19- Actions Have Consequences

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Harry really tried not to make any sudden movements of joy, but instead nodded slowly as well. "Finally!" He sighed.

"You got me out of the cabinet? I thought I was going to die in there, The Slytherin shook his head and seemed to crumple more to the ground in relief. "Are we in Borgin and Burke's? How did that happen?"

Harry just shrugged and motioned to Graham's pocket. "What?" Harry motioned more since the teen wasn't getting it. Finally, he reached into the pocket and pulled out his galleon. "Oh, yeah, good idea," Graham smiled at his friend. "This is so strange…I thought you were a wendigo, and that was my best guess. I never would have guessed dementor."

Harry shrugged again. He really, really didn't like this whole having to talk in charades, especially since he didn't have a face to make expressions with to help. "Ok, it's set," Montague finally said after tapping the coin with his wand. "Er, we probably need to go outside because of the wards, but I may need some help standing…"

Harry quickly stood and hovered over to help. Graham instinctually shrank back. "Sorry, mate…oh hell," Graham grumbled and reached out to Harry who had also moved back in sadness instead of fear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm just still getting used to you."

Slowly this time, Harry moved back over and helped his friend to stand. It seemed that one of his legs was probably broken, and he had several cuts and bruises visible. Harry figured there were more that were covered by his robes. He really was going to make the twins pay. Instead of helping him walk, Harry ended up just picking up Graham and hovering them both towards the entrance. Dementors might not be the strongest creatures, but they were much stronger than humans, so it wasn't too much of a strain.

"I feel ridiculous," the older teen chuckled as he was carried out of the store bridal-style by a dementor.

"You look it too," Matthew laughed from where he stood beside Snape in the alleyway.

"Salazar, couldn't they have gotten Hestia or David to come instead of you?" Graham fake glared at his Hufflepuff friend.

"He was the only one with his apparition license already," Snape rolled his eyes. "Are you all in one piece."

"Yeah, no thanks to that cabinet trying to dismember me though," he said as Harry slowly lowered him to his feet. "I think one of my legs is broken."

Quickly calculating, Snape maneuvered Matthew over to Harry who the Hufflepuff was still shying away from. "All right, before someone sees us, my notice-me-not charm isn't perfect," he instructed. "The veela takes the dementor. I'll take the gargoyle, and we'll meet up at the gates to the castle. I will need to carry Mr. Montague from there since the dementor should probably make himself invisible to keep from causing a stampede of terrified students." Harry held out an arm that Matthew tentatively took before they all disappeared from the alley.


Harry was sitting, firmly back in Jamie, in the infirmary with the rest of the HSMC around Graham. "I can't believe the Gryffindor Golden Boy is a dementor," Malfoy grumbled for the twentieth time as he looked sideways across Neville at the teen.

Neville also punched his shoulder for the twentieth time as well. Harry just smiled though. "So…Draco, you know what I am now, that means you're going to tell me what you are, right?"

Draco only glared at him as Montague laughed in his slightly drugged up state from the bed. "I don't think Draco ever thought you'd actually tell."

"That was pretty awesome," Aceline grinned over at Harry and patted her injured housemate's arm comfortingly.

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