves how his cheeks turned red when Renjun, Haechan and Jaemin used to teased him to her.

She touched his lips, she loves how the way his lips feels perfect in hers.

She touched his eyes, how she wish she could ever see those beautiful eyes he has.

How she wish he would woke up and stare at her for the last time.

She caress his face as a tear fell from her eye.

I am in love with this guy. A guy who I shouldn't have fallen for. I love this guy, But now I am going to hurt him.

How I wish he would just woke up and stop me from leaving him.

She leaned and kiss his lips as her tears fall on her cheek.

I love you, Jeno.

She pulled away and slowly leave his side, she took a pillow and put it in his arms.

She went out of his room with tears on her face, she entered her room and let herself cry as she fix her things.

She sobbed as she take her clothes, Leaving no sign of her at all, She wore her pants and Jeno's hoodie before taking Mark's phone.

1:50 am

She went out of the room crying, she entered Jeno's room for the last time and watch the boy she loves sleeping peacefully.

She went to him and kissed his cheek before going out, She slowly went out of the door with tears on her face.

This house, this brought happiness in my life. The people, they filled my life with so much happiness and love. The memories of this place will forever be in my mind.

For the last time, Thank you.

She went out of the door and called Mark's other phone, He instantly answered "Brie-"

"meet me up half way" She uttered and hang up. She stared at the flower pot and smiled. She bend down and smiled on the camera

"Stupid. I knew you still had a camera watching over me. Anyway, here I am giving you something to be happy about. I am leaving." She chuckled at wipe the tears on her eyes.

Hopefully, we truly won't have to cross paths again my dearest boys.

I wiped my tear and climb into the gates, I heard a car engine and found Mark's Car in the corner. I took a one last look at the house before going inside.

Mark drove the car and that was the last time I saw the house.

Once we were away, Mark parked his car and pulled me in his arm. I sobbed hard as he just let me. "Brie"

"I don't want to leave them Mark. I dont want to leave."

"but you have to, your brothers are worried. You have a gang to lead Brie."

"I want to go back, Mark. Bring me back."

Mark sighed and hugged the girl closely, letting her cry on his arms. He never saw the girl cry this much ever since her mom died.

"do you really want to go back?" He asked, To be honest he was scared to hear her answer. But if that is what she wants then who is he to destroy her happiness

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