15 1 0

It was a sunny morning when Aliyah woke up.

It was so bright that Aliyah had to lay back down and cover her eyes with her arm.

It was also the first day of high school.  Which was on a Monday. The worst day out of all the days in the week.

*ugh* Aliyah thought as she heard her mother yell from downstairs.

"WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUM!" Her mom said.

She had to get up or else she would also make Diana late since Diana always wait for Aliyah everyday to come out so they can both walk together to school. Its their routine.

After about 5 minutes, Aliyah got out of bed and walked lazily to the bathroom. As she turned on the light, she had to squint her eyes since it was bright asf.


After Aliyah did her skincare stuff, she exited the bathroom and went to her closet.

She opened her closet to see what she would wear for today. The first day of school.

After about 10 minutes, she had finally found her outfit.

It was a quick change since she only had 20 minutes until she had to leave and she haven't even packed her bag yet since she had forgotten it was going to be the first day of school the next day.

She had to rush, rush, rush since Diana texted her that she was outside and to hurry up.

From Diana

- hurry up you little rat

That was what Diana texted.

Aliyah texted back.

To Diana

- okay jeez what are you, my mom?

Diana repiled back.

From Diana

- no but I can do your mom 😏

Aliyah was disgusted when she saw what Diana texted.

To Diana

- gross, you know she's like 36 right?

Aliyah texted.

From Diana

- I was being you since you like older women

Diana texted.

Aliyah could mentally see Diana giggling a bit after sending that really true text. 

To Diana

- Whatever

Aliyah texted before she turned off her phone since she was still packing her bag.

Yes, Diana had distracted her.

It took about 9 to 10 minutes for Aliyah to finish packing her bag and also Aliyah was really rushing since she had about 5 minutes until she had to leave.

After Aliyah wore her backpack on her back she grabbed her portable charger, and her school schedule and then went out of her room closing it with her feet since she already had her things in her hand.

She rushed downstairs and saw her mom on the couch, watching TV.

Aliyah looked away just to see an apple in the fruit bowl so she ran toward to bowl and grabbed the red apple.

"Bye mom!" Aliyah yelled as she rushed toward the front door.

"Bye!" Aliyah heard her mom reply as she closed the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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