Chapter Nine

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"Could you please come with me?" Valerie whined early one morning. She and Toni were in the music room where they usually camped out before the first bell. The comfort within the four walls and carpeted floors had helped Toni get acquainted with her new routines in school.

"Val," she started kindly, "You know I'm proud of you for booking this gig..." Valerie nodded, a sense of pride in herself as well. "...And you know I would love to come support you during your first solo act." Toni sighed, torn about the event to come. "I just don't know how comfortable I feel going to Ciderdale surrounded by everyone."

Ciderdale. The annual cider contest of Riverdale. Families or groups from all across town gather in the park to set up their tents and compete to be the best brewers. Some take it pretty seriously with their own logos and team names. Toni had even heard of a couple of people getting heated over a stolen "secret recipe" once. The event was usually tacked onto a part of the Homecoming festivities, hence why lots of clubs, sports, and even Valerie, were invited to play a role in the celebration.

In all honesty, Toni had loved it. Growing up with her parents she remembered hanging around the Serpents' booth drinking the cider. She would see some of them sneak alcohol out of their leather jackets to spike their own cups, making sure the kids would have clean cider. She would mess around with Sweet Pea and Fangs sampling everyone's different concoctions of beverages before running off into Fox Forest a couple of blocks away to their hideout.

The one Ciderdale year she remembers specifically was when the Blossoms won, they had a cider sweetened with their own syrup and was by far the best. Toni remembered a young red-haired girl handing her a sample cup with a smile on her face. She had not seen her before, at the time, she only knew of the south side kids. The little brunette was about to ask if she wanted to go play, but someone who seemed to be her mother ripped her daughter away from the stand and ridiculed her for talking to "serpent trash".


Valerie brought her out of the past, and back into the ever-different present, "You can hang around me at the gazebo."

"You'll be busy playing music, and besides, I'm not going to be a sorry loser too scared to leave her only friend."

"You are though."

Valerie was met with a smack to the shoulder for her comment. Both of them shared a couple of laughs before Val pitched another idea.

"You could hang out with Cheryl."

Toni's eyes darted to Valerie, energy drastically different than seconds before.

"Her family doesn't do their own stand anymore, since Jason... But I'm betting she's there regardless."

She did think about it for a second, but instead brushed her optimism off, "You know why I can't." Toni's guilt still hadn't subsided, she knew it never would, but it hadn't even faded. Especially after what Jughead said to her in the halls not too long ago.

"Toni," Valerie bowed her head to the level her friend's had sunk, "You will always regret it if you don't try to form a friendship with Cheryl. Hell, even an acquaintanceship at this point. It's been enough time. I know how you feel about her." Toni finally lifted her gaze. Valerie was right. She would never stop being the bad guy in her head if she never tried to be anything else to Cheryl. Sometimes Toni felt like Valerie knew more about her brain than she did herself. Finally nodding that her friend was right, Toni's smile grew wide. She was going to make up for past mistakes. She was going to let herself feel hopeful.


"Please, Cheryl!"

"Betty I haven't gone to Ciderdale since my brother passed."

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