CH2 - Ansur

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Celestine Lucross, the Goddess reborn and leader of the seven shields alliance awoke with a jolt, going from deep asleep to awake in an instant and straight up into to a sitting position. Her heart was trying to beat out of her chest, and her body was soaked in a cold sweat that turned her bed sheets into a disgusting clammy mess.

As the goddess reborn she often had visions of the future. They were often vague and difficult to interpret when asleep, and when awake they were so quick they were difficult to pinpoint in their focus.

This time though her vision was utterly incomprehensible, yet startlingly clear. Chaos, death and devastation like nothing the last centuries of war had brought. Yet none of the beasts or monsters in her vision had been familiar. There were no orcs or imps slaughtering humans, no Dark-elves leading the charge, just new and unknown monsters slaughtering all in their path. Some looked like masses of ooze eating people alive, while others looked like people with drastic alterations to them, such as tails, insect body parts and even more strange looks. There even appeared to be subhuman creatures and many rare Demi-human creatures as well. What was truly startling was that a few had pale skin and appeared to be leading armies of what, at first glance look like knights and soldiers in black armor.

There had been no images of those she knew in any form, making it nigh impossible to ascertain a time frame for her vision. Was in his same decade, or many decades in the future? She just could not tell, and as she got up off of her bed sheets she noticed that it was still the dead of night. Stepping out onto her balcony she shivered as a wind cooled her soaked garments and let out a worried sigh. "Does this mean a new enemy is coming to our lands? Or was that perhaps a far flung future of some sort?"

What answered her question was a gust of wind that made her turn her head, where her eyes caught sight of something out of place. Far to the North West, almost at the horizon, was a ball of blackness, a perfect sphere of darkness that sucked in the very light around it and seemed to pull the grasslands of the horizon up towards it like a hungry beast.

It then disappeared as she blinked. It was simply gone with no proof that it had even existed in the first place.

She stood there and stared out at the horizon for long enough that she lost track of time, and was only brought out of her staring when an own flew by at a distance in front of her vision. Turning back into her room she walked up to a small table and picked a hand mirror, looking over her face and marveling at her own eyes.

Eyes that were filled with apprehension and fear for the future.

It was at that moment her vision exploded forwards. She saw a scene from the past that she had only heard of, a young human girl being dragged into Ansur by chains. Her vision then shifted to show Ansur itself, a huge army of demons outside of it and being decimated. Her vision shifted slightly, giving her a distant view of a person in black robes standing atop the walls of Ansur, and then just as abruptly as it had come, her vision ended.

When she managed to control her breathing she found herself collapsed onto the floor, and the mirror she had been holding on the ground in dozens of pieces. Starign at the pieces for a moment she then shook her head and awkwardly got up off of the floor with a heavy sigh. "Perhaps, it would be best to have Claudia return to Ansur for a time."


Ainz stared up at the night sky, enjoying the wonder of how clear and bright it was. In his time, world, whatever his situation was, one could not see the night sky due to gross quantities of pollution in the air. Even during the day the sky was less blue and more a hazy grey or yellow. But here the sky was like a blanket of glittering lights he had never seen before. It could have taken his breath away if he had breath to take, and it made it very easy to just let his mind wander and consider the information he had learned.

Lord of the Dead in the Land of LustOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora