Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case

Start from the beginning

"Yeah hopefully sometime soon." he smiled.

"Good luck then Shukichi-san! Yumi-san would love that." I smiled and he went inside the donut shop we stopped at.

"Eh? What's that about me?" an angry Yumi marched up to me, dragging Conan with her. Poor Conan. "What's Shukichi up to?" she demanded.

"He's right over there." I pointed to a group of people chatting.


"So you guys are a Shoji group?" Yumi said in realization. Everyone introduced themselves as Katsumata Mina, Uryuu Shouko, and Hishinuma Kousuke. They had planned to meet at another one of their friend, Genda Yasukiyo's place to play shoji. He didn't respond for a long time after the doorbell was rung, so Katsumata used a spare key and let us into the apartment. However, as soon as we entered, we saw him lying on the floor with a shoji board next to him... with two legs gone...

I immediately ran to check his pulse and shook my head, indicating that he was gone.


Looking around, I could see a blender, a toaster, and a tray of ice cubes on the counter. Shukichi touched the counter and his expression changed. I went over and touched the counter as well.

"Did you notice something?" Conan came up to me.

"I'm not sure..." I mused. My hand just brushed against something warm, but what does that mean?

I turned around in surprise as a fire erupted from a house nearby, apparently around their friend Kishimoto's house.


I leaned back against my chair in my room after doing some homework. For whatever reason I had an uneasy feeling. Shukichi's expression... did he find something about the culprit? Seeing as Shuichi and the Kudos were not home yet, I wrote a note telling them I was meeting up with a friend.

I found Shukichi's apartment and knocked on the door.

"Kaiya? What are you doing here?" he opened the door in surprise.

"Following you, obviously." I replied. "I couldn't let you go and chase after the culprit alone."

Shukichi sighed, "Alright, you got me there. I know where the culprit lives."


"The culprit should be over in that room." Shukichi pointed to the room.

"It's because of the postcard we saw earlier right?" I clarified.

"Let's go in then." he nodded.

I rang the doorbell. "Excuse me mister, I hope you don't mind us the intrusion but we wanted to ask you something." I said as Hishinuma opened the door with a shocked expression.

"I bet you must be surprised to see us. We are here to tell you to turn yourself in. You are the culprit aren't you. The one who is behind the deaths of Genda-san and the other shoji-players." Shukichi said as he walked inside in front of me.

"Wait Shukichi-san!" I warned before he got tasered. I quickly ran and pulled out my phone to call for help but I felt an electic shock and everything went dark.


Conan POV

"What? Taiko Meiji hasn't been home?" I put my phone to my ear.

"Yeah, I thought he came home late last night and left early. I didn't see him when I woke up." Yumi said over the phone.

"What about the other shoji-players?" I asked.

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