chapter 7

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1 week later
hermione pov
I handed the innkeeper a few galleons and went on my way. I had stayed at hogs head for the last week trying to hear new news but there wasn't any. I pull my purse over my head. I was wearing an outfit hermione would never wear. a pink shirt with black jeans, black 3 inch heels and jewelry. "Hey Alicia!" I hear I almost keep walking then I remember that I am now Alicia. I stop and put on a flirty smile. It was george. "Hey george!" I say fake smiling "Hi... so its my lunch break... i ermm was umm wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch?" he said blushing. I put on a flirtatious smile and lift my eyebrows "Sure why not!" he smiles and we walk to the three broomsticks. "Hi I am neesha and I an your waitress today!" says a girl with black curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. I smile and she smiles back. "Hi can we have two firewhiskeys?" he asked I gulped. I never drank because I cant hold my alcohol very well. "Sure!" neesha says before walking away. I photocopy what neesha looks like and decide that tomorrow I will move on and become someone else. Neesha comes back and asks us what we would like to eat but george passes and we stand up after paying. Then we walk out of the three broomsticks and back to weasley wizard wheezes. "So george, i an leaving town for a while...I dont know when I am gonna be back" I say "WHAT!" he shouts I repeat myself and he looks shocked. I smile before kissing his cheek saying I had to go. As I turned around he pulled in my arm and I turned inti his lips crashing onto mine. I am shocked and dont know what to do. So I do the reasonable thing and knee him in the groin before muttering sorry and dissaparating.

short chapter but the next few will be... I will update shortly! the pic is what she is wearing😄

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