Chapter 26-30

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Chapter 26: Barge

At this time, in a teahouse not far from Guanyi Pavilion, in a tearoom facing the street, Shi Helin was inviting his fellow junior Qin Quan and several other doctors to drink tea.

Shi Helin smiled and flaunted the "favorites" he had received in the Hou Mansion: "That lady is just a normal affair, but the old lady gave me twenty taels of silver! This is something I can't earn in the usual three months. Let me tell you that I understand now that there are many benefits for the rich to see a doctor! In the future, as long as I see who is dressed well and looks rich, I will rush on it and show it to others!"

Several people responded with a smile, but felt a little sad: Why is he so lucky!

Ding's attendant helped the four princes and left Guanyi Pavilion. There were too many people who came to Guanyi Pavilion today, and the carriage stopped all the way early. Their carriage was parked in the distance and had to travel a distance. As it happens, they have to pass by Shi Helin's teahouse.

Ding Nei waiter was supporting the fourth prince who was inconvenient on his feet and was walking to the front of the teahouse. A little beggar ran around the street and bumped the fourth prince on his head.

The fourth prince fell to the ground with a cry of "Ouch", and the little beggar didn't even look at it, and then ran away. Run to a corner, a person next to him hugged him and packed it with a cloth bag. The little beggar in the cloth bag-Su Chuanya, immediately squatted on the ground motionless. Shen Wen, who was unkempt in civilian clothes, sat down beside the cloth bag, covered it with a torn straw hat, and the people chasing the little beggar ran down the alley.

An ordinary carriage passed by the lane, Duan Zeng jumped off the carriage, picked up the cloth bag and placed it on the carriage, and Shen Wen also jumped into the carriage.

In the carriage, Su Chuanya got out of the bag, and Shen Wen and Su Chuanya took off the clothes outside and put them in the bag. Duan Zeng drove the car until he arrived near Su Wanniang's house. Seeing that there was no one around, Su Chuanya and Shen Wen got out of the car and slipped back to Su Chuanya's home. Shen Xiang and Su Wanniang who were waiting there took Shen Wen back to Hou. House. The eldest lady took the second lady with Su Wanniang to see her mother. This happened several times.

Outside the Guanyi Pavilion, when Shen Zhuo bid farewell to Zhang Yunming and returned to the mansion, he "left behind" the jade pendant that Ding Nei had served on the corner of the road, and was picked up after a few hours.

In front of the teahouse, Ding Neiwei helped the fourth prince and turned his head and shouted: "That little thief! He stole my son's jade pendant! That is the ancient jade of the Qin Dynasty! Who will take back my son for a reward!"

Qin Quan in the teahouse sat upright: "Ancient jade from the Qin Dynasty!" This is an invaluable treasure! Who would wear it like this? He peeked at Shi Helin. Shi Helin was chatting with other doctors: "...I'm looking at boxwood furniture. Don't I have money in my hands? I have to buy a few..."

Qin Quan coughed, saying "I'm sorry", and said to go to change clothes. Seeing Shi Helin didn't look here, but another doctor was watching him, he hurried out of the small hall and hurried down.

The little beggar had run out of sight long ago, and the servant at the door was still trying hard to help the obviously rich young man. Qin Quan rushed forward and smiled and said, "I am a doctor, this young man fell."

The four princes waved their hands weakly: "It's OK, it's OK..." A few red patches on his arm were exposed.

Qin Quan was taken aback, and hurriedly looked at the face of the fourth prince, seeing that there were also red macules, and was shocked: "This prince, you have a rash, how do you feel now?"

The fourth prince was taken aback, pressed his hand to his forehead, and whispered: "I feel a headache..."

Qin Quan carefully grasped the fourth prince's wrist and numbed the lower vein, and asked, "My son, did you have body heat a few days ago?"

The fourth prince nodded and said listlessly: "Maybe, I'm just a little tired."

Qin Quan asked again: "I have a rash on my body."

The fourth prince pointed to his waist and said, "Here is it."

Qin Quan was shocked and said, "My son, you may have smallpox!"

At the same time, the people around screamed and moved away. Ding Naibu said in a panic: "This doctor, how can I treat my son with money!" Sonny and powerful, loud and loud!

