CH12 - Impending Foes

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Olga Discordia, Queen of the Dark Elves and the demons of the north, bane of Eostia and the Seven Shields Alliance, awoke with a startle from her sleep. At first she thought it was merely some forgotten dream that had awoken her, but that could not be it, not when her body felt so cold and she was sweating as she was.

"Something has changed," Olga muttered to herself as she threw the simple covers off of her bed and strode out of her bedchamber.

She cared not for her nudity in her own home, as only her own kin were allowed within her tower, and only her direct subordinate was allowed this high. Nearly sprinting she crossed from her own room to the stairs and ascended to the true highest floor in the tower, her study, and found that many of her magical instruments and apparatus were all glowing malevolently. Checking them each in turn she scowled.

"What is causing such a thing? This much power could only be- AAHHH!" Olga suddenly shrieked as all of her instruments pulsed in anger, and her own body shrieked in pain as a surge of magical energy crossed past her. "What, what is this, power? Celestine?"

She paused at her own words. The last time Celestine had released so much power that the world itself was altered was just before she was marked as the Goddess Reborn. They had not spoken since even before that, but she knew of the event, knew that Celestine had likely refused to ever use so much power again.

No, it couldn't be her. Someone else had managed to utilize enough magical power to alter the very fabric of the world. Something only the most supremely powerful, or the gods, could do.

"Is there, another now?" Olga asked herself in fear and curiosity as she got up and walked out of her study onto the balcony, high above her blighted lands. "Did another, beat me to it?"

And as if to answer her words she felt another pulse of magic tear through her body, making her fall to the ground once more while, this time, a number of her magical instruments behind her exploded in glasslike cracks and pops.

Olga however did not move as she slowed her breathing and tried to stop the pain from filling her. It took a few minutes, but she was finally able to move, the pain having mostly passed. "I, will never forgive you, usurper," she growled.

Just before the sound of glass crunching caught her attention. "My Queen!"

"Chloe," Olga said as she turned further to see her blonde haired subordinate running up to her. "Prepare our forces. We need, to find someone."

"My Queen, that may have to wait, the towers magic is wavering. I have been told by Cassira that the magic commanding the monsters is wavering as well!"

"I see," Olga said as she had to think for a moment before recalling that Cassira was the name of one of her mages. "Then help me return to my chambers to dress Chloe. Once I am prepared, I shall reinforce the spell once more. And then we shall begin our hunt."

"For who, my Queen?" Chloe asked as she did as asked and began helping Olga to her feet.

"For the one who stole the divinity that was to be mine!"


Celestine, the Goddess Reborn, sat beside her bed in the dead of night, panting in horror and fear at the energy she had felt in pulses.

The first had awoken her rudely, the second had made her shudder with fear, and the third strongest pulse had made her fall to her knee's in realization.

As a Goddess Reborn she was very acclimated to the magic's of the world that the gods had created with their own sweat and blood. She could not admit it aloud, but the world did have many problems. Some by the actions of the gods, others through the actions of men and monsters. Even with issues and problems though, the world was still beautiful, and it was still worth fighting for.

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