Chapter 6: Wan Niang

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The talking woman walked out of the courtyard, and then someone said in the room: "Hongluan, or to the dark wolf Qusang that you want to stay." There was no answer in the room. After a while, a woman walked out of the house and out of the yard.

Listening carefully and inspecting the surroundings, Shen Wen jumped off the roof, like a leaf falling on the ground, she walked slowly to the door and looked in from the gap in the open door. Except for a table and a chair, there is no other furniture in this room. There is a lamp on the table and several plates stacked on top of each other. There was a girl kneeling upright on the ground, who should be only ten years old.

Her knees knelt between the erect iron cones. The iron cone was one foot high. The girl couldn't sit down or move away, she could only kneel so straight. She had a plate on her head, her hands tied behind her, and her feet were tied with chains. Shen Wenxin said that it's no wonder they can walk away safely, and the door doesn't need to be locked.

Shen Wen opened the doors slightly, still standing in the shadows. The girl in the room did not move, her eyes looked at the ground and did not lift. Shen Wen asked softly: "What was your original name?" She suspected that this was the woman she was looking for.

The girl's eyelids quivered, she raised her eyes slightly, her body and neck were not moving, she turned her eyes to look here. Under the faint candlelight, her eyes overflowed, she was naturally beautiful, and she had a thrilling beauty. Shen Wen felt that she had found someone.

Shen Wen was in the shadows, and the girl couldn't see her clearly. After waiting for a while, she asked: "Who are you?" Her voice was a bit dumb, but the tone was tactful, and there was a charming charm.

Shen Wen replied: "Passing by."

Shen Wen was only seven years old, and no matter how sophisticated his tone was, it was hard to hide the girl's immature voice. The girl lowered her eyes again and whispered listlessly: "You better go, this is not a good place."

Shen Wen thought that because of your words, you are not the person I am looking for and I will save you, and then asked: "If I save you from here in the future, can you be a maid for me?"

The girl didn't speak, Shen Wen looked at her stubborn look, and said hurriedly: "The maid is just a name, otherwise I will save you, where can you go?"

There was a line of tears in the girl's eyes, and she said in a choked tone: "Little sister, thank you very much. You go quickly, you will suffer when someone comes."

Shen Wen always cried on her own, and rarely watched others cry, so she hurriedly comforted: "I know that being a maid wronged you, don't cry, I treat you as a sister, you will follow me first, and when I grow up, can It's up to you, and you will definitely be freed from slavery..."

The girl's tears flowed more, and she calmed her breath slowly before she said: "Little sister, if you can save my mother and brother, don't say I can serve you as a slave, just be a cow and a horse. , I am willing. If I can't get away, then I will end this life as soon as possible, so that I can survive and repay you!"

She said so tragically, Shen Wen hurriedly said: "Don't say that. I just want to find someone to help me. I didn't want you for the rest of my life, let alone your life. Let's say if it will work for ten years. Years, you are loyal to me, don't betray me."

People haven't escaped yet. What's the use of saying these. The girl now feels that she has met a fool. She was moved for a long time, her tears are gone, she bit her lower lip, sighed, and whispered, "Little sister, it's so late. , Your family is probably looking for you."

Shen Wen also sighed: "It seems that you don't agree, there is no way, I will save you, who makes me like you..." The childlike voice, but the old-fashioned tone.

The girl almost laughed, struck her neck in a hurry, and turned her face very slowly, but she still couldn't see Shen Wen in the shadows. She slowed down and said, "Little sister, thank you very much. Remember, my name is Su Wanniang. It's not a red-luan or a green-luan. In my Su family, men are not servants and women are not concubines. Even if you die, you can't lose your integrity and innocence. This is what my father said. He died, so I don't dare to forget it. . Little sister, you go quickly, don't come here anymore." In case the child was sent to test her by those people, she would still be the same as before.

Shen Wen is happy: This is exactly the person she is looking for! There was joy in her tone: "Which room do you usually live in isn't you sleeping here?"

The girl was stunned, puzzled by Shen Wen's rapid leap, and said hesitantly: "I live in the north house of the west yard."