Qin Quan was full of excitement with joy and fear. Someone said: "It's the smallpox that hasn't been sent outside the city!"

Qin Quan said hurriedly: "If you want to give it away, I will give it to my family's righteous village!" As if catching the rich man, he can make a good stroke.

Neibu Ding hesitated and said, "I have to go back and talk to the Patriarch. The Patriarch may ask another doctor to see it."

Qin Quan hurriedly showed that he was afraid of the cooked duck flying away and said, "If your son is really smallpox, he must get out of the city! Your patron can send a doctor there to see it."

The doctors who had been drinking tea together finally noticed the movement and went to the door together, and Shi Helin followed out. Hearing Qin Quan's diagnosis, a doctor approached, after reporting the pulse to the four princes, he shook his head and said, "I don't think it looks like smallpox. There is no blisters in this rash."

The waiter Ding said anxiously: "Please help me, every doctor, we have money, and everyone can have a consultation fee!"

Shi Helin heard it, and took a few steps forward to signal her pulse, and then said, "I don't think it's smallpox, either."

Qin Quan was anxious: "Why not! What if it is?" Everyone knew what he meant: I'm afraid it's not for smallpox, this boy will go home, and he won't be able to make any money.

Shi Helin said hesitantly: "I'm not sure, maybe it's chickenpox. I can send it to my hospital for two days and observe it."

Everyone looked at each other again: Think about what Shi Langzhong said just now, he is making money! People immediately discounted the illness he said.

Qin Quan said in a bad tone, "I saw this young man first. Go to my medical clinic!"

Shi Helin said with a grimace: "I'll follow along and have a look!"

Qin Quan said angrily: "Brother Futuo is driving!"

When Shi Helin saw that he had no money to earn, he was also angry, and said loudly: "Your medical clinic is so simple, it is better to let him go home and rest!"

Qin Quan also argued loudly: "If it's smallpox and he goes home, everyone in that family will be infected!"

Shi Helin sneered: "Where is smallpox so easy to get, if it is smallpox, the people around should also get it." Everyone listened and left a little further.

Qin Quan said unconvincedly: "Ten rashes and nine are not surprised, Yu Yi kills you! Even if it is not smallpox, even chickenpox can be passed on to people!"

Shi Helin smiled arrogantly: "You still know that you have been able to get a few consultations. I told you that this is an ordinary rash, let him go home as soon as possible!"

Someone whispered: "You can't make money by yourself, and don't let others earn it to block people's wealth. For example, you have to be kind to your parents."

Qin Quan also angrily said: "I wouldn't let him go home! Healers' parents, even if there is a chance of spending a day, they shouldn't go home."

Shi Helin snorted angrily, and said contemptuously: "You just want to make money!" Turning and leaving with his back.

With a bewildered expression on Ding Nei's face, he handed the Fourth Prince to Qin Quan, and he went to the carriage stop and called the carriage by himself. When the carriage arrived, the four princes were already flushed with a lot of red rashes on their faces, making them really sick.

Ding Nei helped the four princes into the carriage, but Qin Quan himself got into another carriage, saying that in case it was smallpox, he didn't want to spread it!

Qin Quan led the palace's carriage to his medical clinic. Ding's attendant sent the driver back to the palace to report that the four princes suddenly became ill outside. Some doctors suspected that it was smallpox, so he didn't dare to go back to the palace. He went to the doctor's medical clinic first. Look, please send an imperial physician to the palace.

After arriving at the hospital, the four princes were carried into the inner room. Qin Quan quickly dismissed all the outsiders, saying that he was afraid of smallpox, but he refused to let other doctors in, obviously he wanted to take the money. Naibu Ding also drove out the other guests in an upright manner, saying that his master was noble and he asked the doctor to concentrate on nursing.

Not long after they arrived, Duan Zeng's carriage stopped at the back door of the medical hall, and Duan Zeng entered the medical hall without showing up.

Qin Quan and Ding waited in the inner room. Duan Zeng asked, "Everything is done."

Qin Quan took out a mud pot and uncovered the wet cloth covered on it. Inside it was the mud made up according to Duan Zeng's instructions. He looked at Duan Zeng with some distrust, and whispered, "Is it really good for you little baby, but if that's not good, I'd better find someone who is famous..."

