Chapter 17: arrogant

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Shen Yi and the three princes played together for half a month. The old lady and Yang also felt that something was wrong, but they didn't know how to deal with it. Women's usual topics are nothing more than fame, family background, income and gifts, and there is very little discussion about politics.

After distracting the people next to her, the old lady said to Yang without worry: "You still have to talk to Yi'er and the others, don't have close contacts with the third prince. This time, I went out to play together for half a month, who I don't know if the court doesn't want the prince to have too much contact with civil servants and generals."

Yang also sighed and said: "I also told Yi'er, because Lord Hou also told not to have a deep friendship with the royal people. But Yi'er said that they had played together before, and they met on the road this time, and the third prince opened. I can't say that I can't say it. Because that year, the third prince also came to the mansion at the Huahui. At that time, the prince was not driven out, and now the prince is about to be canonized as a prince. Too spineless. But I also think that Yi'er and the others feel that the eldest prince is not authentic. Together with the third prince, it can be regarded as an expression of unhappiness."

The old lady shook her head and said, "The child's family is not worth it! The eldest prince cares about Wen'er things like that. If Yi'er and the others are doing this, you must find the opportunity to tell them well. Can't do this anymore!"

As soon as the old lady spoke, Yang hadn't found a chance to talk to Shen Yi in private. A few days later, she received a post from the five princesses saying that she would come to Shen Xiang for her birthday. With this greeting note, Yang's family seemed to be holding a fire, and immediately went to see the old lady.

"Mother!" Yang doesn't think the old lady is picking her up anymore. It is good to have an elderly person in the family to discuss it. When the husband is not there, there is no one in her natal family. The children are either obviously disobedient or ignorant. I have been holding the Hou Mansion all these years and I have no good girlfriends. Who else can she go to besides her mother-in-law?

Yang sighed: "These five princes are here, and the third prince must have sent her here, don't you have to get entangled with Yi'er and the others again?"

The old lady took a close look at the post, and asked suspiciously: "Why did the fifth princesses think of coming to Xianger for birthday?

The Yang family was a little embarrassed: "In the early years, I gave birth to Xianger, and I finally hoped that a daughter came. Didn't our house hold Xianger for the next hundred days? Chen Guifei and my house turned a little bit close to join in the fun. , Sent her a post. Of course she didn't come, but she sent someone a gift, which was very kind. In recent years, the five princesses have also come to the second flower meeting or something, and nothing else. This time it's her. This is the first time I want to celebrate Xianger's birthday, maybe because Xianger is a full day this year, ten years old."

The old lady frowned for a while, and slowly sighed: "If you say to avoid it, it's not impossible."

Yang hurriedly asked: "What to do"

The old lady looked at the window and whispered: "At that day, find something and spend Yi'er and the others, and wait for the fifth princesses and them to leave, and then let Yi'er and them come back; or, the day before that, I suddenly fell ill. In this way, Xiang'er will not be able to celebrate her birthday; or, let Xiang'er pretend to be sick and report the news to the five princesses... this way, there are many ways."

Yang hesitated: "The mother said, which method do we use?"

The old lady turned her eyes slowly, looked at Yang and said, "You can figure it out."

Yang frowned: "What does mother mean?"

The old lady shook her head slightly: "I am old and can't think about it. I don't want to do anything. I just want to live upright."

Yang didn't want to understand, he left, and secretly called his companion Qian's, told the story again, and asked: "Mother gave me an idea, but she said she didn't want to use it. Let me take care of it. This is What do you mean?

Qian sighed deeply: "Madam, the old lady is too angry. Do you remember that the maid Su Wanniang wanted to die, did the old lady say something?"

Yang remembered and nodded.

The Qian continued: "The old lady is proud of her heart. Today in the Zhenbei Hou Mansion is the life of the old man and the soldiers. If our mansion dare not receive the guests who come to celebrate the birthday of the young lady, it must be his own. It's so embarrassing to live if the child avoids or the owner pretends to be sick. Those people died just because we are alive today. So the old lady said she wanted to live upright, she didn't want to bow her head. But there are children in our house, she Let the lady decide."