Shen Wen nodded: "Then I'll go first. I'll tell you what to do in a few days. Don't get hurt these days. Don't hold on to them like this. You have to slow down. When I come to save you, you have to Only if you can run." After speaking, he left, and the dark shadow flashed on the cornice, making no sound. The girl in the room didn't know whether to have hope or to ignore the conversation, feeling lost for a moment.

Shen Wen rushed to the Hou Mansion easily, happy that he had finally found someone after spending so many days in his heart.

Su Wanniang, the chief oiran of the capital in the previous life, was born in a family of officials. Her father is the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Households. Su Wanniang was beautiful and intelligent since she was a child, and she was loved by her parents. In the spring of this year, her father was imprisoned for embezzlement. Her mother couldn't afford to be ill. Her brother Su Wanniang, who was only four years old and about ten years old, took over the housework and immediately turned the seller into the mediation of her father. But within a month, her father died in prison before the case was settled. Then the family property was confiscated and the whole family was driven off the street.

Father's family is in the south, Gaotang has passed away, and other relatives can't even find a messenger in a hurry. Su Wanniang's mother, Pan, was originally the daughter of a petty official. She took her child back to her natal family with her illness, but her family was afraid of getting involved and affecting the official route, so she didn't even dare to let them in. Reluctantly, the mother and daughter sold the jewelry on their heads and rented a small room. Su Wanniang's mother was more ill, Su Wanniang relied on the needles to make ends meet.

Barely two months later, when Su Wanniang went to the street to buy medicine, the old bustard in Wanhualou saw her back, followed all the way and found her home. As soon as we met, the old bustard said that she was born with a natural endowment, a romantic figure, and wanted to buy her. Su Wanniang naturally refused, but the old bustard brought someone to her house the next day, pressed her handprints in person, threw a few taels of silver to Pan's who was lying on the bed, and robbed her forcibly.

After entering Wanhualou, Su Wanniang couldn't follow her life and she escaped many times and was caught back. In the fall of this year, Pan's illness became more serious, and Su Wanniang ran back to see her mother lying in bed, crying so hard. When she was arrested again, she became the old bustard, with only one request, so that she should pay monthly to support her family. The old bustard agreed. After all, the monthly monthly payment is not a big deal for the Wanhualou who makes a small sum of money at night.

When Su Wanniang had money, she found someone to send letters to her father's relatives. She wanted them to come and pick up her younger brother. She also hired a woman to take care of her mother and younger brother. The hired woman promised a lot of good things, but in fact she felt that Pan could not get out of bed. Lazard was very difficult to take care of. The four-year-old could not help much, and she was very impatient. Every time Su Wanniang sent people money, the people in the middle drew a lot of money, and it was not too much in the hands of that woman, and she was even more distracted.

In the fall of this year, Pan died of illness. When it was winter, Su Wanniang's younger brother contracted typhoid fever. The woman didn't ask the doctor, and the child died after being burned for a few days. What is hateful is that in order to continue to take the money, the woman didn't tell Su Wanniang and only let the deceased be buried in the outskirts indiscriminately.

At the time of the New Year, Su Wanniang begged the old bustard and was finally able to go home once. When she reached the door of the house, the woman met through the window and ran away from the back window. Su Wanniang knocked on the door and couldn't open. She was flustered and found her neighbor. Only then did she know that her mother and brother had passed away a long time ago, and she paid the person who indirectly killed them month after month. Su Wanniang went crazy on the spot, smashed the door of the room, rushed into the room, and cried bitterly as she watched the empty room.

Later, the people from Wanhualou came, and Su Wanniang cried and hugged the relics of her mother and younger brother and didn't want to go back, but she used Wanhualou's money and was rude to the officials, so she was naturally pulled back. She tossed every day again and didn't want to learn art. Soon, her father's relatives arrived in the capital and found Su Wanniang. They denounced her for wanting to be depraved for unfilial mothers and for protecting her brothers, ashamed of Su family ancestors, and told her that she would be removed from the genealogy.

Su Wanniang didn't cry this time, and started to learn art again, but only asked the old bustard: She will use her real name instead of her stage name. When the woman enters the dust, she is afraid of humiliating her ancestors. The old bustard with her real name thinks that Su Wanniang hates the Su family and wants to remove her from the family, so as to repay her family. The old bustard didn't care about this. As long as Su Wanniang was obedient and her real name was good, she agreed.

