Chapter 1: Rebirth

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After the rope strangled his neck, the pain of suffocation was no greater than the pain already felt in his heart. On the contrary, Shen Wen welcomed the cruel death with some joy. She has long been boring: half a year ago, Bei Rong began to fight, and an army of 500,000 soldiers, known as one million soldiers, swept northern Xinjiang. Her father, Zhenbeihou Shen Yong, the eldest son Shen Yi and the second son Shen Jian led the army to resist, without food and aid, in March, various fortress cities fell one after another. Shen Jian died in a confrontation with the enemy, Zhenbeihou died in a battle in the northern city of Yancheng, and Shen Yi died in a battle when he broke through and asked for help. The two hundred thousand Shen Jiajun barely survived.

Bei Rong drove straight into the inland. Shen Zhuo, the youngest son of the Shen family in the capital, and Shen Xiang, the daughter of Shen's parents, known as the "Jianmen Tiger Girl", raised private and volunteer soldiers, and accompanied the reinforcements of Pingyuan Hou Zhangzhen in command and the three emperor's supervising army, Bei Kangqiang. enemy. After the reinforcements confronted the main force of Bei Rong, they fell into a heavy siege. The two armies entangled for nearly 20 days. Ping Yuanhou died in battle. Shen Xiang was trapped in the enemy and unable to escape. In order to avoid humiliation, he committed suicide.

In order to maintain their strength, Zhang Yunming and Shen Zhuo, the eldest sons of the Three Princes of Peace and Yuanhou, led the remnants to break through the encirclement. After returning to China, they were ambushed by elite soldiers sent by the court. All the remaining sergeants were annihilated. Zhang Yunming and Shen Zhuo protected the three princes. He retreated to a mountain wall and was pierced by Wanjian to die.

There is evidence to indicate that Zhenbeihou and Heping Yuanhou and the third princes had planned a long time ago, and wanted to collude with the Beirong invasion and let the third princes seize the opportunity to gain military power in order to force the palace to take the upper hand. It is a pity that Bei Rong is strong, and Zhenbei Hou tried to set himself on fire, and lost the life of the Qing family.

The most important evidence of this accusation was provided by Shen Wen, a young girl married to Zhenbeihou, who committed suicide and presented a letter from her father and brother to the enemy.

After learning of their tricks, the emperor decided to abandon the capital and move south. He called the dead soldiers to avenge the people, and devoted all his remaining military power to eradicate the rebellious son of the three princes who led the wolf into the house and the remnants of Hou Ping Yuan Hou, Zhenbei and Hou Ping Yuan Hou. Guo went to the knighthood of Houping Yuanhou in the north of Zhenbei, and the Zhang family male of the Shen family quickly beheaded, and the women were sold into official slaves. Nian Shenwen has the merits of reporting the chaotic officials and thieves, avoiding death, giving the title of princess Huide, and the husband of the ruler is promoted to one level.

The mother of Zhenbeihou, the old lady Gu, hit and died in front of the ancestral tablet after hearing the news. The wife Yang, who gave birth to three sons and two daughters for Zhenbei Hou's mansion, scolded the officers and soldiers who came to proclaim the decree and arrested the criminals in front of the Hou Mansion. She ordered people to raise a fire and set firewood piled up in the Zhenbeihou Mansion and walked in by herself. in fire. The eldest son's wife Liu and the second son's wife Yan committed suicide one after another. An old guard took Liu's 7-year-old and 5-year-old sons to escape. They were seized before leaving the city, and the law was done on the spot.

If it weren't for something weird, Pingyuan's Hou Mansion would be similar: most men who did not die on the battlefield also died under the sword of the court, women committed suicide or were killed, and those who were sold as official slaves were only young men. of.

Shen Wen, who was the only child in this killing, did not show up from beginning to end. She had just married for one year and married the prince's assistant, Yu Dexi Ma Zheng Qian from the fifth grade Zhan Shifu.

Although Shen Wen was born in a military commander's house, he liked being quiet and not moving since he was a child. He loved to read poetry and books. He was very different from Shen Xiang, who was accustomed to martial arts since childhood and used to use a long ++ gun. Jian's brother is even more separated. The old lady and his wife in Hou's mansion also have military commander family backgrounds, and they like hearty and quick people. Shen Wen felt that their behavior was vulgar and could not be compared with those civil servants' wives in the capital.

Therefore, Shen Wen always feels out of place at home, and is very longing to marry a civil official as soon as possible, have his own mansion, and be able to govern the family in accordance with the etiquette norms in those books.

Shen Xiang was obsessed with martial arts, and his reluctance to marry for a long time made his wife Yang a very headache. When Shen Wen was thirteen or fourteen years old when someone came to ask for a kiss, Shen Wen said that he would listen to his mother, and the implication was that he would get married as soon as possible. Although Mrs. Yang felt that this daughter was too weak, she still liked her obedience, so she married her first. Although the eldest daughter is not married, Shen Xiang's situation is really special, and Zhenyuanhou is a military attache, not as particular as those civil servants, and the younger daughter gets married first, which is also a happy event.

Speaking of, Zheng Qian was still the marriage that Shen Wen had promised himself, and his mother took her to see each other when he came to beg. She only liked Zheng Qian's appearance as a scholar and scholar, and expressed her intentions to her mother to some extent. Although marriage matters are the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents, before the marriage, the two parties still have the opportunity to meet such as the flower party banquet, and the parents will also ask their children what they mean to avoid arranging a marriage that is bothersome.

After getting married, Shen Wen and Zheng Qian really respected each other as guests. The two never quarreled, and they had a very polite and polite relationship with their in-laws. The home was quiet and harmonious. It was very different from the frequent quarrels in the Zhenbeihou Mansion. Shen Wen was very satisfied.

Six months ago, the border was unstable, and Shen Wen began to worry about the safety of his father and brother, and then bad news came one after another, and Shen Wen was worried. Zheng Qian was busy with official business and often stayed out for several nights. When he came back, he just hurriedly said that the war was urgent and there were important tasks to be done. Shen Wen had to cry alone in the house. She wanted to go back to the Hou Mansion several times, but she was not allowed by her mother-in-law. Said that the situation is not stable now, still don't move more.

More than a month ago, she found out that she couldn't leave the yard anymore, and all the people she used before were changed. There were more than a dozen women around her who were all staring at her up, down, sitting, and standing, and neither Zheng Qian nor her in-laws would show up again. She couldn't even ask for peace. Today, she learned about the fate of Zhenbei Houfu from her demographic, and she even said that she had provided the letter. She was furious, and before she could cry, she saw two men walking into the yard with ropes. She was surprised how the foreign man entered the inner house. The three women had already held her down, and the two men wrapped the rope around her neck.

Shen Wen opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. Want to see Zheng Qian? Is there anything visible? Isn't it obvious that I took down Zhenbeihou in her name, and she had to die to cover up the truth. I want to ask him why he married her in the first place. Zheng Qian is working for the prince. Didn't she explain everything about her current fate? I want to ask him if he has her in his heart. In the past year, the two of them have been in harmony. , But he can let two foreign men come to strangle her, does his mind still need to say...

Suddenly, the pain disappeared, and Shen Wen stood up from his body and watched his neck droop in the noose pulled by the two men. She "looked" and saw people's thoughts and words lingering over their heads like smoke: "Young lady is really unlucky..." "Stupid enough..." "Now the official can marry that..."

Shen Wen floated out of the courtyard and watched his servants go back to Zheng Qian. Zheng Qian ordered them to throw the corpse into a chaotic grave. Then Zheng Qian went to see his parents. They talked and declared that Shen Wen died of illness, but no bones were placed in the coffin. They don't want Shen Wen to be buried in Zheng's ancestral grave...