Yang's eyes turned red, and he took Qian's hand and said, "Eh, I also want to live upright. My father always said that if people are worthy of their conscience, there is nothing terrifying. But how can I not worry about Wen He just had a few words with the eldest prince and the fourth princess. Look at the things behind this, and he can be so shameless!"

Qian was so frightened that he covered his mouth, looked around, and whispered: "Madam, you don't know that there are so many people in this mansion, so don't dare to talk nonsense!"

The Yang said in a low voice: "Since the mansion is crowded, we can't do things that pretend to be sick. If it spreads out, our mansion will let the young lady pretend to be sick in order to avoid seeing the three princes, and she won't even have a birthday. Our mansion's face is lost! Let me ask Yi'er, if he wants to, let him take Jiro out with him, leaving only Saburo to receive the third prince. Saburo is only thirteen years old, and he really met the third prince. It shouldn't be regarded as friendship."

Qian "Ouch" said: "The third prince is only fifteen years old, and the second son of our house, the eldest son of Pingyuanhou is not one and a half years old. Look at the third son, the second son, and the eldest son Zhang. The prince is so good, he always has to play chess with them, it seems that if he is too young, if he stays, he might not play chess with the third prince, so that the third prince will stay longer."

Yang frowned and said: "It seems that you really have to spend it all. But the three boys in the Hou Mansion are not there, and it happened to be the birthday of the eldest lady. This is not justified."

Qian sighed: "Isn't this just deceiving yourself and others? Who can't tell? This means that the Hou Mansion does not want the third prince to have a good relationship with the princes, and it also gives the eldest prince a reconciliation, which means that our mansion and him It's together."

Yang's fire is over: "Why!"

Qian's "hush": "Madam, this is not a trivial matter. The prince will become a prince, and he will be the emperor in the future. Our mansion is a courtier, how can we not listen to the emperor"

Yang said angrily, "But he is not yet!"

Qian was helpless: "That's what the old lady meant to let the lady'see it through', and in the end the lady had to make up his mind."

In anger, unwillingness, and worry about the children, Yang swayed and wandered around. In the end, he decided to talk with his eldest son, and wanted to persuade him to take his younger brothers out of the house, and he wanted to hear what different suggestions he had. After all, Shen Yi is a seventeen-year-old adult who will get married next year, and usually makes his own decisions.

Shen Yi categorically refused Yang's suggestion to let him go out: "Mother, this is not the case. I took my brothers away from the house on the birthday of the elder sister, and the fifth princess happened to be accompanied by the third prince to celebrate the birthday of the eldest sister. The reason for not coming out is for what matter. If Zhenbeihou Mansion acted like this, how could we stand up in front of others in the future."

Yang Shixin said that this is exactly the same as the old lady. Although he agrees with this view, how can people under the eaves not bow their heads or ask against their will: "Can my son think of it and save the face of the Hou Mansion? , And a way to not have friendship with the three princes"

Shen Yi said dullly: "Mother, let me think about it, not yet." Hearing that, he didn't even think about it.

Knowing that the father-in-law is coming, the mansion has to be prepared. I posted a message to a few people who could still speak, set a banquet, and hired an orchestra. In the midsummer of July, mats and bamboo chairs were placed in the pavilion by the small lake, and a small hall for the girls to change clothes or rest.

On Shen Xiang's birthday, Shen Yi didn't show his method either. A few days ago, Yang asked Shen Xiang euphemistically if he was not feeling well. Don't pass this birthday, and Shen Xiang refused, and kept asking Yang what was wrong.

Since Yang came together in the morning, he felt boring in his heart and felt breathless. But thinking of going to meet the children in the hall, I had to try my best to freshen up my clothes. She couldn't tell if she was really sick now, lest everyone in the Hou Mansion would think she was pretending to be sick, and no one would look down on her in the future.

There was already a hint of warmth in the air in the summer morning.

