Goblet of Fire? Or Death Wish?

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Annabeth POV
We chose to stay with the Griffindors but I did put up a fair fight to stay with the Ravenclaws...but I was overruled. When I threatened to not give any of them notes they hesitated.
Percy convinced me in the end that we were on a quest to protect Harry Potter an he was in Griffindor so it would be in our best interest to stay with him... I couldn't argue with that. leo then said something Leo'y causing Percy to almost drown him when he went to the bathroom. He stopped because I said I'd go and kiss one of the Durmstrang.... he still won't talk to me...dam it seaweed brain... (hehe dam.)

We got left behind trying to eat as much a we could, flying is very hard work especially when monsters attack and you haven't slept (well I did but that doesn't count.)
When we got up to Griffindor tower a red headed Percy told us that the boys were on the left and girls on the right. (Girls are always right) We may have been a bit rude ignoring him but anyways we walked towards another door that said Guests. Well it said guests in English (Frank told me) and Demigods in Latin and Greek, Hazel was afraid that someone would know Latin and it Greek and put the mist over it... she outsmarted smart. Dam she is good for a 13 year old.

After a dreamless sleep which was unusual and scared the Hades out of me. We went to the great hall to have breakfast the boys leading the way.
"Today you shall have the chance to enter in the quad- wizard tournament.(see why I did there?see see?! No?okay then moving on!) you shall have all day of no classes to watch everyone, place their names in the goblet of fire." The headmaster said. what was his name again... oh right... Dumbledore. That fire looks familiar to me, I look around and see non of the other demigods paying attention to it but Percy keeps looking at the goblet suspiciously. he know it too, but where? It looks hot and evil filled with some kind of magic. I should ask Percy.
I opened my mouth to ask him when the headmaster interrupted me.
"Children from Chirons School please enter your names in the goblet with your school and name."
"We need to enter now!" I whisper shouted to the others who weren't paying attention.
"Uh professor we don't have any paper to write on"
"Ah yes I forgot... Um Mr Weasley would you as to be so kind as to lend them a price of parchment. I can see Percy there has a pen to write with so you may use that.
percy turned almost Nico white.
i grabbed the parchment from Weasley and held out my hand for Percy's pen.
"Annie..." He warned.
"Shut up seaweed brain. Hazel, Piper if you please." they nodded in understanding Hazel drew a face and Piper looked like she was going to say a speech.
"Shriek!!! Is that a couple!! Omg it's a Slytherin and Grifindor!" Piper charmspoke. Everyone... Literally everyone except me and Hazel turned to look. Not like they could resist.
I uncapped Percy's sword and put the end on so it turned into his useable pen. I ripped it into 11 pieces and wrote everyone's name on a piece I had one extra price and threw it away hearing people scramble to get to it first. I heard Percy growl.
"Shhhh it's okay Seaweed brain, I'm all yours remember?"
"They are looking at you like your a prize to be won, why can't they just leave you alone?"
"Remember I'm never making this easy on you."
I kissed him softly on the cheek.
"I expect nothing less from my wise girl." He lightly kissed me on the lips then grabbed the papers with names on them, and walked towards the goblet with fire in it.
I heard a gasp laugh thing from behind me, I turned around to find Nico looking more white than usual.
"What is it Nico?"
He shook his head
"No sorry it's just those flames look just like the River Styx."
I looked back at them... oh no.
"Nico if Percy touches the 'non harmful' flames of Styx water will his old Achillles heel act up or anything?" Nico didn't answer me.
I looked over to my boyfriend,
just as he put the papers in he froze, with his hand in the Styx fire

And cliffhanger I'm sorry but I'm not sorry at the same. tune in next time to understand why Percy stopped moving.
Remember comment, vote and leave suggestions aswell!! Oh and warning sooner or later you are going to hate me... I don't want to do this but I have to... Sorry. And a big thanks to @Jacksonthegenious and @greeksrock and @Bianca_the_angels and @shruthi1404 for answering the questions in the last chapter
I will do a Harry Potter POV soon swear on the River Styx. I am going to a lake for a month so if I don't update I am sorry and for the long wait for this chapter I give you permission to feed me to Fluffy and throw me in Taurturus.

Love Cam ( daughter of Neptune) {demiwitch)

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