Shen Wen floated towards the ruins of the Hou Mansion. From a distance, she seemed to see the acquaintance's shadow wandering there. She did not move forward, but left. She couldn't see her mother and grandma, the sister-in-law who had married her, and the two children she used to find annoying. Although she knew that she didn't offer any letters, she was afraid that they would believe it... She drifted out of the city, passed by the refugees everywhere, headed north, through the mighty horse team in Beirong, and found the battlefield where the corpses were everywhere. She didn't dare to come closer, for fear that she would run into the third brother, the arrogant young man who always laughed at her for being dumb and clumsy since she was a child. She looked for it, wanted to find the place where Shen Xiang died, she didn't dare to see her, she didn't dare to tell her that she was wrong, and she shouldn't always laugh at her as being rude, unlike a woman. She just wanted to see where Shen Xiang had fought. She arrived in the north, the border area soaked with flesh and blood of the Shen family. The group of souls soared away, she did not dare to come closer, for fear that she would meet the father she admired, the elder brother she admired, and the second brother who always smiled at Mimi. ...She can't face them...

In the war and chaos, the imperial court abandoned the capital and went south while seeking peace at the cost of cede half of the country. The Bei Rong people were too tired and wanted to rest, so the two sides stopped fighting. The emperor rebuilt the capital in the south, asked immortals and medicine, and died in a madness. The prince succeeded to the throne, singing and dancing, Zheng Qian married the queen's cousin, official to second grade.

The new southern emperor did not want to strive hard, but blindly seek peace. Internally, he is jealous and jealous of the virtuous, rebellious and chaotic and changeable. Within a few years, the refugees in the south were everywhere, and the government was corrupt. Bandits are rampant everywhere... the war between the North and the South recurs, and the North Rong is victorious, but it is not good at governing. When the people are not living, all parties support the prince, another round of melee...

Shen Wen didn't care about these, she just wandered endlessly in the original Hou Mansion, the battlefield, the northern fortress and other places. For many, many years, she dared not get too close so as not to run into the souls of her loved ones. Gradually, she knew that they had all left, and she wandered around those places carefully.

Things are different, and things are different, but Shen Wen is imprisoned in his own thoughts.

She looked for those traces that did not exist again and again, and wanted to relive the scenes that had long since disappeared. She had also listened to those people's discussions, and after learning about the ins and outs of the conspiracy to frame the Hou Mansion and the Third Prince, her anger and resentment were not as heavy as her self-blame, especially since she saw the life and deaths of those who harmed others. The pain after death left her only intolerance towards herself.

Time flies, the vicissitudes of life, people talk less about that period of history, and in the end only occasionally see it in books. Shen Wen indifferently watched the city and the country change in the war and peace again and again, sometimes she would roam around, but for the longest time she would still hang around where the relatives died. She didn't know that if measured by the earthly time, she would sometimes stand for ten years in the ancient battlefield that became a transportation hub, with countless vehicles passing through her shadow; sitting on the rocks of Saibei for thirty years, looking at it for a long time. A piece of land without the desolation of the past...

Maybe it was because when she was alive, she didn't understand herself, and she didn't see others clearly, so after she died, she had to stare for so long, hoping to see the world clearly.

Slowly, she could not only "see" people's language and fragmented thinking, but later she could "see through" matter and see that different things were actually objects vibrating at different frequencies. After many years of staring, she found that her thoughts can become power, enter those frequencies, change them, and thus change objects. She began to try to move things, and in order to check the effect, she also specifically moved to places where there were living people. In the exclamation of people, she knew that she had successfully moved chairs and other objects, rather than whimsical.

Being able to use thoughts made Shen Wen's stay more colorful. In addition to looking back and forth in those places as always, she can also read. She read people's comments on that period of history in the library and the library of future generations, and was angry or delighted with those words. The windless pages of the book once made people scream and flee.

At first, if someone writes something that makes her angry, if that person is still alive, she will find the author's house to make trouble. Later, she just read it, and then went back to those places to think about the past. She recalled her short life bit by bit, wishing to think about each day clearly. She even paints, but it is a pity that the brush that Mind has mastered can't paint the picture she wants. Although people understood the causes and consequences of that period of history, the emperor's suspicion, the prince cleared obstacles for himself, and so on, those who studied military also used battles as examples to explain the gains and losses... Shen Wen felt that he knew better than they knew. Many, they will never be able to write the voice and heroic appearance of their loved ones, those loves that they have let down... She is afraid that she will forget, sometimes she also writes down that piece of history with a pen, and keeps it in the library as an anonymous manuscript for anyone to read. .