Yang walked into the hall with heavy steps and a little sweat on his back. In the room, several children stood up and saluted her. Shen Yi wore a white summer shirt with a light green jade belt tied around his waist, looking upright and handsome, without fear. This was the eldest son she was proud of. Yang's nose was sour, he hurriedly pursed the corners of his mouth, made a smile, and looked at Shen Xiang in a blink of an eye. It was her birthday, Shen Xiang was also dressed in a short dress. She liked the light red clothes and had a gold hairpin carved with a lotus flower on her head.

Yang said with a smile: "Today is Xianger's birthday, everyone is having fun." After finishing speaking, he couldn't remember what else to say. The old lady outside the door came in, and everyone said good morning.

The old lady looked very emotional, and sat down and said, "I have been waiting for a lively event. I heard that the orchestras invited are very good in the capital."

Yang said hurriedly: "Yes, I gave them the list, and they said they could order it anytime. If you have anything you want to listen to, just let people tell them."

The old lady waved: "As long as it is festive, it sounds good."

Yang sighed: "The festive ones are all playing the gongs and drums. This summer, my mother is not too noisy."

The old lady smiled and said, "I am old and can't hear clearly. Noisy is also annoying to you."

Everyone laughed, and Yang gave breakfast to the children and had dinner with the children.

Shen Wen remembered that the five princesses also came to celebrate Shen Xiang's birthday in his previous life, and the three princes naturally came with him, and they also made a few gestures with a few brothers in the martial arts field. But at that time, I was arguing with my mother because my birthday was just over a month later, but my mother said that she was still young and would not let her pass it. At that time, I didn't know whether the Hou Mansion had any feelings about its own crisis, whether he had received the fifth princesses and the third princes intentionally, but this time she clearly knew that the old lady, the Yang family, and Shen Yi all deliberately chose pride, and Not a compromise.

During breakfast, the old lady was as happy as usual, sitting on Shen Wen's side, always feeding Shen Wen, telling Shen Wen to eat more, and Yang's face often showed worry. Shen Yi was stern, silent, Shen Jian smiled, and Shen Zhuo looked absent-minded. Shen Xiang may be a little excited, blushing, and not eating much.

After the meal, Yang gave a few more words, his voice was a little dumb, as if he had no energy. Shen Wen closed his eyes and saw Yang in his consciousness just as liver qi stagnation, probably because of excessive anxiety these days. By bidding farewell, she ran up, shrank into Yang's arms, rubbed her, and secretly used her consciousness to sort out the meridians that had passed through Zhongjiao, and then smiled and walked with Shen Xiang.

Yang let out a sigh of relief, and felt refreshed. He couldn't help but smiled and said to the old lady: "Wen'er makes such a trouble, I feel much more comfortable."

The old lady also smiled and said: "Wen'er is a caring child, meek, and sensible. I don't know who will get this blessing in the future."

Yang's mood just dimmed again, and he whispered: "Her birthday is just a month later, and it must be impossible to do it this time." What if the people who come say something, don't be more choked.

The old lady sighed: "Make her a few clothes, make some good jewelry, and tell her that when she grows up, we will celebrate her birthday."

Yang nodded, and immediately went out to find fashionable jewelry samples.

The fifth princess's carriage arrived in the afternoon. The third prince accompanied the fifth princess and got out of the car in the front yard. Yang greeted them. After the two parties saluted, Ping Yuan Hou's motorcade happened to be outside the door.

Here, the Yang family had just finished the ceremony and left, leaving a few children to talk to the fifth princess and the third prince. Zhang Yunming, the eldest son of Ping Yuan Hou, also came with Zhang Yunjin and Miss Zhang Er who had been here before.

Zhang Yunming saw the third prince and the fifth princess from a distance, and wanted to go elsewhere first, and staggered with them, but Shen Zhuo had already seen them and waved to them.

Zhang Yunming had to walk over with the two girls, and saw that the fifth princess gave Shen Xiang a short sword with jewels on the outside, and then took a huge pearl adorned under a network of gold thread and handed it to Shen Wen. . Shen Wen shook his head and turned to look at Shen Xiang.

Shen Xiang frowned and said, "Such a big bead is too precious to be given to her."

The fifth princess smiled and said, "This is the third time I have seen my sister. The beads must be bigger than before before they can be delivered."

