Physical Appearance

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Poms are a small and furry humanoid species, standing at an average height of three feet. Their fur comes in a variety of vibrant colors, with a few shades of one color being highlighted by another color to create striking patterns and markings on their body. Their large and expressive eyes are typically a bright and vibrant color without any visible pupils, giving them an enigmatic and alluring appearance.

Poms' tails are one of their most distinctive features. Young Pom have a single tail, but as they mature, a second one emerges, merging with the first to form a diamond shape at the tip. The unique helix shape of their tails makes them easily recognizable.

Poms are also known for their tall ears, which are often tipped with a unique shape that generates small electrical arcs, similar to a Tesla coil. This feature is particularly noticeable when they are using their powers and can make them look almost like they have a halo of electricity around their head. Poms are also unique in that they have hind legs and can stand upright, giving them a more humanoid appearance. However, they still possess many feline traits, such as their retractable claws and ability to climb and jump with ease.

Pom paws resemble that of a cat's, with markings that flow when filled with their power. They have an inherent ability to create an electromagnetic field with their paws, which can attract or repel anything, even if it is not made of metal. This ability is an essential part of their ability to fly.

A Pom's rear and thighs are where they store Pomula, a liquid full of electrical energy that provides the fuel for their powers.

The females of the species possess a notable physical feature: large, round rear ends and thighs. These features serve various functions, including warming their eggs, which they carry internally before laying. The female Pom's soft and plump thighs are perfect for providing warmth to their eggs. Additionally, the large rear ends store energy and provide balance and stability when using their powerful electromagnetic paws. This makes the female's thighs an essential part of their reproductive process as well as an incredible power source.

Male Pom have thinner rears and thighs in comparison to their female counterparts. They tend to be taller and more muscular, making them better suited for physical labor and defense of their communities. While they cannot store as much Pomula as the females, the males tend to be stronger and faster.

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