Chapter 8

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I dissaparate an land in a alley in muggle paris. I sigh and start walking. I find a nearby hotel and get a room. There I muttered Anomia and my looks changed to what neesha looked like. Black curls and my colored eyes. I changed my name to bella and threw on a new pair of clothes...a white t-shirt with a black heart, a leather jacket white leggings and boots (pic above) I look at my reflection and frown. I sit down on my bed and start crying silently. How could they think J murdered ron!?! And out of jealousy! I wipe my tears and decide to go out. I walk around paris and decide to go to a wizard store. They had daily prophets so I bought one.

Hermione Jean Granger was convicted of the murder of ronald weasley. She was last seen in her house by aurorer potter. "Hermione used to be my best friend, now that she killed ron...No" mr harry potter states.....

I break down then and there. Im not his friend! "miss whats wrong?" a shopkeeper asks I shake my head before pointing at the paper and muttering "She was my friend" the shopkeeper nodded and rubbed my back. Then I get up and wipe my tears away before exiting the store. I clutch the daily prophet to my heart and wonder the streets . I go to the Market and buy a weeks worth of supply's before going to my favorite clothes store Maurice's. "Hey names Bekka, welcome to Maurice's! If you need any help just ask!" she said smiling I thanked her and walked along the racks of clothes when i hear voices "Please baby one more outfit!" I walk around the corner and cant help but gasp. standing there was my enemy from school and astoria greengrass?" "Can I help you?" she asks sassy "Yeah, You can stop whining the whole store can hear you and its really annoying!" "EXCUSE ME!?" astoria replied "You heard me" I sayed when I felt a had on my back and I felt astoria dragg me out of the store and into an alley."story dont!" i hear malfoy say "She desearves this!" then I felt a slap on my cheek but I didnt cry she continued to slap me. "This brat wont cry!" astoria said pulling out her wand "Guess what... I am a witch, do you know what that is? Its someone with magic...and I can use this magic to hurt you!" astoria said kicking me so I fell to the ground. "CRUCIO!" "story NO!!!!!!" I felt a searing pain through my body and i heard a scream but then it went silent and I was laying on the ground again. Then she did it again and I felt the world shaking before all went black.

I wake up on this comfy bed and my arm hurts a lot. I look around and I am in someones bed! Its a bedroom...maybe a guest one? I hear the door open and I look towards the door. "Your awake" Malfoy said I glared at him before sitting up. I see that I'm in a clean night gown and I blush thinking how I got in it. Ny clothes are folded in a pile at the foot of the bed. I got out of the bed and grabbed my clothes before walking to the door. "can I help you?" he asked blocking my way "Yeah...your in my way!" I said pushing past him. I look around and realize this must be malfoys apartment. I go to the room next to mine but that was malfoys room so i walked out into the kitchen witch led to the living room there was two doors the front and the bathroom. I go inti the bathroom and peel the nightgown off. Thats when I realize my scar. He saw my scar. He knows who I am!bI quickly put MY clothes back on and i walk out into the kitchen witch is where he was sitting. "Malfoy I know you saw my scar, I know you know its me.... but you cant remember. I am sorry but I have to do this." I raised my wand pointing it at him when he turned and looked at me. "Granger,don't!" i sigh and lower my wand. "I want to help." he said "You can help by forgetting I came!" I said before turning and walking to the door. I opened the door and walked out slamming it shut before disappararing.

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