Touche and Unguard

Start from the beginning

Claude looked over at the phone with a dramatic appalled look. "Excuse me, I heard that. I was telling your daughter I have been sword fighting since I was 17 years old. She is just like you. She made fun of me too. I think you guys like putting me down."

"Oh stop." Said Patricia nonchalantly. "Anyway, y'all be careful, I'm gonna go now. Text me when you are done so I know all of you are still alive. And Claude, you better take care of my babies or I'm beating you." Zephyr and Ica started laughing at Claude's taken aback face.

"Yes mam."

"Good. Alright see y'all later and have fun. Love you.

"Love you two." Said Ica and Zephyr in unison.

"Uh me too!" Added Claude quickly.

When Ica hung up, her and Zephyr grinned. "See dad, meema is scary, so you better make sure you keep us safe."

"I will always keep you two safe." He said sincerely. Ica looked over at her husband and smiled warmly at him admiring his strong love for his family. When they turned the corner a large sign came into view that read Welcome to Touché Blades.

"We're here!" Cried Zephyr excitedly. Claude turned into the gravely lot and parked the car. Ica and Zephyr jumped out quickly and waited for Claude to get out. Once he was, his wife and son took off in a run.

"Zephyr! Ica!" Barked Claude. "Don't run!" The two of them halted and looked back apologetically. When he caught up to them he had a serious look on his face. "You guys can't run around. There are sharp, dangerous weapons. If someone were to bump into you or swing the wrong way you could get seriously injured." His wife and son looked at him with similar expressions.

"We're sorry they said in unison." We're just really excited. Said Ica, talking by herself this time. I guess I'm setting a bad example for Zephyr. He's just a kid and I'm the adult." Ica looked down feeling ashamed.

Claude's face softened. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "It's alright Mon amour. I'm not upset, but you know I just worry about you getting hurt. You know it scares me." Then he turned to Zephyr and ruffled his brown wavy hair. "I know you take after your mum, so I know sometimes that gene takes over. Plus, I don't want to get beaten by your meema." He added wryly. "I love my crazy girl and crazy boy, but just remember to be careful okay?" His wife and son nodded their heads and followed Claude to the check in.

"Hi there." Said a cheerful woman at the desk. "Are you hear for the sword fighting class?

"Yes we are. There are three of us. Myself, my wife and my son."

The woman tilted her head and peered at Zephyr, making her blond girls bounce to the side. "How old is he?"


"I'm thirteen." Said Zephyr cutting off his father. The woman gave a small skeptical frown, but gave them their tickets anyway. As they walked away, Zephyr's shoulders slumped feeling a little bit insulted.

Ica noticed this. "Zephie bears?" He looked up at her. "You okay?"

Zephyr let out a big sigh. "Everyone thinks I'm so much younger than I actually am."

"Well," said Ica putting her slender hand on his shoulder. "You have the black gene."

Zephyr looked at his mum, a bemused look on his face. "What?"

"The black gene. There's a saying that goes 'black don't crack.' Means that even when you get older, your features still look young. And on my side of the family you got that from the Motés and the Watts. Your great Nan Watt was in her 80s and she didn't have a single wrinkle." She paused and threw a cheeky glance In Claude's direction. "Unlike your dad over there." Zephyr began laughing. Claude just gave her a look and continued walking, following the sign that read "First Time Swordsmen." There, they saw a tall, rather strong man with two swords strapped his belt.

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