From then on, Su Wanniang studied the art hard. Three years later, she was known for her ability to sing and dance. In addition, she was extremely beautiful, with scorching eyes, singing and dancing, making people fascinated and intoxicated. There used to be a saying "Wan Niang dances, ten streets and nine empty". At the age of fifteen, she won the name of the Oiran in Beijing. Wanhualou arranged an expensive night of singing and dancing in order to bid for her first night. Su Wanniang will dance and sing to show her glamorous demeanor. This dinner became a symbol of wealth and elegance, and even the prince came here admiringly and was arranged in the front row.

This night, Su Wanniang sang and danced, letting people see the beautiful dance and the heartstrings of singing that should only be found in the sky. She posed in front of the prince's table several times, making people think that she must be interested in the prince. The old bustard was also very satisfied. She told Su Wanniang to please the prince more. Su Wanniang was really obedient, and her training over the years finally paid off.

Singing and dancing, Su Wanniang is wearing a colorful gauze skirt and spinning in the fragrant mist. The jade ring on her arm jingles and the flowers under her feet are swirled by the whirlwind of her dance skirt. She is like a fairy. Wandering lightly in the million flowers.

Just as people were fascinated, Su Wanniang carried a bright light toward the prince. Although she moved quickly, she was a dancer after all. She didn't have any kung fu, and the guard next to the prince used a scabbard to block her head. The prince turned sideways, Su Wanniang's blade only scratched the prince's upper arm.

Several people pressed Su Wanniang to the ground. In the chaos, Su Wanniang gasped and screamed. Her voice was crisp and sharp, and she seemed to be able to break the stone. She said that the prince instructed people to frame her father and then murder in prison, and then loudly thanked the old bustard for his nurturing grace, and said that she regretted that she had nothing to do with her in this life. She was trained to speak clearly and quickly, and then bit her tongue after a few words and committed suicide before the guards had time to gag her mouth.

The prince was furious, and ordered people to immediately search Wanhua Tower. The old bustards and others were arrested and imprisoned, tortured and tortured to find the instigator. The house is full of dignitaries, and everyone holds their breath. The next day, Su Wanniang was exposed to the public with naked corpses, and then abandoned the corpse in the wilderness and was not allowed to collect the corpse. ...

Shen Wen knew that the eldest prince at this time, the prince in the future had already begun to move with the help of the future husband. Su Wanniang's father was in the household department and was in charge of gold and silver. He was probably the dissident whom the eldest prince wanted to eliminate. It is not surprising that he was killed. Su Wanniang can find out her wisdom. Shen Wen just regretted that he was too young to get involved in the political affairs at all. It took so much effort to find Su Wanniang, let alone save her father.

In terms of time, Su Wanniang has just been robbed into Wanhualou, yet she has not given up in order to treat her mother and feed her younger brother. Shen Wen decided to do it as soon as possible. She couldn't directly ask the Yang family to redeem Su Wanniang from Wanhualou. There were a lot of people in the Hou Mansion. If Su Wanniang's father was the one the prince wanted to get rid of, the Hou Mansion would not be able to take the initiative to come forward. She can only pretend to be accidental when she wants to save Su Wanniang.

After waking up the next day, Shen Wen hurriedly went to ask for peace. She had to ask Yang to leave the house, and along the way, she made up various reasons in her heart, and she was also thinking about how to keep Shen Xiang and Shen Zhuo from going out together.

Entering the hall, the old lady and Yang are already sitting. Shen Wen realized that she was late, but instead of waiting for her to apologize, Yang said happily: "Wen'er came today but feels much better."

The old lady hurriedly beckoned Shen Wen to come over, and said with concern: "Wen'er sleeps a little longer, you see it is still green."

Yang also looked, frowning and said to Shen Wen's maid: "Let the second lady sleep more tomorrow, don't ask her to get up."

Shen Wen said hurriedly: "I wanted to come here to please peace."

Yang laughed, "Wen'er really has the rules." She turned around and took two paper slips, and said: "Ping Yuanhou's youngest daughter Zhang Yunjin sent a post asking Wen'er and Xiang'er to cross the house, saying that she knew how to raise Baipi. Let you go to enjoy the chrysanthemum. The prince of their mansion also sent invitations to Yi'er and the others. You should go on the 17th day."

