chapter- 1 The Two different worlds

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We can see a big mansion but without any happiness

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We can see a big mansion but without any happiness.

In bed room

We can see a beautiful girl  I think she was sleeping peacefully but no no she was trying to sleep and sleep was far away from her she can mask and portrait herself has a devil to the outer world but she was a innocent girl who was longing for mot...

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We can see a beautiful girl  I think she was sleeping peacefully but no no she was trying to sleep and sleep was far away from her she can mask and portrait herself has a devil to the outer world but she was a innocent girl who was longing for mother love.outside she show she can live without her mother but inside she is girl who need her mother for everything and everytime but her ego stopping her . Her through were stopped by the alarm hearing alarm she woke up from her bed and started her morning routine..

In Hall:-
Everyone were working with fear because their devil boss don't care about others if she find out any mistake without any mercy she will fire them ..

A old lady setting breakfast in dinning table for her devil boss with fear because if she was late and she will fired by her boss suddenly every servants in the hall were shivering because their boss coming to dinning table their carry a killing look and without any damn to them she completed her breakfast and make way to her company..

NT Industries:-

World's No 1 Business firm they have established their branches all over the world and created their own name in every field It is pride and dream for everyone to work in NT industries

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World's No 1 Business firm they have established their branches all over the world and created their own name in every field It is pride and dream for everyone to work in NT industries

The devil boss reached NT industries because she is sole owner of this company and she hide her identity from this world

The devil boss reached NT industries because she is sole owner of this company and she hide her identity from this world

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mom's little super heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora