Ch 28 Terra Marked

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From the moment Jin was separated from Liz by the scarred three striped lion, he felt fear wrap around his heart like a vice. He and the lion fought viciously, the lion was powerful but overconfident and sloppy, he had no regard for his own life. After sinking his fangs into Jin's front left leg, the tiger put all his focus into trying to break his bone and cause him pain, unintentionally leaving himself wide open and Jin gratefully took the opportunity to rip his throat out.

Jin then fought his way through the stampeding herd of rino beasts just in time to rescue Beau who was outnumbered fighting against a two striped wolf and a three striped jaguar beastmen. Jin leapt off the back of one of the passing Rino beasts and landed with all his weight focused on his front paws which slammed directly down onto the center of the jaguar's back, snapping it in two like a twig. The two striped wolf beast saw this and quickly ran into the forest with his tail between his legs.

After ruthlessly killing the other male Jin only took a moment to look over Beau and comprehend his mate is missing. The giant white tiger roared his dissatisfaction right in Beau's battered face before he took off in the direction he felt his mate bond lead. Unfortunately it wasn't that easy, every step was a battle, rootless males flocked to hinder his movements.

When Jin finally broke through into the forest he was blindsided by a two striped cheetah beastman who was using the trees like springboards and focused his attacks on Jin's legs. The male was moving so fast it was extremely difficult for Jin to track his erratic movements and predict where he was going to attack from next, so instead of trying to dodge, since that didn't seem to be working anyway, Jin stepped into the attack. The cheetah male didn't expect Jin to step right into his path, so after raking his sharp claws across Jin's already mauled up thigh, he no longer had the distance to avoid Jin's counter attack and got his own leg caught in Jin's powerful jaws.

Jin clamped down on the Cheetah's leg then began to shake his head, snapping the bone before the limb ripped away from his body completely. The crippled beastman fell to the forest floor wailing in agony, not just from pain but with the knowledge he's completely useless now even to his fellow rootless beastmen and will likely be killed as food if he's seen by them. With him no longer being a threat Jin was about to leave him there until he caught a wiff of Liz's sweet scent on the male and his vision went red.

"Where is my mate!" Jin roared in tiger speech, not thinking clearly enough to shift back into his man form and the Cheetah may not even understand what he's saying. Yet Jin continued to growl viciously, his massive paw pinning him down and his fangs inching dangerously close to the Cheetah's jugular... Until Jin heard the thunder of a set of heavy running paws quickly approaching but not from the direction of the tribe.

Jin dodged just in time as a terra marked tiger beastman burst through the trees, the tiger glanced over at the fallen cheetah beastman with what seemed like disgust, though he still stood like a barrier between the two males. The terra marked male growled at Jin, who was about ready to escape and search for his mate before he caught her scent again, coming off of the terra marked tiger male.

"Where is she? What have you done to my mate?" Jin demanded as he attacked the terra marked tiger, who dodged and knocked Jin in the side of the head with his paw.

"why should I say? You lost her. You weren't strong enough to protect her." The tiger mocked as he and Jin began circling each other, until Jin lunged only to be smacked down again by the stronger male. "I was ruthlessly thrown away by my mate for choosing my female cub over her. What's your excuse? You failed your female. Why would she even want to return to such a pathetic mate."

This dance continued, the terra marked tiger barely seemed to be taking the fight seriously and continued taunting Jin, while Jin gave everything he had to try and defeat the male. Until suddenly a burst of pain shot through his heart and radiated out through his body and he crumbled to the ground with the realization that it's not his pain he's feeling but his mates. She's calling out to him, suffering and there's nothing he can do about it... Everything building inside Jin snapped like a rubber band. Power flooded through his body and a new stripe appeared on his face.

The terra marked tiger smirked knowingly at the newly formed terra marked white tiger beastman, then he slung the cheetah onto his back and ran off before Jin could recover from the transition. Receiving his fourth mark was like a super shot of adrenaline straight to his heart, Jin didn't bother trying to track the other males, no, the only thing that could process in his brain was 'Mate. Mate's in pain. Gotta find mate!'

Going off of pure instinct alone Jin was led back into the Fierce Claw Tribe, where he ran around back and fourth in a crazed state, destroying everything in his path, getting more and more beserk the longer he could feel her but couldn't find her. Leon led other members of the tribe in an attempt to stop Jin before he destroyed the entire tribe, but no one was strong enough to withstand the power of the terra marked male.

Rise Of The Beast Queen: ElizabethOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant