Chapter 1

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1 year after the war
Hermione pov
Me and ron were happily living in our flat in the muggle world when he told me he was going out. He had been going out a lot lately so i decided to follow him. Bad idea where does he go to this strange house i have never seen before! I was under Harry's cloak so he couldnt see me but i could see him alright! He knocked at the door an this burnet girl that looked kinda like me answered. Hey astoria he said... Astoria she was a slytherin in ginnys year. he handed her a bouquet of red roses and kissed her cheek! I wanted to explode! I creeped along and followed then to a fancy expensive restaurant, he never takes me out for dinner! Especially not at a fancy expensive place! This waitress showed then to a table and i put my cloak up and got seated at the table behind them. they were talking about how much fun they have had for the last month. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A MONTH! I screamed in my head. ron leaned in and kissed astoria then astoria got up to go to the bathroom. i think its time to make a move. i stand up and go and sit where astoria sat. "ahh astoria your ba..oh mione! are you... how did you know.." RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME! She shouted tears streaming down her face before she disapparated

Authors note
The first chapter is really short but its more like the prologue, sorry!

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