The third prince said to Shen Yi: "Hurry up and let your sister hold it. It doesn't look good to hold it like this."

Shen Yi nodded to Shen Wen. Shen Wen took it, bowed, smiled and said, "Thank you five princesses."

Shen Xiang smiled to Shen Wen and said, "Don't follow me to see the fifth princess next time."

The fifth princess also covered her face and smiled: "Don't be afraid, if I don't have any bigger beads, I will give you two more small beads."

Shen Wen laughed so close that his eyes were almost closed, and nodded vigorously.

Shen Xiang pulled her: "Don't be so obvious!"

Zhang Yunming and the others came to the side. After a party ceremony, Zhang Yunjin gave Shen Xiang a golden handle riding whip, and Miss Zhang Er gave a beautifully embroidered purse.

The third prince smiled and said to Zhang Yunming: "Congratulations, you have won a talented scholar. I heard that you are going to the countryside to test this year."

Zhang Yunming replied: "I'm just going to practice hands. My father said that my talent is blinded, and I have to take another test to show him."

Everyone laughed.

The third prince said to Shen Yi: "It's hard to see you, let's go to the martial arts ground for a few walks. There is no one in the palace to practice hands, it is really uncomfortable."

The fifth princess smiled and reproached: "I thought you were with me, but it turned out that I took the opportunity to find my brothers in the Shen family to practice hands. I didn't ask if they wanted to play with you." Humiliation.

Shen Wen felt that the five princesses' imitating Chen Guifei gradually became true and more natural.

The third prince said hurriedly: "I am abrupt, do you have time today?"

At this point, Shen Yi couldn't shirk it anymore, and had to say: "It's hot, just wait for you to sweat."

The third prince said indifferently: "It's okay, I have a change." He turned to Zhang Yunming and said, "You too."

Zhang Yunming hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm so sour in writing with my hand, and now I feel tired from shaking the fan."

Everyone laughed again, and Shen Zhuo hurriedly said, "Then I will just play chess with you!" He took Zhang Yunming and went to the library.

Shen Xiang took the five princesses and the Zhang family sisters to the lake, where the wind music was melodious, and there were a few girls from the middle-class generals' family who had some ties to the Hou Mansion. Except for the five princesses and the Zhang family sisters, there is no noble daughter.

The fifth princess did not show any dissatisfaction. After seeing the ceremony, she joked and laughed a little with the girl who came to her, and even more happily talking with Shen Xiang who was sitting next to her. Sitting not far from the fifth princess, Miss Zhang's second lady sometimes leaned forward to gather a few words, but Zhang Yunjin, who was next to Shen Wen, just smiled and said nothing.

Shen Wen leaned in her ear and whispered: "How is your big sister? It's summer, and'she' is better"

Sitting down, Zhang Yunjin only slightly turned her face and whispered, "It's still not good to hear from my parents. Usually, I can't get out of the yard."

Shen Wen nodded, then asked in a low voice, "What does she like to eat for a while, you can take some away"

Zhang Yunjin finally laughed: "You know how to eat, so every time you come, you say you want to eat for her."

Shen Wen stared at Zhang Yunjin: "Is there something better than what I eat"

Zhang Yunjin stopped laughing, and Shen Wen said again: "I really don't understand, some people don't like to eat."

Zhang Yunjin asked in a low voice: "Who doesn't like to eat?"

Shen Wen said innocently: "My third brother. These days he played chess, he got up and stopped eating. Several times, when we had dinner, my mother asked him to eat, and he said that there was something. He sent it, but he didn't eat it either. My mother said that he was obsessed, and his lunch didn't taste good. He was hungry for a day, and she said she was not hungry.

Zhang Yunjin pursed her lips, and Shen Wen said again: "He bought a lot of books about chess, saying that he must beat your brother. Why is he having trouble with your brother? I think your brother is a very good person."

Zhang Yunjin blushed, and whispered: "You can't talk about others so casually, you have to be a hand-handler at my house!"

