Pom Legend - Aurora and the Dancing Lights

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Long ago, in the Northern part of the world, there was a warm and green land where the Northern Pom people lived happily. They had everything they needed, and the sun shone all the time, keeping the land warm and lush. But one day, a great darkness appeared on the horizon, and had transformed the land into a dark, cold, and snowy wasteland.

The Northern Pom people were scared and didn't know what to do. They knew that if the darkness continued to grow, it would swallow up everything in its path.

Before the darkness could grow any larger, one brave Pom named Aurora decided to face the darkness and flew up into the sky to confront it. "Who are you, and why do you wish to darken our world?" she asked.

"I am the darkness," replied a deep and ominous voice. "I am enchanted by the light of your land, but it always seems to slip away from me. I wish to grow larger and larger so that I can catch it."

Aurora realized that the darkness was not evil, but simply misguided. "If you keep consuming the light, you will only cast our world in shadow," the Pom said. "But I have an idea. If you want to find the light, all you have to do is follow the sun."

"The sun?" the darkness asked. "Where is it?"

Aurora pointed to the east, where the sun was just beginning to set. "There it is," the Pom said. "Follow it, and you will find the light you seek."

The darkness thanked the Pom and set off in pursuit of the sun. It chased the sun around the world, but no matter how fast it went, the sun always stayed just out of reach.

As the sun rose and began to cast its warm light across the land, the Poms took to the sky, leaping from cloud to cloud with joy and abandon. They twirled and spun, their bodies moving in graceful arcs, and as they danced, they released a shower of shimmering, colorful lights that filled the sky with wonder.

The lights were so dazzling and magnificent that the other Pom communities from all around the world flew to see them. They marveled at the colors that swirled and danced in the sky, and they knew that these lights were a symbol of hope and courage.

As the darkness returned, the dance began to wind down. The Northern Poms, tired but happy, started to make their way back to their homes. But as they did, they noticed that the sky was still filled with sparkling lights, like glitter scattered across the darkness. The Poms realized that the darkness itself was not empty, but rather filled with countless stars, each one shining brightly in the vast expanse of the universe.

The Northern Poms were amazed by the beauty of the stars, and they gazed up at the sky in wonder. They knew that these stars had always been there, but until now, they had been hidden from view. The dancing lights of the Northern Poms had revealed the stars to the world, and now they shone bright in the darkness, a reminder of the power of light to overcome even the deepest shadows.

And so, every year, the Northern Poms continued to dance in the sky, creating a stunning display of light and color that could be seen from all over the world. The lights became known as the "Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights," a symbol of the bravery and ingenuity of the Northern Poms, and a reminder of the beauty that can be found even in the darkest of places.

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