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             Clearly, uniforms are widely used by young people for several purposes, work, and school.  Uniforms are clothes that are used by people regarding rules and groups of people that are usually widely used in schools.  For each change of clothes, the day of the exchange at school they have to change their clothes but a different uniform.  Uniforms are widely used for important purposes to make them look neat and the same.  Uniforms are very much in demand by some teenagers and are needed in schools for identity. There are many different variations of uniforms when used, such as the collared ones, which are mostly used by Asia and the free but polite ones used by the USA. Many children like uniforms because they look the same, but some rules also make people bored
             In addition, the number of uniforms looks very orderly when they use them neatly.  For example, at school, they use uniforms because they serve to distinguish levels, school identity, provide a sense of comfort when studying, and so on.  Another example is using a uniform at the office, to find out the identity of the office or company and several offices to make it look neat and disciplined.  Some of the teachers who work also wear uniforms, so they know who they are.  Just like nurses or doctors and police, they wear uniforms because their work is very valuable and disciplined. Some clothes look cool when people wear them but some people don’t fit when they wear them.
             However, some uniforms also sometimes look unkempt and not the same.  Like the first example, namely students, they use uniforms but look different.  This is because they use clothes with the same system but have different motifs.  The second example may be seen in the marriage where they were there at the time of the visit wearing dresses or clothes that have the same color but have different shapes.  It’s the same as a club, which uses the same theme but uses a different form. Although many uniforms look the same, many of the uniforms used are different in some places.
             So from all of this, after we examine the whole thing about uniforms, there are not only positive sides, but there are negative impacts from the uniforms, so the negative impact is that it can harm the community/culture, for example, many young people imitate western culture, such as dressing too much.  Sexy, wearing clothes that focus attention (tight body clothes) or maybe wearing an immodest uniform.  So from this what we can take is, we can use anything according to the provisions or places, but it is safe for ourselves.

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