Shen Wen thought that Yang did not receive the invitation. It was obvious that Pingyuan Hou Mansion did not want to elevate this invitation to the social status of adults, and only focused on the communication between children.

Shen Wen waited for this invitation for a long time, thinking that Pingyuan Hou Mansion would try to see if he could see the "eldest lady". Shen Xiang and Zhang Yunjin often communicated a letter or something, but Shen Wen, a seven-year-old child himself, really didn't have the opportunity to write, so he could only sometimes ask Shen Xiang about Zhang Yunjin, saying that he missed her because of the candy she gave. Now that this post has finally arrived, Shen Wen no longer has to make up a reason for the mansion.

Yang also said: "You can't be naughty and make trouble when you are in the mansion, don't lose the face of the mansion."

Several people and children naturally agreed.

On the eve before going to Pingyuan Hou Mansion, Shen Wen waited for the maids beside him to be asleep, and went out of the mansion again. This time, she brought a bag of pastries and a towel to cover her face.

When she arrived at Wanhualou, she ran back and forth several times and confirmed that the environment in which she had found the route had not changed much. Then I went to the small courtyard where I saw Su Wanniang last time, and it was quiet inside. It seems that Su Wanniang was not punished today. She went to the courtyard to the west, which was obviously the residence of the subordinates. The courtyard and rooms were very small. The night is deeper, and there are noisy people in other yards, but here it is quiet.

Shen Wen fell from the outside of the north room, leaned under the slightly opened window, and listened carefully. There were several people's breathing in the room. Shen Wen knew that the servant's door was not bolted, so she pushed the door slightly, but she didn't plug it in. She covered her face, opened the door slightly, and stepped into the room.

Shen Wen had excellent eyesight at night, and first saw the first girl, who was a little girl. I watched another one, with a fat body. On the third one, looking at her eyebrows like Su Wanniang, she gently touched her shoulder. Su Wanniang slept very unsteadily and immediately woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, Shen Wen covered her lips with her hand.

Su Wanniang looked at the small figure in the dark, and immediately thought of the girl who talked to her that night. She had been thinking about what she had heard from the girl that night, and she couldn't believe it, but she couldn't help but look forward to it. She thinks about the eight-dimension agreement about discipline. The old bustard loves her aptitude, and thinks it is better for her to be willing, so she will allow her a few days instead of torturing her every day.

Su Wanniang sat up, and Shen Wen whispered to her ears: "Get dressed, I'll take you out." Su Wanniang confirmed that this is the girl. She was so excited that she fumbled and wore clothes and shoes.

Shen Wen took Su Wanniang's hand and walked out of the house slowly. When she arrived in the yard, Su Wanniang looked at Shen Wen. She was obviously not too old and her shoulders were not high, so she stopped and said, "Little sister, don't get into trouble. I ran many times. They are crowded and have no roads. Good to go, you go back quickly."

Shen Wen took her hand tightly and said, "Don't be afraid, follow me."

Su Wanniang felt that Shen Wen's hands were soft and warm, and she nodded, thinking that if she had a chance to escape, she would try hard to fight her. This child can walk through the courtyard, and maybe it is the child of a noble person who will not be punished if he wants to come and be caught.

Shen Wenla walked through the yard with Su Wanniang, which was much more strenuous than she was flying over the walls. Fortunately, she has chosen the path, no matter how intricate the path, she knows where to go. Sometimes hiding in the rockery, sometimes staying in the shadows, zigzags to a small locked door in the backyard.

Seeing the small door, Su Wanniang was excited, but she pushed up and touched the iron lock under the horizontal bolt, and her heart was cold. This door has not been used for a long time, the lock is rusty, and the high walls on both sides are difficult to overcome. She sighed, and whispered to Shen Wen: "Little sister, let's go back, thank you very much."

Shen Wen looked up at Su Wanniang, and whispered: "What I said, you must remember it carefully." After speaking, he closed his eyes, observed the iron lock in his mind, and found the point that had been rusted to a crisp, concentrated consciousness. There was a slight noise inside the iron lock, and Shen Wen signaled. Su Wanniang broke it again and the iron lock opened.

Su Wanniang gasped.

Shen Wen could pry or saw the iron lock beforehand, but she needed Su Wanniang's trust. Su Wanniang was ten years old and she was only seven years old. She had to establish credibility for herself.

