Chapter 14

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It's been a while since I played Mario Kart©, so Innie is beating me in the game right now. "Yah! Innie, come one, let me win just once!" I yelled.

"It's not my problem; you suck at this game!" Innie answered back.

"Bokkie!" I heard someone yell my name. I looked up, and it was Wooyounng.

"Wooyoung?!" I stood up and hugged him. "What are you doing here? This is a nice surprise!" We met him in Australia; he was there for a vacation. The three of us, Minho, Wooyoung, and I, just clicked together. That was about seven years ago before Minho moved to Korea. Since then, we've contacted him through phone or social media. It has been hard to meet in person because he was also busy with his career as a model.

Wooyoung is among the few people who know about John, my ex. And only Wooyoung and Lia know how John treated me, not because I told them but because they had witnessed it.

"It's been a long time, baby!" He hugged me tight, and at the same time, Hyunjin returned to the living room, witnessing Wooyoung giving me a tight hug.

"Felix, I'm just going to your room real quick, ok?" Hyunjin told me. Felix? He didn't use the nickname he usually calls me. Is he jealous? Mad?

"Sure, no problem," I answered, and Wooyoung let go of me.

While Wooyoung was drinking, Minho whispered to me that Wooyoung did not know about my relationship with Hyunjin. Minho said he didn't say anything because he wanted it to come from Hyunjin and me later when we announced it at dinner—just nodded. Maybe Hyunjin didn't call me baby or Lixie.

"I forgot to introduce you–Wooyoung, this is Jeongin, but we call him Innie; he's Hyunjin's brother, and we will attend the same university this coming semester. Jeongin, this is Wooyoung; he's a friend of ours." The two exchanged greetings and shook each other's hands. I offered Wooyoung to have a sit. Jeongin and Wooyoung started to play video games together. I took this opportunity to go upstairs to check on Hyunjin.


I was surprised when Lia showed up the other day and now Wooyoung. It can't be a coincidence that they are both here. I have a gut feeling something is going on.

"So, Wooyoung, what brings you here?" I asked frankly. "I'm happy you are here, but why do I feel there's a reason for you to be here?"

Wooyoung sighed. "Can we talk in private then?"

"Sure, we could go in the study room," I told Wooyoung. "Jeongin, we're just going to talk; we'll be back, ok? You don't mind, right?"

"No, Minho. It's fine. I'll just play video games here. This is fun anyway." Jeongin answered. Wooyoung and I walked toward the study room.

Once we got to the room, I locked the door in case Felix decided to come here. "So, what is it you want to talk about?"

"It's about John." Wooyoung started.

"John, as in Felix's ex?" I asked. "Well, what is it to talk about him? Felix told me how they broke up and why they broke up."

Wooyoung sat down on the chair. "You might want to sit down, Minho." So I followed suit and sat down on the chair next to him. "He's here in Korea."

"What?!?" I was frightened. Not for me, but for Felix. Why would John be here? Does he know Felix is here? Is he after Felix? "Why is he here?"

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