"Shut up!" Tommy shoved me, "No I wasn't!"

I was laughing my ass off and Tommy was grumbling curses under his breath while occasionally shoving me.

Techno and Wilbur walked in.

"Hey boys, look at this!" Wilbur said, snatching the newspaper out of Technos hands.

'Six missing children found by Detective Tubbo Minecraft and new Detective Ranboo Beloved:'

The headline read.

"News people are fast, Tommy muttered, while continuing to read the paper.

Techno offendedly snatched the paper back from Wilbur's hands.

"Apparently, the kidnapper was on the list for other crimes too. Kidnapping was one of the many, other from tax related and stealing shit. What I heard was that he was going to keep the kids til there missing prices got high, so he could get some money off of 'em." Techno said.

"What an asswipe." Tommy barked.

"Tell me bout' it." Wilbur rolled his eyes. Wilbur switched his attention to Ranboo.

"What's up with you?" He asked Ranboo.

"Got strangled." Ranboo responded, avoiding eye contact.

"First battle scar I see." Wilbur said.

"Tubbo said he beat the crap outta him though!"

"I didn't 'beat the crap outta him." Ranboo whispered.

"Well, you got blood all over you." Techno pointed.

"And he was unconscious when you put him in the car." I added.

Ranboo sighed, sort of grumbling.

"Ranboo what you did wasn't wrong. You saved some kids. And plus, didn't the guy attack you before you hit him?" Wilbur asked.


"There you go! It was nothing but self defense." Wilbur raised his hands up.

Ranboo sighed, before smiling up at Wilbur. "Alright then."

Tommy stretched, and patted Ranboo's back. "Good start American."

"..thanks?" Tommy nodded. Ranboo kept his confused look, but glanced away.

"So.. Tubbo." Techno butt in, still reading through the paper.

"You didn't come home yesterday." Techno stated.

I scratched my leg. "Oh yeah, I uh was busy here."

"But you stayed all night."


"If I remember clearly, dad said you couldn't do that anymore."

"Well he didn't stop me." It was an accidental snap-back. I stepped back, terrified of Techno. He's scary as hell sometimes.. more like ninety five percent of the time but y'know.

"What time did you go to sleep?" Techno asked, not commenting on my 'attitude' like usual.

"Uhhh.. three? Somewhere around there." I remembered.

Techno crossed his arms, one of his fingers tapping the opposite arm.

"Oh, like you sleep anyway! I've never seen you fall asleep ever."

"Well that's because I don't need it. And don't try switching this up on me." Techno rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Can we please drop this?" I said, desperately trying to get out of this conversation.

Tommy, Ranboo, and Wilbur had all been watching us. Tommy and Wilbur blank-faced while Ranboo looked kind of awkward or uncomfortable.

"Well.." Wilbur tried.

"You two should go out and do something. Phil doesn't have anything assigned for you after this, so you should take the opportunity to go out! Maybe show Ranboo around." He pointed out. I rolled my eyes, though thankful for the pass to leave.

"Whatever. Come on Ran." I grabbed his arm and tugged both of us towards the elevator. I clicked the 'L' button and it was deadly silent.

Ranboo coughed and I nudged his arm. "What?" He said, trying to hide his smile.

"Sorry for that earlier." I apologized, not wanting to elaborate.

He hummed, "that's alright."

The elevator chimed and we both walked out.

"So what do you wanna do?"

1085 words
Detective AU <3

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