Su Wanniang gently took off the iron lock, pulled the door bolt open, and then slowly opened the door. The creaking of the door hinge was particularly loud in the night, and she was shocked in a cold sweat. Shen Wen took her hand again and walked quickly on the street late at night. When encountering someone or a person who is on the watch, Shen Wen can always pull her to hide in the entrance hole or the dark corner in advance.

After walking for more than three quarters, although Su Wanniang received some dance training and had better endurance than usual girls, she was panting and staggered. Shen Wen stopped, but Su Wanniang panted and said: "Can't stop...they have dogs...can chase..."

Shen Wen nodded, and whispered: "Come on, I'll carry you."

Su Wanniang looked at Shen Wen's short body and shook her head repeatedly and said: "No, little sister, you can't carry it."

Shen Wen said: "I'll just remember it for a while, and when it's dawn and there are too many people, it's not easy to find the breath on the ground. We don't have to go too far."

Su Wanniang hesitated to lie on Shen Wen's back. Shen Wen was pressed half-bent, and she couldn't use light work, but her footsteps were still brisk. The two of them walked for a while until they reached a tall building. Shen Wen put down Su Wanniang and dragged her to hide in the shadow of the corner of the alley. Shen Wen bent over, grabbed some dirt from the ground, and handed it to Su Wanniang, "Smear your face."

Su Wanniang did not hesitate this time, rubbing the dirt on her face. Shen Wen pointed to the tall building and said, "That is the Guixiang Garden where snacks are sold. At the end of today, I should be there. When you hear my voice, come out and shout, saying that you don't want to fall into the spring building and ask for help. Live, you can't talk about your father, and you have to pretend you don't know me, and don't tell anyone about everything I do, and neither can your mother."

Shen Wen's tone was mature and sophisticated, which was very inconsistent with her short stature and childish voice, but at this time Su Wanniang realized that she really had hope for the first time, she couldn't help shaking with excitement, and nodded again and again.

Shen Wen went on to say: "I should come today, but in case I can't come today, I will definitely come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, do you believe me?"

Su Wanniang nodded firmly and said: "I believe you, even if you don't come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will wait here as a beggar, as long as they don't catch me."

Shen Wen took out a bag of pastries and handed it to Su Wanniang. Just as he was about to leave, she turned around and asked: "Can you hear my voice, let's not decide a word."

Su Wanniang looked at Shen Wen and said, "I can." She took Shen Wen's hand and said, "Little sister, if you can redeem me from Wanhualou, let me settle my mother and my brother, I can I'll be a maid for you all my life."

Shen Wen shook Su Wanniang's hand and said, "I will surely redeem you. You must not go home before this. They are probably waiting for you at home. When you become my maid, just I can take care of them. Besides, I don't want you to be a maid for a lifetime. I only want you to help me for ten years."

Su Wanniang nodded and said, "I understand that you must be loyal and not betray. Don't worry, I am not your maid now. You can't come. If they catch me, I won't sell you."

Shen Wen looked at Su Wanniang and said, "If they catch you, it doesn't matter if you sell me or not. Anyway, you don't know who I am. I just like you, and I will bring you out, but I won't let you. Be my maid."

Su Wanniang held back her tears and nodded and said: "Miss, go now, it won't be okay after dawn." She changed her name.

Shen Wen said seriously: "I said, it's just a maid in name. I treat you as a sister, you should call me a little sister."

Su Wanniang said, "Little sister, you have to... be careful."

Shen Wen also whispered: "You too, be careful to hide. We will see you this afternoon." After that, she turned and ran. Su Wanniang held the bag of pastries and stood in the dark for a long time before finding a broken hole in the wall and hiding her cat's waist.

Shen Wen estimated that his innocence was about to dawn, and he ran all the way, hurried into the Hou Mansion in the early hours of the morning, returned to the bedroom and hurriedly took off his clothes and put them away. After squinting for a moment, the maids got up. Today they are going to Pingyuan Hou Mansion, and Shen Wen can't sleep late.

It was a sunny autumn day, the sky was blue and the clouds were high, and the geese flew south. Shen Xiang and Shen Wen had a carriage, and the three boys rode on horses. Zhenbei Hou Mansion is the home of military generals, and men have to be familiar with bowing horses since childhood. Shen Xiang wanted to go out riding a horse very much, but Yang said that she was nine years old, and if she wanted to look like a girl, she should take a car.

This is the first time Shen Wen has been out of the house since she was born again. Before, the Yang family refused to let her go out of the house because she was too young, and even those lantern festivals and other things did not let her go. Shen Wen's heart is no longer a child, and naturally he has never been noisy. I only went out a few times when I wanted to come to Shen Xiang. In the carriage, Shen Xiang slightly lifted the window curtain and looked out. When the maids in the same car saw that Shen Wen didn't even look out, they all felt that the little lady had learned the rules really well.

Shen Wen knew that after the Chinese New Year, Shen Xiang's martial arts was not successful, so he began to use the spear, and would often fight with Shen Zhuo and the others in the martial arts field. Naturally, he would not take another car when he went out. Yang had always followed Shen Xiang, saying that she hadn't listened to Shen Xiang several times, so she let Shen Xiang go. In other words, there are not many opportunities for her to be in the same car with Shen Xiang in the future. Also in the previous life, they gradually grew up and gradually separated...

Shen Xiang looked out the window and said, "Look, little girl, there is someone selling tricks over there..." He didn't hear Shen Wen's answer, turned his head and frowned and said, "Why are you crying again? We are going to be a guest. How good are the eyes"

The opposite Xia Hong said nothing, because she was really used to seeing Shen Wen crying. Shen Xiang glanced at Xia Hong unhappily: How could this maid not coax the little girl. Shen Xiang's maid, Chunlu, understood what Shen Xiang meant, and hurriedly asked with a smile: "Does the second lady want something to eat?" Shen Wen's delicious lazy cooking is already well-known throughout the province.

Shen Wen sobbed at Shen Xiang: "I'm afraid..."

Shen Xiang asked: "Why are you afraid that I am here, eldest brother and the others are outside, and there are more than forty guards accompanying my house."

Shen Wen choked, "I'm afraid you will leave me one day, ignore me, don't want me..."

Shen Xiang laughed and said, "Why! We will always be together." I thought that this sister is a bit stupid, naturally weak, and she can take care of herself in the future, and don't let her feel that she will be rejected by others. Shen Xiang pulls her away. Shen Wen's chubby hands didn't look outside, and asked: "We finally came out once, and we must be happy, otherwise my mother won't let us out."

Shen Wen nodded vigorously, wiped away tears and said, "Okay, I must be happy..."

Shen Xiang looked at the little girl's round face with tears, maternal instinct, and boldly said: "You don't have to be afraid of anything! If you don't practice kung fu well, I will fight for you in the future! No matter who is bullying. You, just tell me, I will never spare him!"

Shen Wen folded his hands and seriously shook Shen Xiang's hand and said: "I will tell my sister!" Shen Xiang laughed loudly, Chun Lu and Xia Hong looked at each other, one proud and the other helpless.

When they arrived at Pingyuan Hou Mansion, Zhang Yunming greeted them, led them into the mansion, and got out of the car in the courtyard. Shen Xiang and Shen Wen got off the car. Everyone first went to see Pingyuan Hou's wife Li.

Outside the hall are two green bamboos, but in the middle is a road paved with white marble. The white marble is mixed with fluorescence in the white, and it contrasts with the green, giving a person a particularly refreshing feeling. There were two rows of servants standing outside the hall door, all standing with their heads down, silent. The courtyard was filled with only their footsteps and the rustle of bamboo leaves. Shen Wenxin said that Ping Yuan Hou was still a military commander. Although the mansion was embellished with extravagance, it seemed that it was still under military control. These people were much more disciplined than the usual casual behavior of the people of the Hou mansion.

Shen Wen now understands that it is not that the Hou Mansion does not manage strictly, but that it cannot be too strict. If the mansion is so strict that he can't speak outside the iron barrel, it will make people suspicious because they can't see through. As it is now, the Hou Mansion in Zhenbei is neither loose nor tight, and usually the family members do not avoid others when they fight and quarrel. Perhaps it is a strategy negotiated by the Lord Hou and the Yang family. After all, if the Hou Mansion is open and frank, and anyone can watch it inside, it may be able to make people believe that Zhenbei Hou has no unruly intentions. It's a pity that maybe it was because he knew that Zhenbeihou was selfless, that he was put to death-because it was clear that Zhenbeihou was not prepared for a backhand blow.