Shen Wen looked scared: "Really, my mother never beats me. She also beats my third brother. He has a hard hand, and my mother said it doesn't matter if you beat me twice. If your mother wants to beat me, can you? Let her beat my third brother"

Zhang Yunjin smiled and lowered her head, and said in a low voice: "Also! I won't give you a snack any more."

Shen Wen hurriedly said: "Don't say it, don't say it." Then Zhang Yunjin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then can you give me a snack?"

Zhang Yunjin smiled: "It's hot, and the snack is easy to go bad, I didn't bring it this time."

Shen Wen showed a disappointed expression, but immediately said: "Then my birthday is on the sixth day of August. It's not too hot at that time, can you bring it?"

Zhang Yunjin laughed hard and whispered: "Is there anyone like you? I will chase someone to celebrate your birthday."

Shen Wen continued to pretend to be innocent: "What's wrong with me, why did you tell me not to say anything, why did I forget whether it was about my third brother?"

Zhang Yunjin succumbed: "Well, I will bring it to you then, so stop talking!"

After they had been sitting for more than half an hour, the third prince came. Although he changed his clothes, he could still see redness on his face and faint traces of sweat. He smiled and said to the fifth princess: "Are you doing well? It's time to go back to the palace."

The fifth princess snorted and said, "You seem to be enjoying yourself, so you are here to rush me."

The third prince said straightforwardly: "It's a joy to fight them, the fifth sister is very good."

The fifth princess pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Naturally it is good."

She left and was about to leave with the third prince, and Shen Zhuo's happy voice suddenly came from there: "I have won! I have won!"

It turned out that Shen Zhuo caught Zhang Yunming to play chess. Zhang Yunming thought that before he left the house, his father repeatedly told him to just celebrate the birthday of the eldest daughter of the Hou Mansion. After handing in the gift, he would come back after a short stay and never eat dinner. But as soon as I got here, I met with the three princes, and the five princesses were also with Zhang Yunjin... I couldn't help but feel a little distracted. If I didn't pay attention, I was lifted by Shen Zhuo as a big dragon. If you want to get it back, it will take a lot of time. Watching the time, it's time to go, and then throw in.

At this time, Shen Zhuoke was so happy that he ran all the way and shouted straight to Zhang Yunjin, but when he got closer, he reacted, laughed a few times, slowed down and walked over and said to Shen Xiang with a smile. : "I won Master Zhang." Zhang Yunjin swept over the corner of his eyes.

Zhang Yunjin's face sank, and his mouth pursed slightly.

After Zhang Yunming came over, he patted Shen Zhuo's shoulder generously and said, "The younger generation is terrible, the third son of Shen is making great progress, I am willing to go downhill."

Shen Zhuo blushed and murmured: "A fluke victory is not enough."

The fifth princess saw that Zhang Yunming was similar to her third brother in age, and she looked like a quiet scholar. She called Shen Zhuo a "post-born", and then forced Shen Zhuo to give up the pride of the winner. She raised her sleeves and covered her cheeks, her eyes curled. Smiled.

The third prince smiled and said: "I don't know how to play chess. My fourth brother likes it. Someday I will bring him out and let him play against you."

Zhang Yunming said hurriedly, "How dare you work the prince with a little trick."

The third prince waved his hand and said: "Daddy Zhang is too modest. Who doesn't know that you are versatile, and you are a less famous person in Beijing."

Zhang Yunming shook his head hurriedly: "Where there is such a saying, I am really ashamed to kill me!"

The third prince smiled and said: "Oh, if you know poetry, go to Wanhualou tonight. There is a'Dance of Wanhua', and the top dancers in each flowerhouse will take turns to dance. There will be many people on the spot. If you write a poem and a lyrics, it will be sung by others."

Zhang Yunming shook his head again and said, "I don't have much literary talent, how can I show my ugliness?

The third prince nudged Zhang Yunming and said: "You are always so arrogant, don't be afraid, I won't eat you. You ask Shen Yi and them, I'm not so particular."

Zhang Yunming saluted again: "The three princes of the heavenly family are noble, and the honor is supreme. How can our little people look forward to it"

The third prince covered his face with one hand: "I'm so sour!"

The fifth princess hid her face and smiled.

Shen Zhuo asked with concern: "Does your father know if you talk like this?" The tone was the same as "Does your father know if you steal something?"

Everyone laughed in unison, and even Zhang Yunjin raised his lips.

Zhang Yunming's face was slightly red. Shen Zhuo finally exhaled, happy that he could shoot a cold arrow.

After the third prince and the fifth princess left, Zhang Yunming also took the Zhang sisters away. The rest of the guests had dinner, and Shen Xiang's birthday had passed.

Returning to his bedroom, Shen Wen said softly to Su Wanniang beside him: "Do you think I should go to the Grand Prince's Mansion to see if I can hear what he would say about the three princes and five princesses who came today"

Su Wanniang was very unwilling for Shen Wen to go out at night, especially the mansion of the eldest prince, so she said, "Does he still have to think about what he said?"

Shen Wen nodded slowly, the eldest prince was bound to be irritated again, judging from the irritable counterattack of the eldest prince, he should start in advance. What will he do next? The last time she thought about this question, she didn't remember what the eldest prince was doing. But when she remembered the five princesses she saw today, her heart moved: Two years later, Chen Guifei fell ill and died soon. Concubine Chen Gui is not dead, and the five princesses will not be married. Now it seems that the death of Concubine Chen Gui is not accidental. If it was the work of the eldest prince or the queen, would it be earlier this time?

Shen Wen whispered: "I remember... I think... Concubine Chen should be sick soon. If she drags it for two or three months, she will die."

Shen Wen didn't know that she was still a step slower, the eldest prince had already told the queen to do it.

Su Wanniang gasped in air: "This is so powerful this is his brother." Isn't she killing her mother for the purpose of excluding the third prince in the future?

Shen Wen thought for a while, and whispered: "You use left handwriting: someone will poison Chen Guifei. I will send it to him tonight. Oh, use the most common paper, and don't use the same handwriting for Ji Wenzhao." Chen Guifei If he does not die, the eldest prince will have one more opponent.

Su Wanniang frowned and said: "The third prince lives in the palace, the palace wall is tall, you still don't take this risk, you will have a chance to talk about it in the future."

Shen Wen said: "Have you heard him say that there is a dance of thousands of flowers in Wanhuan Tower tonight? He is very interested. I will go and see if he will go there."

Su Wanniang is still worried: "So many people, what are you going to do"

Shen Wen had no clue in his mind, but he was afraid that Su Wanniang would be even more worried. She pretended not to care and said: "When the time comes, just look at me and dress me up as a maid."

Su Wanniang was frustrated, she wrote a note before the book case, folded it and handed it to Shen Wen, muttering: "You must never take other people's beads! Three beads will buy you, which is too bad. ."

Shen Wen also sighed: "That's what it means to be greedy for petty gains and suffer big losses..."

Su Wanniang slammed Shen Wen's mouth and said, "Bah! What a big loss! Don't talk nonsense at the children's house! Well, those three beads are worth a lot of money, so you can send a note. It's easy! Just throw it in. Go! Okay, we made it! Say it!"

Shen Wen nodded vigorously, Su Wanniang let go, and Shen Wen hugged Su Wanniang and said coquettishly: "You are the one I earn the most! My good sister!"

Su Wanniang reluctantly said: "I also earned the fifth princess and the third prince!"

Shen Wen had no choice but to nod his head: "Of course! We can only make money without losing money."

Su Wanniang covered her chest and sighed: "Okay. You make me worry more than my brother! My brother at least don't do these things that make me sleepless."

Shen Wen said hurriedly: "My mother doesn't let me go out of the house, so you often bring him in and tell him to come and play with me. I want to teach him how to read and live the addiction of being a husband."

Su Wanniang's younger brother is six years old, and it's time for enlightenment. But Su Wanniang's mother was still ill and could not ask her husband, let alone send him elsewhere. Su Wanniang knew that this was Shen Wen who was helping herself again. She felt that Shen Wen was also making a loss-making business with her, but she was worried that she might be in trouble, so she didn't say anything, and began to organize Shen Wen's clothes to go to Wanhualou at night.

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