Ding Neibu hurriedly interrupted and said, "Hurry up, now it's too late to find someone else. The imperial doctor in the palace is coming soon."

Qin Quan helped the four princes lie down, and Ding Neishi rolled up the trousers of the four princes. Duan Zeng looked serious. He opened the roll of cloth he was carrying, revealing a row of silver needles of various lengths inside. Ding Naishi was also a little panicked and swallowed hard.

Duan Zeng first put a few needles in the wrist of the fourth prince, fed the fourth prince a pill, and then said to Qin Quan and Ding Naibu, "You hold him down, and don't let him make any noise."

Nai Attendant Ding began to tremble and stammered: "Can... can it work..."

The fourth prince calmed down instead, took out a handkerchief and bit between his teeth.

Duan Zeng rolled up his sleeves, exposing dry and thin hands, fingers like claws, and pressed them on the legs of the fourth prince. He clicked up and down, and the fourth prince was already sweating with pain. Suddenly, Duan Zeng raised his head and said, "Listen! There are people outside!"

The four princes and Ding's waiter changed their faces and couldn't help turning their faces to look at the door. At this moment, Duan Zeng raised his palm and slashed abruptly on one of the fourth prince's leg bones!

Those who practiced Taekwondo in later generations could break a few bricks with one palm. Although Duan Zeng is a young man, he is extremely talented. He has been chopping wood and making medicine to practice his strength since he was a child. He usually starts like the wind. He also knows where the four princes broke their legs. When his palm falls, he hears only a slight sound. With a muffled snort, the pain fainted.

Qin Quan was almost forty years old, but he was so frightened by Duan Zeng's hand that he stayed on the spot with his mouth open. Ding Nai waiter holding the four princes can only make intermittent cries.

Duan Zengxiang didn't hear it, closed his eyes, and slowly fumbled his hands on the fourth prince's calves. Qin Quan knew that he was piecing the bones, just rubbing the bones together. This is a secret that the masters did not pass on. Who would have thought that this young man would have such a stunt. Busy focus on the spirit, watch carefully.

Duan Zeng stopped his hands, smeared mud on the broken leg, went to wash his hands, pulled out the needle, and whispered: "When the mud dries, you can cover it.

Attendant Ding placed the fourth prince on the bed with tears and sweat on his face. Duan Zeng rolled up the needle bag, removed the mud pot, and said, "I'm leaving first. You can wait for the royal doctor."

He was gone, Ding Neishi looked at Qin Quan with a horror: "Can you hide it from the royal doctor?"

Qin Quan slowly woke up from the shock of his talent, and said to Naibu Ding, "There should be nothing wrong with the medicine given by my senior brother. According to my senior brother, your master's rash should be more severe in a while. It's amazing. Moreover, with such a toss, his vitality is greatly injured, and the pulse can be diagnosed as weak heart and insufficient Qi, if the imperial doctors really have two strokes."

Neibu Ding let go of his heart, but he had other worries, and asked Qin Quandao: "You quarreled so badly with your brother, do you care if he speaks ill of you?"

Qin Quan said in a bit of surprise: "He has spoken ill of me since he was a child, and how did he say good things about me in his mouth?"

Nai Attendant Ding hesitated and asked, "Are you really not complaining about him?"

Qin Quan frowned: "Why should I blame his original master because I was too stupid and couldn't memorize those medicinal soups. When he tried to drive me out several times, the senior brother stopped me and said that I have a good heart and should be a doctor. Even if I can't be a doctor in the future, I can still make medicine. When I first started practicing medicine, my elder brother took over the patients who could not be cured. Sometimes people died in the hands of my elder brother, and he said it was his fault. To admit my mistakes, he said that I was so stupid that I couldn't see any disease. Naturally, I couldn't make a mistake. Don't join in the fun. Later, he didn't let me think about serious illnesses. Refer him to it, and he also triages silver with me..." Qin Quan counted the good things.

Neiji Ding interrupted: "I understand, I understand!"

Qin Quan said solemnly: "He should scold me! My master is no more scolding than him, but now that the master is gone, I really miss him..." At this point, his eyes were red.

