22- Summer Of Love

Start from the beginning

Harry nodded and stood. It seemed that boredom and torturing a student won the battle. "You know I have actually brewed Polyjuice before, right?"

"If you mean your toilet concoction in second year, I both knew, kept an eye on your progress, and even fixed that potion for you once," Snape gave him a bit of a shove towards the door when the teen stood in stunned surprise.

"What…but…why?" Harry sputtered as he heard the men in the kitchen laughing their arses off in their wake.

"Why didn't I turn you in?" Snape raised an eyebrow as they walked up the stairs to the attic. "I was interested to see if Ms. Granger could actually pull it off. It was almost perfect, but it was a bit too weak to be effective, so I added some more boomslang skin. She must not have stolen quite enough from me during your ill-conceived distraction and theft."

"But…really? You were just curious?" The dementor was completely stunned as Snape shoved a cutting board and knife in front of him when they entered the make-shift lab in the attic.

"Teaching gets boring, and it's not like I was busy with my second job at that time," the vampire shrugged with a smirk tugging at his lips. "It was impossible that Draco was the Heir of Slytherin, and as long as you didn't poison yourselves, it wasn't even a dangerous enterprise. I kept a close enough eye on your toilet potion to make sure that poisoning was unlikely."

Harry shook his head and started slicing ingredients. "The more I learn about you, the more I'm certain I made a good choice in making you a friend."

Snape sneered at that remark and threw a flobberworm expertly that ended up in Harry's wild hair. "Slice that thinner!"


Two Remus Lupins waited in the sitting room as Harry put on his trainers and Dumbledore chatted with Snape. "I knew you didn't actually get a tattoo of that Hufflepuff girl's name in seventh year!" The Sirius-Lupin remarked as he held the waistband of his trousers out, looking at his borrowed arse.

The real Remus Lupin smacked his arm away. "Stop looking at my butt! And no looking at anything else either!" He angrily instructed. "Besides, Peter spread that rumor, you know not to believe anything he said!"

That remark was laden with more than any of them had expected as the room got quiet. "Yes, definitely, let's go!" Harry quickly cut in before Sirius could get all moody again. He was positive that, after clearing his godfather's name, a mind-healer was the first stop they needed to make.

Dumbledore held out a handkerchief as a portkey to Diagon Alley. Harry glared at it like it was Nagini herself. "I hate portkeys," he glowered.

"Well, I hate this house, so suck it up and hang on," Sirius-Lupin threw an arm around his godson and also took ahold of the handkerchief. With a deep breath, Harry reached out. In a split-second, he spun out of the manor with Dumbledore and Sirius, leaving the other two men looking both worried and expectant behind.


"You think there's a what in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault?" The goblin manager of the bank asked in disgusted surprise. He was the fifth goblin they had to talk to, each one moving them up to their supervisor in the chain of bureaucracy.

With a sigh, Dumbledore launched one more time into his explanation of what he thought Voldemort had made and their guess as to where it might be. "And we really ask that this information doesn't leave this discussion as that would be disastrous to the war effort."

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