Ch 37 Fox Fight

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"Your mates cubs took her, didn't they?" Beau accused.

"What! Of course not!" Kinkade denied but Beau talked over him.

"But she must have escaped." He reasoned.


"That's why you're here now following Jin's trail. You're trying to find her." Beau concluded and Kinkade roared in frustration having their plan so easily unraveled, before he attacked.

Kinkade lunged forward, his razor teeth snapping too close for comfort but Beau dodged back then sprang forward with an attack of his own, dropping low to the ground, he bit Kinkade's front leg. Unfortunately this move left Beau's back wide open, despite the pain Kinkade took advantage and sunk his teeth into Beau's neck, thankfully Beau moved at the last second so only his skin and skruff got shredded as Kinkade shook his head back and fourth.

Beau ripped himself away, rolling onto his back while he brought his claws up and raked them over Kinkade's chest and neck, who in turn jumped back in an attempt to avoid the majority of the damage and Beau sprang back to his feet. The two males circled each other looking for an opening, both males had two stripes, so they were fairly evenly matched, although Beau is younger, faster and slightly physically stronger, Kinkade has more wisdom and fighting experience, he knows to go for the vital spots first which makes him more dangerous.

The foxes clashed in a flurry of teeth and claws, Kinkade lunged down latching onto Beau's back leg, Beau in return bit into Kinkade's side. Kinkade shook his head again, the bone in Beau's leg couldn't take the pressure and snapped. He wailed painfully but refused to open his jaw and ripped a chunk of flesh out of Kinkade's side, which made him release Beau's mangled leg, allowing him to spring out of the way to try and create distance, but Kinkade quickly pursued.

Kinkade jumped on top of his back, with Beau's injured leg he couldn't hold both their weight and was forced to the ground. Beau squirmed but Kinkade had him pinned and was about to deliver the fatal blow... When suddenly a loud cracking sound was heard followed by an intense killing oppressive ora/beast pressure and the two foxes looked into the trees to see a terra marked tiger standing just inside the shadows watching their battle.

"What are you doing here!" Kinkade growled, though he knew the tiger didn't completely understand the fox language the dialect wasn't so different he couldn't get the gist of it, but he was interrupted as Beau rolled causing him to stumble.

Beau took the opportunity to rake his claws across Kinkade's stomach tearing open the flesh and almost causing him to spill his guts. Kinkade tried to leap away again and Beau assisted with a kick to the chest using his one good back leg, which sent Kinkade careening into a tree. He slid to the ground awkwardly, but Beau didn't give him a chance to recover before he pounced on top of him, biting and tearing at anything he could get his razor sharp teeth on. Kinkade howled out in a painful plea for help that went unanswered as he gurgled and choked on his own blood while he was being torn apart by Beau, who found himself lost in a beastly rage.

Beau was finally able to regain control of himself, when he found himself in a staring match with the terra marked tiger beastman. Although the male wasn't even releasing his beast pressure, Beau could sense the overwhelming power difference, that coupled with the feral bloodlust he saw in the males eyes and the malicious grin stretched across his tiger face made Beau shudder from the sheer intimidation. But the terra marked male did nothing except turn around and walk away, leaving Beau standing with a befuddled look on his face, wondering just what the hell the male was doing here in the first place.

As Beau set back onto following Jin's trail, it was already much slower going then before because of his broken leg but he also took the time to cover the trail so no one else could follow. He kept an eye out specifically for the terra marked tiger, luckily he'd gone in another direction and there was no signs of him. After a few long hours of the slow but steady pace Beau heard the sound of something running through the forest towards him from ahead on the trail, he crouched and readied for another fight when a huge chestnut brown rabbit burst through the trees and skid to a stop in front of him.

"Eryk? What are you doing here?" Beau asked in surprised irritation.

"Healer Dylan sent me to see what was taking you so long to return." The male rabbit shifted and answered in an annoyed tone like it was an inconvenience.

"Why?" Beau snapped defensively and the male shrugged unbothered by his sharp attitude.

"Seems you caught the attention of another female." Eryk scoffed with a slight smirk as he waited to see Beau's typical disgusted reaction, but was unexpectedly disappointed.

"A... A female..." Beau repeated with hope tinting his voice, taking Eryk by surprise.

"Ya." He confirmed, his dark eyes narrowing with suspicion. "A feral brought her to our tribe for healing. Then just a while ago a terra marked white tiger showed up. Tell me, are you actually interest..." Eryk began to ask but Beau ignored him and took off running in the direction of the Rivers Bend Tribe as fast as his three good legs could carry him. It's one thing to suspect why Jin took off like he did, it's another to get actual confermation and Beau wasn't about to waist another moment.

Beau ignored the throbbing pain radiating from his leg with each stride, his only thoughts were about getting to Liz, even if she refused to accept him after his epic failure to protect her. That possibly made his heart ache, but he was more than willing to accept anything, any punishment...

Even death if that would satisfy her...

That thought struck him harder than any hit ever could and made his steps falter as the tribe finally came into view.

Would he die a pitiful death like his father? Or would she send him away immediately to be lonely for the rest of his life, because he knew he would never be able to find another female as special as Liz.

Which fate is worse?

Death or to go back to the lonely days before he'd met Liz, only this time with the knowledge and understanding of the love and companionship he'd be missing out on.

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