Neiji Ding was relieved, and understood why Shi Helin had chosen this junior to take the air.

The news of the four princes was brought back to the palace, and the prince naturally got the report. At that time, the staff had just reported to him about Ji Wenzhao, saying that this man was too arrogant and embarrassed in public, so he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Ji Wenzhao was recruited many times by the prince, and many of his staff were dissatisfied: he was just a chess player, he had just voted for a teacher with a wide range of personal connections, and he had no political experience. How could he be a high-ranking official even though the officials in the East Palace were mostly benefactors. But in the future, the prince ascends the throne, and these staff and officials around him will become favorites. Some of these people have followed the prince since he was fourteen or five years old. They were angry at the thought that Ji Wenzhao might come from behind. Before Ji Wenzhao arrived, he had already gained jealousy.

Now I heard that Ji Wenzhao was vomiting blood out of anger. It could be regarded as grasping one of Ji Wenzhao's shortcomings. Several people spoke to the prince:

"Prince, you should wait for those who are impatient. Don't be busy recruiting."

"Yes, your Royal Highness, Ji Wenzhao should also take this opportunity to sober up, lest you know that there are people outside the mountain."

Everyone thought that the prince would defend Ji Wenzhao a few words, but the prince said coldly: "This kind of person is gone and left."

Some staff members thought that the prince was so keen on getting Ji Wenzhao a while ago, but now he is only suppressed by the comments of the people and can't say anything. He speculates on the prince's thoughts and said: "Since Ji Wenzhao explained that he will get rid of the situation in the next year, maybe then he will Even better, we can try again when the time comes..."

The prince slapped the table angrily and said: "This person must not mention it again! A mere chess game can provoke him to vomit blood, which shows how narrow-minded and overwhelming he is! This kind of person is under my scene, but with good eyes and low hands. More than anything! In the future, he won a hundred sets, not as good as this time today! He won the new game next year, so how can this prince not only don't want him, even if he will one day vote in my name, but also Never use him!"

Someone said: "Ji Wenzhao is indeed a talent, he once wrote..."

The prince interrupted: "The self-cultivation is not perfect yet, and it is nothing more than a rotten scholar to talk about governing the country, so there is no need to mention it!"

Then someone said that the four princes became ill in the street. The prince turned his attention and began to ask carefully about the situation at the time.

An staff member described the process. He said that a doctor named Qin Quan said it was smallpox, and one named Shi Helin said no.

Another person opened his mouth and said: "This Shi Helin is for Mrs. Zhenbei Houfu's medical consultation."

The prince was taken aback and asked: "He said it was not smallpox at the time."

The staff nodded and said: "It is said that there was a dispute on the spot. Shi Helin said that he should go home and raise him. Qin Quan said that even if it is smallpox, he should not go home. Even if it is chickenpox, he will pass. All, I scolded him that he wanted to make money, and turned away."

The prince slowly said: "Does Shi Helin know the four princes?"

The staff shook his head and said: "The four princes rarely go out of the palace, I shouldn't. But he is surrounded by the servant Ding, and anyone with a discerning eye should see that he is an eunuch.

Everyone murmured in their hearts: Did the surname Shi Banghou see that he was accompanied by an eunuch, so he returned to the palace ill and contracted a few more?

The prince groaned: "The person who sent us stares at the fourth prince to see if Shi Helin will pass. In addition, check the jade pendant the fourth prince lost to see if there is any beggar who has let go."

An staff member responded.

Someone reported back that evening that there was a dragon picture on the jade pendant, which was a gift that the emperor had given to the four princes in the past. A pawnshop accepted it and saw that it was a royal thing, but didn't dare to hide it, so he handed it over. The palace gave the money to the pawnshop, and found the man in the business. He said it was found near Guanyi Pavilion. It seems that either the little beggar was lost when he ran away, or he lied and bought it from the beggar and dare not admit it. But these are not important, the key is that it confirms that the four princes were indeed knocked to the ground by a beggar.

Shi Helin didn't go to Qin Quan's hospital at all. Instead, he told the patient in his own hospital that Qin Quan had misdiagnosed again and left the patient who should be sent home.

The queen didn't ask in such detail. She knew that the four princes went to Guanyi Pavilion to watch Ji Wenzhao play chess, and then he suddenly fell ill, which seemed a bit of a coincidence. But I heard some people say that it might be smallpox, so I didn't want people to come back right away and sent an imperial doctor to see it.

The imperial doctor came back and said that the fourth prince was indeed very ill, everyone was unconscious, his heart was weak, and his body was covered in rashes. Not smallpox, but also a sudden illness. The queen asked the doctor to guard there in turn, to see if there was anything unusual, and report it back immediately. She didn't particularly care about the four princes. Now there is a good thing that makes her care more-the first month has passed, and Chen Guifei should die.

Concubine Chen Gui was indeed already dead, and was carried to a secluded hut in the imperial palace. No one likes to live in the palace where people have died. Therefore, the dying people will be carried here to wait for death. The third prince and the fifth princess were persuaded to leave, saying that the etiquette was inconsistent and they could not stay here to watch the night.

Outside the hut, the palace people were hiding far away. People are dying, don't entangle yourself. Just check it out at noon during the day.

In the middle of the night, Sombra once again found Concubine Chen Gui. .

Under the moonless night, Concubine Chen was lying there quietly, unable to make a sound. The black shadow picked up Concubine Chen and went across the window.

He hugged Concubine Chen to a flower bush in the imperial garden where the winter jasmine had just bloomed.

At the beginning of February, the wind was already warm, and spring was here, but Chen Guifei was out of sight. Not only was her eyes blind, her hair was also lost, the skin on her face was covered with bones, her lips were rotten, her body was smelly, and she was like a dead body.

The black shadow folds off a small piece of winter jasmine flower and sticks it to Concubine Chen's lips. The flower looks very beautiful against the corruption.

Concubine Chen was breathing hard, as if she didn't want to give up.

Sombra whispered: "I will take care of your children..."

Concubine Chen was still breathing desperately, short and shallow.

The black shadow said clearly: "In the next life, I will find you."

Concubine Chen's breathing slowed down.

Sombra went on to say: "I will find you before you are twelve years old..."

Concubine Chen Gui breathed out slowly, and the shadow continued: "...together..."

Concubine Chen Gui stopped breathing, and the last ray of warmth left her body.

The black shadow held her for a long time: She arrived in early winter and left in early spring. This delicate and beautiful girl likes to kiss flowers... His bright eyes are flowing, and he smiles at him with amorous feelings... He knows this is her disguise, knows This is not for herself, but she will still be tempted, or she will feel happy in the calmness... For more than ten years, even if she has been using him, she may have used her scheming until the end, but after all, she is the only person who is good to him. : Every time I meet, I prepare tea and snacks for him and treat him courteously; on New Years and holidays, I give him gifts, sometimes even a belt sewn by her own hands; no one in this palace can be so full of warmth and sweet voice Call him by his name; in front of him, let her children respect him as a teacher...

The black shadow put the flower that Chen Guifei last kissed into her arms, and returned to the hut with Chen Guifei, let her lie down, covered her with an old quilt, and whispered, "Wait for me." He gave a kiss on the sunken cheek, walked away from the window, and disappeared into the darkness.

In the same dark night, Su Wanniang and Shen Wen whispered.

Su Wanniang asked: "Ji Wenzhao has left the capital today, will the prince really trouble him?"

Shen Wen whispered: "The prince should be very disgusted with narrow-minded people, because he himself is a very small-hearted person. He can't tolerate anyone who is disrespectful to him, even a naive child, even if he is There is no threatened brother in the throne. This kind of person looks down on people who have similar characteristics the most..."

Su Wanniang suddenly said: "Because he looks down on himself"

Shen Wen nodded and said, "Yes, he doesn't accept himself, so he hates his weakness deepest in his heart. If someone is similar to him, he actually hates that person very much."

In his previous life, Ji Wenzhao had a broad-minded, well-rounded life, and the prince appreciated him very much. Of course, Shen Wen would not tell Su Wanniang about this background.