Entering the hall, the floor is covered with silk woven carpets, and you can see that various antiques are displayed on both sides of the Duobao Pavilion, and the aroma in the hall is indifferent.

Li smiled and met with several children of the Shen family. She looked at Shen Wen specially. This child may have been slower and a little fatter. Wherever there is such an embarrassment that she does not like to go out as people say, she never likes to go out. The occasional visitor heard vicious comments about this girl. The husband repeatedly urged not to show that he had been in close contact with the Zhenbei Houfu, let alone speak to them, so even when she heard those words, she could not clarify for the Shen family's daughters.

Li is very fortunate that he has strictly required his children in etiquette since he was a child, and he must not lose face to Pingyuan Hou Mansion outside. If her daughter was criticized in this way, she would be ashamed and unbearable. Mrs. Yang, Mrs. Zhenbeihou, did not like to socialize with others as much as she did, and she didn't know if she heard the criticisms against her daughter.

Li didn't say a few words, and immediately let them play on their own, lest the people of the Shen family feel that they are too enthusiastic.

Zhang Yunjin happily took Shen Wen's hand, led her to the back garden, and whispered: "I asked my sister to prepare a lot of small ones, sweet and sour, my sister will definitely like it." Li said to Zhang Yunjin. For those bad things, Zhang Yunjin was just eight years old and didn't go out often, so naturally he hadn't heard any gossip, and he was as kind to Shen Wen as last time.

Shen Wen heard about Dim Sum, swallowed aloud, and said sincerely: "Thank you sister, if sister Zhang is not prepared, I will ask sister for it." Shen Zhuo smiled, but he could not say anything. Shen Xiang hurriedly asked Zhang Yunjin for Shen Wen, "Is there a small lake in your back garden?"

Zhang Yunjin nodded and said: "There are indeed. Many chrysanthemums are placed by the lake, with the water reflecting the chrysanthemums as the scenery."

Shen Xiang said: "Then let's go to the lake, just like last time."

Shen Zhuo heard this and said happily: "Okay, just go!"

Seeing Zhang Yunming's face stiffened a little, Shen Yi smiled and pulled Shen Zhuo and said: "Their sisters are going there, why are you going there with us?"

Zhang Yunming smiled and said, "I'll take you around first." Separating the boys and girls quietly, Shen Wen could see that the rules of Pingyuan Hou Mansion were more strict than those of his own.

Zhang Yunjin led Shen Wen and Shen Xiang to the back. Shen Wen asked in the most childish and lovely tone he could try: "I heard that my sister also has a big sister. I was ill during the flower meeting last time. Brother Zhang brought her a sachet, and she returned the gift. I wonder if she is doing well right now."

Zhang Yunjin sighed immediately: "My eldest sister has been sick for many years, and it didn't get better." There is no sign of falsehood on her face. Shen Wen thinks that Ping Yuan Hou seems to be hiding her little daughter.

Shen Wen shook Zhang Yunjin's hand and said, "I'm going to see my big sister! I'm going!"

Zhang Yunjin smiled and said, "My eldest sister lives in a place to recover from her illness. If she doesn't come out to see people, my parents won't let people disturb her."

Shen Wen sighed loudly, just like a little adult. Zhang Yunjin was amused, and shook her hand and said, "I must tell my mother you will ask her." Shen Wen understood that this meant that Zhang Yunjin would never see Zhang Yunzheng.

The three of them walked back, and Zhang Yunjin pointed to one side and said, "My eldest sister lives over there." When Shen Wen looked over there, he could only see a thick willow, which was densely covered. Ping Yuan Hou Neng had concealed this secret for nearly 22 years, which shows his rigorous control of the mansion. Shen Wen gave up the idea of ​​going there for excuses now, so as not to startle the snake.

When we arrived at the lake, there were many people waiting to wait in a small pavilion. As soon as they approached, the people spread out quickly and silently. When they entered the pavilion and sat down, someone immediately offered a basin for them to wash their hands. Then they took the teapot from the small clay stove next to them and poured tea for them, and then a bunch of snacks were placed.

