Chapter 8

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My view was blur at first but it cleared within seconds. It wasn't night anymore. In front of me stood a girl who looked quite my age. Behind her was a very beautiful view of bright coloured flowers of different kinds and colours. Far in the field were trees of different kinds and sizes and the sky was so blue. The fresh breeze delivered the melodious singing of birds  from afar. Everywhere was of pure beauty and appreciation of nature.

My attention drifted back to the girl facing me. We had similar looks. The same brown eyes, nut-brown hair and we shared the same heights. I would have said that I was staring at a mirror if not for a little difference in our hair - her hair wasn't as long and wavy as mine, mine is waist - length and kind of curly while hers was shoulder length and straight. Her eyebrows weren't as thick as mine. I would say that she's a lighter version of me.

As we started at each other, I felt a tug at my heart strings, a rush of love for her and a bond so tight. I started to raise my hand to touch and she also reached out to touch me. We did it so fast that we both laughed and I noticed how white her teeth were. The laughter warmed me through like as if I haven't done that for years.

When our brief  laughter subsided, she said , "We don't have much time, come I have something to show you." Her voice was just as soft as her looks and it sounded familiar, like I've heard it somewhere but couldn't place where and when. I was beginning to warm to her that it didn't occur to me to ask the question a sane person would ask.

"Who are you?"


She dropped my hand, something flashed in her eyes and her face fell, with the way her bright eyes dimmed, I thought she was going to cry  but instead she said," It hurts when your twin sister asks you for who you are, it hurts." Her nose turned red and the colour spread all over her face. By then, the tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

"It hurts", she repeated as I stared in confusion.

Twin sister?

                             * * * *

I wake up to the sound of chirping of birds on the branches of the branches of the tree that stretches to my window side almost entering my room. For some minutes, I stare blankly at the beautiful ceiling of my room.

I finally sit up few minutes later but this morning, no body ache or headache. Just a normal morning. Just then, the events of last night comes rushing into my head which sends a wave of heat down my body.

My eyes scans everywhere and lands on my bedside table, there lays my phone, I gasp. How can this be?  I can remember vividly that I left it in Diana's car last night.

Maybe I never took it.

Maybe she brought me home after finding me unconscious.

I shake my head to get rid of that thought. If Diana had brought me home, she would have stayed until I am fine. That's the friend I have. Besides, there's no sign of anyone in the house.

With shaky hands, I reach out to take my mobile. I feel so weak. Apart from feeling weak, I don't know why everything feels normal. I click the phone on to find fifteen missed calls from Diana, seven from last night and eight for this morning, 7:30 AM to be precise. And this is 10:14 AM. She must have called before running off to school. Wait, school !!! I am supposed to be in school and here I am still in bed. I jump out of bed with my mind racing.

Mum mustn't know about this. I haven't missed school since the last time I can't remember. Speaking of Mum, there are five missed calls from her from last night. She calls whenever she's on night duty to be sure that I'm okay. Bet she would be worried but she's not a type that freaks out easily. An optimist. She easily makes up maybes.

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