Shen Wen continued: "Once he thinks that Ji Wenzhao cannot accept failure, he will feel that Ji Wenzhao has a fatal shortcoming. Such a person will not be reused. You see, how good my plan is. That made the prince lose interest in Ji Wenzhao. Unfortunately, no one knows the mystery, no one praises me..." Shen Wen sighed.

Su Wanniang smiled and pushed Shen Wen and said: "I know, I praise you!" After thinking about it, she asked, "Why is he such a person?"

Shen Wen said softly: "This kind of people are generally not unconditionally accepted and loved when they were young, and they are always criticized and criticized endlessly."

Su Wanniang said understandably: "He is the eldest prince, and the queen is a powerful one. Naturally, he will be so strict with him."

Shen Wen whispered: "So, he can't accept any failure, ask for full blame, to get a complete victory, and leave no way for others to survive!"

Su Wanniang said bitterly: "Then cut his way! I used to sympathize with him, but he shouldn't harm people so unscrupulously."

Shen Wen agreed: "His final destiny is definitely no way to survive. He will cut off the vitality of others, and he will enter a desperate situation, whether or not we will be like this."

Su Wanniang gritted her teeth and said: "But I want him to walk into a dead end through our hands, so that is his retribution!"

Shen Wen said: "I understand what my sister meant." Seeing that Su Wanniang was in a bad mood, she hurriedly said, "I don't know what happened to the four princes."

Su Wanniang really changed her mind and sighed: "That poor child, I have been tossed so badly." She suddenly remembered: "Oh, when it comes to the four princes, it's Duan Zeng. I asked, there is indeed a family in Jiangnan who practice medicine for generations. His name is Zeng."

Shen Wen said, "Duan Zeng, Duan Zeng, how much hatred this must be."

Su Wanniang said in a low voice: "The most recent generation of famous doctors is Mrs. Zeng, who has a reputation in all parts of the country. This grandfather has ten sons, all of whom study medicine or medicine, but his favorite is his 50-year-old youngest son. That's it. It was the child born to a concubine he married from the brothel. He took that child with him from the age of five or six and raised him personally. When the child was seventeen, he picked a serious daughter for him. So he took the child to sit in the clinic with the doctor. The youngest son also tried his best to get rid of his illness and soon became famous. When the youngest son was 23 years old, Mr. Zeng was seventy-three. He said seventy-three and eighty. Fourth, if the king of Hades does not come by himself, he must pass on the position of the head of the Zeng family to his younger son. The Zeng family has more than a thousand fertile fields in the south of the Yangtze River. There are more than 20 medical clinics and pharmacies, and other businesses are taken out. big family."

Shen Wen said repeatedly: "No wonder, no wonder!"

Su Wanniang also whispered: "That's right, think about it, he only had this son when he was fifty years old, and the eldest son in front of him is not old. This youngest son has grandchildren in his 30s. How could he let this brothel concubine give birth? His youngest son took charge of the house. Soon after Elder Zeng said this, his youngest son's house was robbed. The youngest son, his wife, and the baby who was still in their infancy died. The concubine room of Mrs. Zeng who lived with them at the time was also dead. Now, only the four-year-old eldest son is still missing..."

Shen Wen could only continue to sigh: "Duan Zeng, Duan Zeng, I really want to end "Zeng".

Su Wanniang also sighed: "When Mr. Zeng heard the news, his eyes were crooked and he couldn't speak. After a year of delay, he passed away."

Shen Wen sighed deeply: "Why do you think the wicked are always in charge in this world!"

Su Wanniang paused for a moment: "So God will give birth to us, otherwise, how can we punish evil and promote good?"

Shen Wen grabbed Su Wanniang's hand and said, "Sister Wanniang, you are amazing!"

Su Wanniang pushed Shen Wen: "You know to say good things, every day your mouth looks like honey, so don't go to bed!"

But Shen Wen was really not saying good things, she was moved by Su Wanniang's responsibilities. She herself came for revenge, but Su Wanniang had morals in her heart. It's no wonder that in her previous life, she would fight for her life regardless of the consequences, because she felt that if she didn't do this, she would betray the responsibility God gave her when she was born.

Shen Wen was fortunate that she had chosen Su Wanniang, and knew that as long as she did not abandon morality, Su Wanniang would always stand with him.

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