Chapter 25

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I abruptly woke up in a little bit of sweat, gasping as I looked around.
"Huh..?" I slowly got off the couch and walked to the bathroom.
I- I could speak!
"But....I-I- I couldn't and- "
I splashed water on my face as I tried to calm down.
I then brushed my teeth, fixed my hair up, etc. Before going into the kitchen finding a bowl with ramen in it.
I walked over to the ramen, noticing a note beside it.
"Huh?" I hummed as I read.

Dear Y/n,
I hope you enjoy.
Cesar went back home around 8 and he wanted me to leave a note.
He was the one who woke me up!
Anyways, I'm just going out to a café, I'll be back soon.
About around 11 AM- 1 PM.

Have fun,

I set the note aside as I began to eat the bowl of delicious ramen.
After finishing, I felt that since I had nothing better to do, I could sleep.
But I didn't feel really tired.
Not yet.
I walked over to the phone I had as I began to dial the person I haven't talked to for a while.
I waited for the 'beep' sound patiently.
"Uhm- Hello?" I heard a familiar voice speak.
"Hey, it's me! Y/n! Remember?"
"Y/n- ohh, Hello!" As I heard the happiness in his voice as I felt my face heat up a bit.
Geeze, when did the house become so warm? Did someone turn up the temperature?
"Yeah, are you free right now?"
"Yes I am, why?"
"Do you want to come over to my house? I only have my best friend over but I'm sure that it's fine with him if you come over."
"Alright, what time?"
" about 4 or 5 PM?" I replied, glancing at the time.
"Sure, that sounds good."
"Alrighty then, see you here soon!"
I hung up the phone, placing it back into its holder.
I grabbed the bowl of popcorn from yesterday and turned the TV off as I began to clean up the place for the visit.
Also, I didn't want any ants in my house.
Or bugs for that matter.

Finish time: 2:12 AM
Start time: around 8 PM-12 AM
Word count so far: 388 words

Guess who the person is...
Reply in the comments!!!

Mark Heathcliff x Fem!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now