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Okay before we get into the story heres some info

Hamilton - Slytherin
Lauren's - Hufflepuff
Lafayette - Ravenclaw
Hercules - Gryffindor
Aaron - Slytherin

    {The schuyler sisters}
Eliza - Ravenclaw
Angelica - Gryffindor
Peggy - Hufflepuff
i almost put them all in hufflepuff but decided to go with their signature colours

        {Ruin ya life trio}
Jefferson - Slytherin
Maddison - Hufflepuff
Maria - Slytherin

Lee - Gryffindor/Slytherin
Washington - Gryffindor/Ravenclaw
Phillip - Hufflepuff/Gryffindor

They're all in 1st year and btw, the original hp characters are still there so they will meet the same characters and all the slytherins have to deal with draco
(Oh and btw they are going to call eachother by their first name for obv reasons..)

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