Not What it Seems

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Miranda's P.O.V

Miranda was on auto pilot these days. She would go to work, go home, and repeat. She was divorced and didn't have the patience or time to consume herself with a relationship.  Although she thought, I am a woman with needs and having someone to take care of the ache would be good if only she would let her guard down... Lost in thought she didn't even realize she was almost home.

She was passing Mrs. Hill's beautiful home, she loved all the wildflowers. Just as she was about to pass, she saw her struggling taking her groceries in the house.

Tired as she is, her mother raised her right and Mrs. Hill never minded looking out for Tuck time to time. She pulled her car in the driveway and rushed to the front door. Good morning need help? Miranda looked into her eyes and smiled.

Sure, sweetheart. I appreciate you.

No problem at all, let me grab these for you. She walked in and she was taken aback  it was nothing like before how long had she not been here.

Ummm Mrs. Hill did you remodele your house.

She giggled, yeah where have you been. I got it done 6 months ago.

Wow, it's gorgeous. Miranda admired the crown molding, and the beautiful neutral walls with crisp white trim.  Your guy is amazing he worked with excellent precision almost meticulous.  I  could really use a couple updates to my kitchen and backyard.

Oh, I bet it will be no problem, one second.  Benjamin sweetheart, can you come down to my house please. Mrs. Hill sung sweetly into the phone.

  When Ben knocked and walked through the door he was met with the woman from before. He glanced at her briefly, Yes ma'am?

Uh, Miranda here would like to get her kitchen and backyard done. Can you help her with that? Miranda and Ben both groaned internally.


The Price will probably be somewhere between Fifteen or Twenty thousand, Ben said nonchalantly.

I'll think about she said with a forced smile.

But after seeing Mrs. Hill backyard sanctuary he ended up doing she was sold.

Two Months Later

Hey Ben how's it going? Miranda's son Tuck stated

Good you?

Well, I'm going with my dad in a minute for the week. Were going to laser tag, and four wheeling. 

William Jones what did I tell you about that. Get away from this man let him do his job and go. Miranda said with an attitude.

She was a mess before but today was a whole other story. Whoever pissed her off had her giving it to everyone in the worst way. Pack your bags and don't make your father wait. I was called in for an emergency so I have to go. I love baby boy.

Ben I'm leaving, lock the back door when you are done and here is your check . Thank you everything looks nice. She said almost as if it hurt.

After Twenty minutes Ben was left alone, he looked at his phone he had one hour to get ready and be at Seattle Pres. He decided fuck it he would take a quick shower and go. He cleaned up afterwards and threw on his clean workout clothes.

Miranda dragged back to the house, the patient had died before she could make it. When she looked toward the back she heard the toilet she figured he used the restroom, but then she smelled soap and felt the heat.

No this mother fucker didn't shower in my damn house. You have 2 minutes to get the fuck out of my house you piece of shit. Homeless or not you don't just use somebody else's things Miranda carried on as she walked in the kitchen for a glass of wine.

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