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"It's cool, chill. It will go away if I ignore it."

"You have been saying that for three months, Angel. But, it has not gone away. It's not cool and you should not ignore it."

Angel groans and rolls onto her stomach picking up the letter and reading over it again.

I have a bad feeling you have been lying to me...

What does it mean? There are some real freaks out there. "We should really go to the police and I don't think you should be touching that," her manager, Jona says. Angel groans again and throws the letter in the air, rolling back onto her back and watching it flutter down to the floor like a drunk butterfly. "Over a letter?" she asks. "No! Over three letters!" Jona says frazzled. He is always frazzled. He snatches the two other letters she had been sent off his desk.

"You said you would die for me. But you lied to me!" he reads the first one out then looks at her with those big frazzled eyes, she shrugs. "You said you would take a bullet for me, but you lied!" he reads the next letter and looks at her again. Still frazzled. "Hey!" Angel says sitting up and looking at Jona then standing and grabbing all three letters placing them next to each other. "You said you would die for me, but you lied to me. You said you would take a bullet for me, but you lied to me. I have a real bad feeling you have been lying to me..." she reads them pinching her lip in thought.

"They connect! Your stalker is sending you one long message in pieces! Do you get it now? We need to go to the police!"

"Shhh, Jona, Mommy is working."

"Are you trying to decipher it? Do you think you know who sent it?"

"I have no fucking clue who sent it. But, I will tell you one thing," Angel says holding up the letters with a smile, Jona smiles too, "This has the makings of a really good song!" she declares Jona's smile drops and he snatches the letters from her. "You are not writing a song from letters by your stalker, Angel! You need to take this seriously!"

"I take songwriting very seriously, Jona."

"Angel, you are my worst client. You know that?"

"You have a client who throws his piss on his audience," Angel deadpans. "Ok, I will give you that. But, you really are hard to work with. You think life is one big party. You take nothing seriously and now someone wants you dead and your only revelation is to write a song using their words. You are exhausting!" Jona says falling into his chair, he's balding too and Angel thinks she might be responsible for that. "I am twenty-four with a bucket load of cash from standing on a stage and screeching into a microphone. I have a tattoo of a penguin on my ass - at what point did you ever think I was responsible?" Angle asks.

"I never did but, Angel, this is serious stuff. We need to go to the police."

"We are not going to the police."

"Then we need to get you a bodyguard."

"I have two bodyguards."

"No. Those are friends who look like bodyguards. They have had no training. We need a real bodyguard."

"Hey, Jake and Paul are good guys and they know the art of karate."

"From video games, Angel. Videogames!"

Angel sighs then sits down on Jona's lap kissing the bald spot on the top of his head. "You need to chill. No police. No bodyguard. We will just ignore it and it will go away," Angle says. "This is innaproorate, Angle. Get off my lap and you can't just ignore it and hope it goes away," Jona says trying to push her off him. "But it works with everything else. It's a solid response to something I don't want to deal with. Ignore it - it's no longer a problem. Now," she says standing, "I have sound check and then a show, maybe a night of hard drinking after so put those letters in the shredder and let's pretend like this never happened," she says picking up her bag and walking out of his office.

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