15. you're a witch lilith

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Lilith stopped walking a few meters away, silent and alert to any sound around her. As a precaution, she took the gun out of her front pocket and aimed it at the woman. The witch revealed her face from the heavy cloak dyed in an intense funeral burgundy, which hid a long, elegant dress of almost the same tone. The pale face of an adult with red hair with slight waves that brushed her waist smiled at her with some kindness. Lilith didn't dare to take another step.

"Hello," the witch said softly, as if trying not to scare her. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person. I'm glad you've made the right decision. You can come a little closer, Lilith, I won't do anything to you. You don't have to be afraid of me."

"I don't want to," Lilith replied, tightening her grip on her gun. "I shouldn't be here alone, and I don't trust witches. They've hurt me a lot."

"I'm sorry that's your opinion of us, but it was the others who hurt you. I don't hurt my sisters. I told you not to bring your hunter friends because I don't want to start a fight and have to hurt them in self-defense. So you can put down your weapon and come with me for a walk. I want to talk to you."

"What others?" Lilith wondered, remembering how the witches hated each other by species, as Bobby had told her. Some witches were more powerful and believed themselves to be superior.

"No," Lilith refused. "I've already been kidnapped, and this could easily be another trap or attempt. I just came here to ask you where my mom is."

"I can see you love your mother very much, and you have her strong character in your genes. You know, I told Regina that a good name for her daughter would be Lilith, and I feel like it fits you perfectly," the witch said, which surprised Lilith so much that she couldn't hide it. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this, but since I'm a cautious woman, I brought this so you could trust me. Living with hunters has made you see us as enemies, huh?"

The witch pulled out a rectangular, worn piece of paper from inside her cloak and used magic to bring it so close that Lilith almost shot her. Fortunately, she didn't, because she never expected to see a picture of the same witch with her mother. Lilith's impression felt like a bucket of cold water, as if for the first time she was seeing the reality of things, of almost her own existence. After having made a thousand and one theories about her mother's relationship with the witches, imagining even the craziest scenarios, she was still surprised at how far a secret could go. Suddenly, the letter made sense

"What does it mean?" she managed to say, staring fixedly at the photograph. It was her mother as a teenager, unmistakable. They looked so alike, and she had seen enough photographs in her grandparents' house to recognize her. "Why do you know my mother?"

"If you calm down and come closer, you'll find out for yourself," the witch replied.

Lilith lowered the gun and looked at the photograph, seeking help from her young mother. She approached the uncertain woman, but with an inexplicable attraction. With the tree branches swaying, they both heard the breaking of a twig and footsteps that stopped abruptly. The witch cast a spell around her hands and looked around, while Lilith thought it was her moment to run because she was going to be kidnapped again.

"It must have been some animal," she said after a moment. "Don't worry, no one's going to take you. I insist, I'm not going to hurt you. I only came to help you and for that, I'm going to remove some chains that don't let you be who you are. Allow me."

Frozen in place, she accepted the touch of the witch on her wrists and, she had to admit, was expectant and impatient for what she declared. Pandora's magical hands covered some slight sparks of purple color that in a sequence were recreating some chains of the same purple magic that bound her down to her feet. They were long and dragged on the ground without making a sound, but there they were: extensive unions floating, imprisoning her. Lilith spun around observing how the chains moved in unison, and her eyes widened in surprise, her brow furrowed even more.

LILITH | DEAN WINCHESTER [ ✓ ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora