
Fuck that.

I laid back down, attempting to ignore the blaring alarm

-Time skip-

"Wake up." The nurse spoke banging on my door

I groaned, I had a terrible sleep due to

1. How cold I was

And 2. The fucking alarm that was blaring for hours

I'm not a morning person and never will be, I could tell it was early due to sun rise in the distance.

I hate this so much

I feel like my rights are being stripped away from me

I don't know how long I can last here for

Hey! At least I'm not thinking of alcohol

Guess this shit kind of works

After a quick shower, with very low pressure warm water I changed into my second pair of white trousers and shirt.

The door unlocked "breakfast follow me."

I nodded before following the nurse

Dude are you serious

I stared at the gruel on my plate

I feel like Oliver Twist.

Cold chunky but somehow liquid porridge stared back at me

I winced and pushed the tray away from me in disgust.

Think I'll just skip breakfast

I look up to see Some smiley guy skipping towards me

Oh god no.. I'm not planning on making friends here

This guy does not seem stable.

I let out a fake attempt of a smile

He continued to grin back at me creepily

What does he want?

"So you're the new kid"

God what the fuck is this, High school??

I nodded

"Well I'm Jamie you can be my friend" he smiled

I sighed "look Jamie I really appreciate the offer but um I'm not planning on making friends here, but um thanks for the offer"

Jamie stared at me for a few seconds his smiley face turned into one you'd capture on a psychopath, I shivered.

Without warning he lunged at me and began punching

What the fuck is going on??

I attempt to get out of his grasp, but he's so fucking strong.

One last hit

I'm out cold.

Time skip (1 week later)

I rubbed my temples, trying to soothe my headache.

I can't do this anymore

This place is hell

That Jamie kid has been on my back relentlessly, apparently he's actually a diagnosed psychopath.

Which is just my fucking luck

The nurses here basically abuse you, the way they speak and laugh at us.

The food is fucking disgusting, I haven't really ate at all for the last 7 days

This place is hell

I want to go home.

Kyles Pov

It's been a week since Stan got checked into the psych ward, and todays visiting day.

Me Kenny and Sharon all decided we'd take turns to see him as he's only allowed one visitor.

I haven't been in contact as he's not allowed his phone, I've missed him so much and each time I feel down I tell myself it's for stans good.

Finally I was outside the building, it does actually kind of look like a prison.

Don't judge a book by its cover I tried to tell myself.

I sat down on a chair a glass sheet separating what I guessed was the visitor from the patient.

I bounced my leg anxiously waiting for stans appearance.

After a few minutes he finally walked in, he looked skinnier than normal? And kind of pale.. he wore only white.

Is that a bruised eye?

"Long time no see" I smiled at Stan

Stan half smiled "hi ky" he sounds exhausted

"What happened to your eye?"

"I fell." He spoke blandly

What the hell it's like talking to Craig, where's Stan gone.

"So how is it here?" I asked trying to pick the conversation up

"Fucking awful.. I hate this place" Stan slightly raised his voice

I nodded "it's only for 3 months Stan.."

"3 MONTHS!?!???"

"Um yes did no one tell you that" I nervously laughed

Stan shook his head "no no I can't... I'll go fucking crazy. I can't Kyle.. "

He sounded distraught, i bit my lip feeling bad before I could say or do anything, the nurse interrupted us.

"Times over" he spoke before pulling Stan sway out of my view

Stan really doesn't like it here..

Style (stan x kyle) dude you're not a failure..Where stories live. Discover now