Chapter 4

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Sam rushed in the stall, closing and locking the door, and puke in the toilet. While she's puking out, she hear someone knocking the door behind her. 

"Sweetie are you okay?" one of the female's voice asked. 

"Did that guy from outside did something to you?" 

"Karen!" the other woman said.

"I just want to make sure that he didn't poison her or do something stupid. You know how men are sometimes." 

While the women are having their own argument, Sam tries to regain her composure. She felt awful, especially losing your recent meal that is decent.  

'Out of all people, why it has to be my abuser?'

Couple minutes, Sam walks out of the stall only to see two ladies staring at her with concern. 

"Don't you ladies have something better to do?" Sam asked.

"Watch that attitude young lady! Treat your elders with respect!" Karen said.

"C'mon Karen, let's give this girl some space." 

"Are you kidding me Kelly? You can't let these disrespectful teens talk to you like that! They need to learn some manners. I bet she got that attitude from her father!" 

Sam clench her fist as she glares at Karen. Kelly caught Sam's reaction. 

"Karen, how about we continue shopping? We need to get ready for your son's birthday for tomorrow." 

Karen looks down on her watch realizing that she's behind schedule, Karen quickly walk out of the bathroom, but she turn her head to Kelly knowing that her friend isn't walking aside with her. 

"Aren't you coming Kelly?"

"I'll catch up, I need to use the bathroom." 

Karen nods her head and rushed out of the bathroom. Kelly sigh and turn her head to Sam, "are you okay?"

Sam shakes her head, "I'm fine." 

"You don't look fine." 

"Why do you care? I'm not your child," Sam said, walking to the sink and washes her face and her hands. 

"You're right, you're not my child, but I do care for child's well being. Even though they're not my child." 

Sam scoff, "what are you? A teacher?"

Kelly ignores Sam's question, "did that man did something harmful to you?" 

There was a small moment of silence, then Sam answer, "no. That man didn't do anything harmful to me." 

The woman sigh in relief, "that's good," she said then walk on her way out. As she walks by Sam, she mutters, "it would be a shame if my son find out his favorite YouTuber is the child abuser."

"What?" Sam turn her head to Kelly, only to find Kelly no longer in the bathroom.  Sam shrugs it off and dries herself up before walking outside. 

Sam finds Mark talking to small group of people, she quietly walks up to him, as the small group of people turn their head, they are relief that they clap their hands. 

Sam was confuse but shrugs it off and walk to Mark, "can we just go home?" 


The ride back home was quiet and extremely awkward. Sam stares out the window to avoid any eye contact. Mark on the other hand, not sure how to bring it up. Even if he attempt to start off, Sam just either ignore or just pretend that whatever happened at the mall just never happen. 

When they got home, Mark unlock the house and Sam instantly rush to room and close the door. 

'These memories, these awful memories. I want to forget. I don't want to remember.' 

Sam try her best to calm her heart rate and try to forget something. The more she tries, the more these memories just appear in her eyes. All she can hear is heart beat pounding her ears as her breath becomes short. She's already sitting in the corner, covering her ears as her eyes are close and welled up in tears. 

'I can't breathe! I don't even know what's happening! I want to forget! Why can't I forget?'

Suddenly, she hear the voices, the voices that she cannot forget. No matter how hard she try. Her heart is beating louder as she struggle to breathe. Despite knowing that she's in Mark's house, but her mind and her fight and flight are telling her otherwise. 

'I'm not in danger, I'm not in danger...'


'I'm in danger, I'm not safe, I need someone to help me... SOMEONE SAVE ME! PLEASE! I CAN'T BREATHE! I NEED HELP!'


Mark not sure if he should go after her. He decide to give her some space. As time goes by, Mark notice that Chica runs off with the sense of urgency. Mark follows Chica assuming that she needs to go outside and take care of business. 

However, Chica runs pass the doors (that leads to the backyard) and heads to door that leads to Sam's room. At first, Mark was confuse why Chica is scratching Sam's door, until his parental instinct is telling him that he needs to check up on her. Mark hesitantly opens the door, Chica quickly rush in to be by Sam's side. Mark walks in, only to find her having a panic attack. 

Chica is already Sam's side, laying her head on her, while Sam pets her as she tries to calm herself down. Sam heart rate slows down as she takes couple of deep breath. Mark wasn't sure what to do, except staying by her side. 

As time go by, Sam is finally calm as she continues petting Chica. She was startled when she sees Mark sitting by her. 

"How long you were here?" she asked. 

"Long enough," Mark replied, "feeling better?" 

There was a moment of silence and Mark isn't willing to push his luck with Sam. 

"Yeah... I feel fine," Sam replied.

Mark gets up and offer to help Sam up. Sam reluctantly accept his offer. It took Sam by surprise when Mark pull her into a hug. 

"Sam, I love you so much," Mark said, "if anything bothers you, please don't hesitate to talk to me." 

Sam's eyes are welled up in tears, 'it feels so warm and so nice! Has it been that long?' Sam quietly cries as she buries herself in Mark's chest as she clings onto Mark. Mark holds onto Sam, not saying a word, but he will make sure that Sam feels safe and protected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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