Shen Wen reads more books, his mental power is getting stronger and stronger, he can stretch far away like human eyesight, and he can manipulate many kinds of objects at the same time. She can "see" the sight of the bones and blood meridians in the human body. Sometimes she meets a seriously ill person. If someone looks like her former relatives, she will use her mind to comb the patient's stagnant blood and save lives. But sometimes, when looking at the other party is not pleasing to the eye, they will also use thoughts to distort the meridians in the other party's body, which makes people painful.

Humans change, the earth changes, the weather changes, and people enter space. According to human calculations, she has stayed in this unattainable space for more than a thousand years, and most of the traces of her era have disappeared. Shen Wen cherishes all the records about that era more and more. Since she learned to manipulate the computer with her mind, she has searched more closely for all the information about that era. From wild history essays, novels, poems, to strange anecdotes, from the chess records of the national players of Go, the relics of calligraphy masters, from natural disasters and man-made disasters, to records of miscellaneous goods in the market...

In this time and space, Shen Wen is not the only soul that remains, but she is lonely. She is not close to any shadows, only immersed in her own world.

Many times, she felt that those familiar shadows came to look for her. She refused their approach with her mind and blocked the communication. She didn't want to touch them, she didn't want to accept their forgiveness, her shame was so dark, she couldn't face the light.

For thousands of years, she has also listened to those religious teachings many times, knowing that as long as she gives up her obsession, she can leave this land and go to the other shore. If according to those monks, she would still have the opportunity to repay what she owed or repay the debt she owed in the next life.

But she didn't want to. She was afraid that once she left, her stupidity and incompetence would no longer be so clear, the death of her relatives would no longer be so painful, her grievances would no longer be so deep, all the sins would disappear, and she would Will forgive herself and escape the guilt she should bear. That was an "injustice" she couldn't accept. She couldn't let herself go, and she couldn't let go of her deep unwillingness. She didn't want the seventeen-year life to pass, so she used her own permanent drift to keep it.

After the research on time-space reversal was reported, Shen Wen always paid attention to the news in this regard. She found the world's largest physics laboratory and shuttled through the huge laboratory and machinery. Finally one day, the entire physics laboratory was highly tense, and a space-time distortion experiment was carried out under the observation of many scientists. Shen Wen looked at the large sealed steel tank. The strong gravitational force changed the vibration frequency of the material, causing time and space to stagnate. She had another obsession - she wanted to go back and return to the life she couldn't let go of.

This idea became stronger and stronger, and on several occasions, she felt that the frequencies around her had changed as a result. She knew that it would take powerful energy to cause such a short time-space distortion, and she couldn't manipulate it at all. But she is stubborn. Since she can stay for a thousand years, she can stay for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years... One day, she will find a way back. She began to concentrate on improving her mental power, thinking that she could freely change the frequency of the surrounding objects, but before she could cultivate her power to a stronger level, mankind really invented the space-time machine.

Shen Wen knew that if he still had a body, he must be trembling with excitement now, but now he was just full of consciousness energy. She was attached to the core of the machine, "seeing" the huge energy stagnating time and space, the plane of history bends, and the past rushed forward. She was like a small reptile on the edge of the flat paper. You can easily reach the other side that was out of reach in the past...

The endless stream of people and affairs is enough to make any soul lost without returning, but Shen Wen's millennia of obsession and gaze have allowed her to catch a small sense of familiarity like a grain of sand in the sea in the endless noise: That It was the corresponding frequency of his own soul. Although it was extremely weak and almost inaudible, Shen Wen's consciousness stretched out like a thread, touching the body... For a moment, Shen Wen's soul seemed to be pulled. , Flying by.

In an instant, the balance of space-time energy was broken, and the powerful energy shattered the huge space-time machine into dust. The history is no longer...

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