"Dark, black...maybe blue."

Austin sighs as he writes neatly in his book. He is not impressed by her vague answers.

"If I see him again, I will know it's him."

"How? You did not see his face."

Angle swallows thickly and leans closer for a little comfort. He does not lean away and she appreciates that. "He scares me. Just his presence, the way he stands frozen with his hands in his pockets and stares at me...never looking away. It feels like he is hunting me," she says, her voice growing small as she talks. Austin rakes his eyes over her face again then turns and writes in his book again.

"Who knows about this stalker?"

"Just you and Jona."

"Keep it that way. In future, you will not keep any information from me. You tell me straight away. Do you understand?" he says. "Yes," Angel says. Austin closes his book and puts it back in his pocket then stands. Angel stands too. "Don't leave me alone," she blurts out. She has been awake all night so she has no filter. She never has any filter but this is the excuse she is using. "I am not leaving. Go to bed," he says walking out of the kitchen. He is not fluffy at all. Angel takes another sip of his coffee and yawns.

"Shit! Fuck!"

"Yeah, I agree. He is a bag of sunshine," she says resting her head on her kitchen counter. Charlie is hardly ever quiet, strange that he kept very quiet while Austin was in the kitchen.

She wakes to someone tapping her shoulder and sits up with a start. "What?" she says yawning and stretching. "Hey, we have to get you ready for your radio interview. Why are you sleeping here? Did you lock your door?  Your curtains are open by the way," Lia says from behind her. "Lia, we have spoken about this - too my words hurt my head," Angel groans. "Everyone is here and ready to make you ready," she says. Angel yawns again and stands. Charlie is back in his cage fast asleep so Angel closes his cage door carefully and follows Lia into her front lounge. They both stop short in the doorway. Everyone is sitting very quietly as Austin writes in his book.

"Austin, may I speak to you?"

"When I am finished," he says then stands in front of someone with a pointed look. He stands to attention and gives Austin his whole life story, his knees shaking as he speaks while Austin writes in his book. It's ridiculous. He is more intense than any of the bodyguards her parents had. Come to think of it, where are Jake and Paul? "Do you know where Jake and Paul are?" she asks Lia. "He fired them, you should fire him," she says. Angel's blood boils. They were shit at their job but he had no right to do so. "Austin! Kitchen, now!" she shouts. Everyone looks at her with big eyes, except Austin who is completely ignoring her. What the fuck? He moves on to the next person giving them a pointed look and again they give him their whole life story. He does it to three more people then scans the room and nods. "Does this team change?" he asks turning to Lia.

"N-no, it's the same people for everything."

"You will inform me if anyone other than this team arrives on the premises."

"Yes, s-sir."

He has scared the girl half to death. Austin nods and then turns to the rest of the team. "You enter and exit from the front door only. You use this room and the bathroom in the hallway only. The rest of the house is off-limits. Am I clear?" he says. Everyone nods, "Yes, sir," they add quickly. Austin turns and walks out of the lounge. "Where are you going?!" Angle says after him. "Kitchen, you wanted a word," he says as he walks. "Oh! Right! Yes!" Angle says running after him, she has a bone to pick with him and intends to put him in his place.

"How dare you!" she shouts as she walks into the kitchen. Austin is leaning on the kitchen counter with his arms and legs crossed in front of him. "Who do you think you are just firing Jake and Paul?! You had no right to do so! And then interrogate my hair and makeup team?! And veto them from my house! This is my fucking house! You can't make the rules here! You work for me and you need to start listening to me!"

"You done?"

"Yes I am fucking done, I am not happy!"

"Your happiness is not my concern. Your safety is."

"Oh, thank you so fucking much! You are a real gem!"

"I am head of your security. Jake and Paul were idiots and placed you in danger. I will choose your security team."

"No! You will hire-"

"We will not discuss this any further," Austin says sternly. Angel frowns at him. Who the fuck does he think he is? She wants to fight him on this but the way he is looking at her with those pricing blue eyes makes her think better of it so she keeps quiet. That is not her normal response.

"Those people are my friends in there and you-"

"They are not your friends. They are your employees."

"They are my friends!"

"Mhmm, so you can say with certainty that none of them are connected to your stalker?"

"What?! Are you mad!"

"You said your stalker managed to get onto your closed set and wandered around backstage - yes?"

"Yes, so?"

"Was this team backstage? Did they have access to the stadium entrances?"


"Well then..."

Angel's head is spinning and she leans on the kitchen counter. "You think my stalker has access to me via someone who works for me?" she asks moving a little closer to Austin looking for that comfort feeling again. She can't trust anyone. "It's possible, yes," he says. "But do you think it is?" she pushes. "It's too early to say for sure...but I do," he says. Angel's heart stops. "I don't want to be alone with any of them," she blurts out taking two steps closer to him. She feels safe with him. "You won't be alone, miss Knite," Austin says. He doesn't have to say it, his eyes are promise enough - he won't leave her side.

Die for me - Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now