Bad News and O Sphere's

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"Well what?! Just say it!" Draco shouted.

The assistant Healer stepped forward, taking the brunt of the bad news himself. "The attacks will keep happening, soon the time between attacks will lessen and you'll receive more daily...until the attacks won't stop, ending in your death." He looked down at the floor, clutching the sides of his lab coat.

Harry forgot how to breath momentarily, taking a sharp painful breath in. "There has to be another way!"

"What can we do?! There must be something!" Seamus yelled.

Draco thought of something else. "What if there was someone who saw the curse put upon me that night? What if that person can do the curse?"

"Mr. Malfoy the risk is still very high, even one curse thrown at you in this condition could kill you! It would have to be someone who has an extreme amount of power, it would be almost impossible to-"

"I'll do it!" Harry interrupted.

Everyone turned their heads to Harry.

"I'll do it, I can't just sit here and do nothing!" Harry held Draco close to his side.

"Mr. Potter you can't when he's in this condition, the success rate of this is already severely low, but if you use the full effect of the Cruciatus Curse on Mr. Malfoy with your level of'd only get one chance and if you fail, Mr. Malfoy would be killed by your hands." The older Healer expressed his doubts, coming closer to the 3 of them.

Seamus wished he was there that night, he felt horrible that he couldn't help. "There's no other options? Nothing???"

"Mr. Finnigan the only other option is doing nothing which will result in Mr. Malfoy's death." The older Healer scowled.

Draco stood up. "I want to go home! Now!"

"Mr. Malfoy we can't let you leave when you're in such poor condition!" The assistant Healer stood firm, ready to stop him.

"We need to keep you for at least another 24 hours we have more tests to run!" The older Healer came closer, standing in front of Draco. "Please just give us another day, if we find no new information or something leading to another option you can go."

Seamus took Draco's hand. "I'll stay with you tonight okay?"

Harry rubbed Draco's back. "Stay tonight with Seamus and I'll be here in the morning."

Draco kept it together despite the devastating news, knowing he had no other choice. "Fine, but if they stick me or do anything I don't like I'm leaving!" He sat back down on the bed with a huff.

"No pokes or sticks this time we promise!" The assistant Healer swore, crossing an X over his heart.

"Thank you for staying, we promise to keep it as comfortable here for you as possible." The older Healer walked out with his assistant, getting the items and parchment paperwork for the next tests.

Draco took Harry by the hand. "Be here as early as you can."

"I promise the second I wake up I'll be here to come see you." Harry bent down, kissing Draco's forehead. "They should have dinner for you after the tests are done." He picked up his bag, shoving his wand into his back pocket.

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