Chapter 6

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Minho and Felix said their goodbyes to Chris. Felix seemed happier after seeing Chris after a long time. Chris has been a close friend to the brothers since they were young. They were actually neighbors when they were in Australia. Chris moved to South Korea two years before Minho to pursue music. Now, he's one of three renowned producers in Korea. Like Minho, he hasn't been back to Australia to visit since he moved to Korea.

When Felix and Minho got in the car, Felix remembered that Minho had given him Hyunjin's number. He looked at his phone for a while, contemplating whether to text Hyunjin. Minho noticed Felix looking at his phone–deep in his thoughts.

"Just do it!" Minho said.


"Just text Hyunjin. Don't think about it. Just do it."

"But he might be upset if I text him out of nowhere."

"How would you know if you don't try? Why would he be upset? I could tell he likes you. So, text him and start the conversation. You won't lose anything by trying."

With Minho's advice, Felix opened the messaging app on his phone and started typing the message to Hyunjin.


Hi, hyung. This is Felix.


Felix doesn't know, but he feels nervous after sending the message. How would he react?

Hyunjin 💙

Hey! What's up? How did you get my number?

I got it from Minho hyung. Hopefully, that's OK. You won't be mad at my brother.

Felix started to worry that Hyunjin would be upset for texting him out of nowhere.

Hyunjin 💙
No, no, no... It's ok. I don't mind. So how have you been? I know we just saw each other yesterday. 😊

Umm... Been ok. Are you going to be at the party tomorrow right? 😊

Hyunjin 💙
Of course, I won't miss it.

Oh ok. That's good because I want to spend time with you.

Did I really send that? Felix thought. OMG, he's gonna think I'm some kind of weirdo. Felix started to panic.

Hyunjin 💙
Yes. Me too. I want to spend time with you, and maybe we could get to know each other.

Whaattt? OMG... Does he want to spend time with me too???

I would love that. See you tomorrow, hyung.

Hyunjin 💙
See you.

Felix couldn't hide his smile. Which Minho never fails to notice. Minho just kept quiet and smiled. He felt happy seeing his little brother smile. The ride home was silent. Felix is deep in thought and excitement about what is to happen tomorrow. And Minho is just enjoying the quiet ride.

Both of the boys are already showered and ready for bed. They were just hanging out in the living room watching some variety shows on TV.

"So, did Hyunjin get upset when you texted him." Minho's curiosity got the best of him.

"Uh, no.. surprisingly. It seems like he was happy that I texted him."

"I told you. I bet you he likes you too. How he stares at you every time he sees you is different from how he looks at others."

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