Chapter 7: Second Encounter

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**SUGGESTED SONG: "Unpack Your Heart- Phillip

"The most important meetings were planned by the souls before the bodies had even seen each other." -Paulo Coelho



"What?!" Camila said exasperated as Dinah looked at her with a smile. Both were waiting for their sisters to leave school.

"She told you that you looked beautiful," Dinah said smiling at her, and Camila, despite herself, ended up completely blushing.

"She's beautiful, Dinah," Camila finally admitted, crossing her arms and being honest with her friend. "I think she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life.

"I think her friend is more beautiful," Dinah said, laughing "The supermodel. You know" Camila rolled her eyes.

"I find her attractive too." Dinah smiled. "And you, since when do you see attractive women?"

"She's attractive," she laughed. "I am not telling any lies. But you prefer the bitter ones with green eyes."

Camila smiled a little remembering Lauren. The eyes she had and her body. And the way she had looked at her when she told her that she was beautiful.

"She's beautiful," Camila said, leaning against a wall and looking at her friend. "Never in my life had I seen such a beautiful woman. But I hate her infinitely."

"Well, you must hate her less because she's our boss now,"
Dinah whispered and Camila sighed.

"The only reason I accept that job is for the money." Camila felt a lump in her throat. "I am the only thing Sofi has and if I want to be her legal guardian I must do many things to finally be able to take care of her. I want to give her everything and if that's a way to get it, I will do it. It will only be a month. And then I'll probably never see that woman again. We can live well for a while if I can manage the money and get another job."

"And here I thought you liked it," Dinah said, laughing at the moment they heard the sound of school ending and the screams of the children coming out.

"I like her a lot, but only physically," she smiled. "That woman only loves herself and she is hateful, I think that no one could fall in love with her with that horrible character that she has. She is bipolar."

"I know someone who would go crazy for her, Dinah said giving her a wink and Camila looked at her curiously.

"You told me she was gay, didn't you?" Dinah nodded and Camila looked at her for a moment. "Does she have a girlfriend?"

"Maybe.." Dinah said starting to walk and Camila quickly approached her taking her arm.

"Who is it?" Camila asked without knowing why, feeling a pang in her heart at the possibility.

"What kind of question is that?"

"It's very simple, just want to know if she has a girlfriend or not."

"And why are you so curious to know?" Dinah smiled when she looks at Camila.

"I just want to know who I should pay tribute to for putting up with such a monster." Dinah looked at her without believing her and Camila crossed her arms. "Are you going to tell me?"

"You could find out for yourself," she smiled. "It's not something important. The same and she goes with her to Japan."

"Well," Camila said seriously. "If you don't tell me, I won't help you tell your mother about the trip."

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