Shen Xiang exclaimed: "Wow, your mansion is so nice!" The maid of Shen Xiang next to him, Chunlu, couldn't help but coughed in a low voice. Zhang Yunjin hurriedly said with a smile: "You can't say that, your mansion is also very good. ."

Shen Xiang knew that he had said something wrong. If he said that his family was not good, wouldn't it be disrespectful to his mother and hurriedly said: "Sister Zhang is still thoughtful.

Zhang Yunjin also sighed slightly, and whispered: "Cultivating Ao Mu 锸 quietly knock on Ciwanzi Omega!

Shen Xiang asked: "You must have been educated and Sangjun

Zhang Yunjin said solemnly to the people around him: "You all go down." The maid next to her responded in a low voice, and stepped away. Upon seeing this, Shen Xiang said to the two maids in the Shen Mansion: "We are going to whisper, you guys should rest, too." Chun Lu and Xia Hong nodded and walked away.

Zhang Yunjin said in a low voice: "I have been nurtured at the age of two, and I have learned Aosu until I was seven." Shen Wen knew that this mansion had strict rules, and Zhang Yunjin would never dared to complain to her mother in front of her servants. People can speak.

Shen Xiang couldn't help sighing: "No wonder you have such a good manner, you don't want to be a queen in the future, right?"

Zhang Yunjin hurriedly covered Shen Xiang's mouth and muttered, "What are you talking about! What should I do if people hear it!"

Shen Xiang looked around, then whispered: "You really suffer!"

Zhang Yunjin was told by her mother to learn the rules since she was young. But today, a girl she admired privately said that she was suffering. She looked at Shen Xiang's radiant face and slightly disheveled sideburns, just like the narrow-sleeved short dresses she wore last time, and she looked at her concentration at the table. The fat Shen Wen who was eating dim sum, and remembering the witty-mouthed young man I saw last time, Zhang Yunjin suddenly discovered that there is another way to live in life, and blurted out: "Your house is really good." It was just what Shen Xiang said just now. Before the words fell, both of them covered their mouths and laughed.

The two began to talk about bringing up the dark and bringing up Zhang Yunjin, often shaking their heads by Shen Xiang's behavior, and pitying Shen Wen's slowness.

Shen Wen had almost eaten, drank tea, and asked to go to the quiet room. Shen Xiang and Zhang Yunjin were happily talking, and naturally let the maid accompany Shen Wen and Xia Hong. When Shen Wen came out of the quiet room, he greedily looked at the chrysanthemums of various colors. He dragged the maid of the Shen Mansion to make her go around. He went round and round along the lake for most of the time. He saw Zhang Yunming and several elder brothers from a distance. Run over to see them.

Zhang Yunming was not good at blasting Shen Wen away, so he had to walk back with a few people to accompany her to see Zhang Yunjin and Shen Xiang. Shen Wen turned against the guests and led them into the kiosk. Everyone sat down, and the maids came up for refreshments. Shen Zhuo was full of energy and kept talking jokes, often making Zhang Yunjin and the little maids bow their heads and laugh.

When Zhang Yunming saw this, he hurriedly set up a chessboard and wanted to play a few games with the Shen family brothers. Shen Zhuo was caught and killed by Zhang Yunming, and he was much quieter.

Everyone talked and laughed for a while, and Shen Yi took his younger siblings to leave.

Shen Wen reluctantly looked at the empty plate on the table, and said emotionally: "Sister Zhang's dim sum is the best in the world!" He energetically said the words "world" and "most".

Zhang Yunjin didn't know the depth, and said with a smile: "Thank you sister for the compliment."

Zhang Yunming was a little older, and when he heard something wrong, he was cautious and immediately said: "It can't be said that it is the best in the world. There are several dim sum restaurants in the capital, all of which do better."

Shen Wen's eyes widened: "What is called?"

Zhang Yunming smiled and replied: "There are Piaoxiang Pavilion in the south of the city, Wanjia Cake in the city, and Guixiang Garden in the north..."

Shen Wen turned to look at Shen Yi: "Brother, will we pass by when we go back home?"

Shen Yi thought for a while and said, "It should be Guixiangyuan."

Shen Wen jumped and said, "I'm going, I'm going!"

Shen Yi touched her head and said, "Don't make trouble, mother is still waiting at home."

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