Chapter 34

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Hello everyone I am back!!

Chapter 34 - We are finally here!

--------------------Y/N's POV---------------------------

I closed the car door as I waited for him to come.
I thought back to when we were driving.
It felt like a long drive.
"Hey, you there?" I heard a voice say.
I blinked, noticing he was waving his hand infront of me.
"Ack! I'm so very sorry!!" I apologized. Well that was a bit embarrassing.
" this your friend's house? It looks..well, not to be rude or anything....creepy." He said, dropping his hand to his side as he turned his head to look at the house.
I giggled, "No worries! Mark and I also think his house is a bit creepy." I smiled at him before walking up to the door to knock.
I knocked three times before the door opened and I was engulfed into a warm hug.
"You're finally here!!" Cesar smiled warmly as we parted from the hug.
"Yeah..heh." I smiled back.
"Ooh! Who is that?" Cesar asked, looking at the one person behind me, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
"Oh! I hadn't gotten your name! I'm so very sorry!" I apologized as I looked at him.
"So, what's your name?"


"It's- it's well..erm-"


MWAHAHAHA! hehe, did you like it?
Bit short, i know. But it's all that i could really muster up from my brain right now.
I'll fill in the parts to the connected book!!!
I'm guessing you probably already know what the book is called, though.

Word count:
Chapter started: around 11:51 AM
Chapter ended: 12:34 PM

Stay safe! <33

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant